lifc "Bum LI BR ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OK deceived Accessions Shelf No.. -*$ . « *r w, &he enemy's centre. No hesitation, no stopping to fire, though the men fell fast at every stride before the concentrated fire of the whole Confederate force, directed upon us as soon as the movement was observed. Silently, without orders, and, almost from the start, double-quick had changed to utmost speed; for in utmost speed lay the only hope that any of us would pass through that storm of lead and strike the enemy. " Charge !" shouted Colvill, as we neared their first line; and with leveled bayonets, at full speed, we rushed upon it; fortunately, as it was slightly disordered in crossing a dry brook at the foot of a slope. The men were never made who will stand against leveled bayonets coming with such momentum and evident desperation. The first line broke in our front as we reached it, and rushed back through the second line, stopping the whole advance. We then poured in our first fire, and availing ourselves of such shelter as the low 36 THE FIRST REGIMENT. banks of the dry brook afforded, held the entire force at bay for a considerable time, and until our reserves appeared on the ridge we had left. Had the enemy rallied quickly to a counter charge, its great numbers would have crushed us in a moment, and we would have made but a slight pause in its advance. But the ferocity of our onset seemed to paralyze them for the time, and although they poured upon us a terrible and continuous fire from the front and enveloping flanks, they kept at respectful distance from our bayonets, until, before the added fire of our fresh reserves, they began to retire, and we were ordered back. What Hancock had given us to do was done thoroughly. The regiment had stopped the enemy, and held back its mighty force and saved the position. But at what sacrifice ! Nearly every officer was dead or lay weltering with bloody wounds, our gallant colonel and every field officer among them. Of the two hundred and sixty-two men who made the charge, two hundred and fifteen lay upon the field, stricken down by rebel bullets, forty-seven were still in line, and not a man was missing. The annals of war contain no parallel to this charge. In its desperate valor, complete execution, successful result, and in its sacrifice of men in proportion to the number engaged, authentic history has no record with which it can be compared. Col. Fox, in his very carefully prepared work on "Regimental Losses in the American Civil War," says, at page 68, speaking of the Second Corps in this battle: The fighting was deadly in the extreme, the percentage of loss in the First Minnesota, Gib bon's Division, being without an equal in the records of modern warfare. In another place (page 26) he notes that Gen. Hancock, in speaking of this charge, is reported to have said: There is no more gallant deed recorded in history. I ordered these men in there because I saw I must gain five minutes' time. Reinforcements were coming on the run, but I knew that before they could reach the threatened point the Confederates, unless checked, would seize the position. I would have ordered that regiment in if I had known that every man would be killed. It had to be done, and I was glad to find such a gallant body of men at hand willing to make the terrible sacrifice that the occasion demanded. The wounded were gathered in the darkness by their surviving comrades and sent to field hospitals, and the fragment of the regiment lay down for the night near the place from which it had been moved to support the battery. One in cident connected with Company F, which had been detached before the charge, may be mentioned. Its position brought it on the flank of Sickles' retreating forces and of the pursuing enemy, and, rallying upon a fence, it poured its fire into the enemy just before the charge of the regiment. From Confederate ac counts it would appear that the Confederate general, Barksdale, was killed by this fire ; though by some it has been claimed that he was killed by Private William W. Brown of Company G while we were holding the Confederate force in check at the close of the charge. In the morning of July 3d we were joined by Company F, and by all men of the regiment who were detailed about brigade, division or corps headquarters, and Capt. Nathan S. Messick was in command. The morning opened bright and beautiful, with firing near the Little Round Top, and with a sharp fight on the right near Gulp's Hill, where the enemy was forced back from positions gained the evening before. Soon after sunrise we were moved to our place in our brigade in the front line, passing Stannard's new brigade of Vermont troops as it was taking position to the left of our division under a sharp artillery fire from the enemy, which was turned on us also. The Vermont Brigade consisted of full regiments in new uniforms, and was therefore noticeable in contrast with the thinned regiments, in dusty garments, of the Sec ond Corps. Beaching our place in the line, we made a slight barricade of stones, fence rails and knapsacks filled with dirt a little over knee-high, and, lying down behind it, many were soon asleep. During the forenoon there was a slight skirmish in our front, in which some buildings used for cover by Confederate sharpshooters were burned. But suddenly, about one o'clock, a tremendous artillery fire opened along Seminary Bidge, all converging upon the position of the Second Division of the Second Corps. It was at once responded to by our artillery, whose position was on ground a little higher to the rear of our posi- GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN. 37 tion. About one hundred and fifty pieces on each side were in action, firing with great rapidity, the missiles from both sides passing over us, except those of the enemy, which struck or burst at or in front of our line. We had been in many battles, and thought ourselves familiar with the roar of artillery, and with the striking and bursting of its missiles, but nothing approaching this cannon ade had ever greeted our ears. In the storm of shells passing over us to the position of our artillery, where caissons were struck and burst every few mo ments, it did not seem that anything could live at that place. But our own artillery was served as rapidly, and we had the satisfaction of detecting the sound of bursting caissons on the enemy's side very frequently. Men will grow accustomed to anything; and before the two hours of this furious cannonade were ended some of the most weary of our men were sleeping. At length our artillery ceased to reply. We were surprised at this, thinking that we excelled the enemy in this arm. The Confederate fire appeared to increase in volume and rapidity for a few minutes, and then stopped at once. We well knew what was to follow, and were all alert in a moment, every man straining his eyes to ward the wood, three-fourths of a mile distant, from which the Confederate in fantry began to emerge in heavy force, forming two strong lines, with a support ing force in rear of each flank. We then estimated the force as over 20,000 men, though Confederate accounts reduce the number to 15,000. Moving directly for our position, with firm step and in perfect order, our artillery soon opened upon them with terrible effect, but without causing any pause, and we could not repress feelings and expressions of admiration at the steady, resolute style in which they came on, breasting that storm of shell and grape, which was plainly thinning their ranks. When about sixty rods distant from our line our division opened with musketry, and the slaughter was very great; but instead of hesitating, the step was changed to double-quick, and they rushed to the charge. But whether because Hancock here wheeled Stannard's Vermont Brigade to enfilade their right flank in passing, or from some other cause, their front opened at this time, and perhaps one-fourth of the force on Pickett's right here deflected further to their right, and were met and disposed of by the gallant Vermonters. The remainder of the charging force at the same time diverged or changed its direction to its left, and, passing from our front diagonally, under our fire and that of Hall's Brigade to our right, charged the position held by Webb's Second Brigade of our division, forcing back the Sixty- ninth and Seventy-first Pennsylvania regiments, and capturing Cushing's Bat tery, which had swept them with canister. But as soon as Pickett's force had passed our front, our brigade (Sarrow's) ran to the right for the threatened point, passing in rear of Hall's Brigade, which, as soon as uncovered, wheeled to the right to strike the enemy's flank. So that, by the time the Confederates had captured Cushing's Battery, our brigade, mingled with Webb's, was in front of it in a strong, though confused, line at a few rods distance. Just here we were joined by Capt. Farrell with Company C of our regiment, the division provost guard, who had promptly obeyed Gibbon's order to join the regiment in resist ing this attack. The fire from both sides, so near to each other, was most deadly while it lasted. Corp. Dehn, the last of our color guard, then carrying our tat tered flag, was here shot through the hand, and the flagstaff cut in two. Corp. Henry D. O'Brien of Company E instantly seized the flag by the remnant of the staff. Whether the command to charge was given by any general officer I do not know. My impression then was that it came as a spontaneous outburst from the men, and instantly the line precipitated itself upon the enemy. O'Brien, who then had the broken staff and tatters of our battle flag, with his characteristic bravery and impetuosity sprang with it to the front at the first sound of the word charge, and rushed right up to the enemy's line, keeping it noticeably in advance of every other color. My feeling at the instant blamed his rashness in so risking its capture. But the effect was electrical. Every man of the First Minnesota sprang to protect its flag, and the rest rushed with them upon the enemy. The bayonet was used for a few minutes, and cobble stones, with which the ground was well covered, filled the air, being thrown by those in the rear 38 THE FIRST REGIMENT. over the heads of their comrades. The struggle, desperate and deadly while it lasted, was soon over. Most of the Confederates remaining threw down their arms and surrendered, a very few escaping. Marshall Sherman of Company C here captured the colors of the Twenty-eighth Virginia Eegiment. Our men were at once most kind and attentive to the three or four thousand captured Confederates, giving them refreshments from canteens and haversacks. Our loss in killed and wounded in this day's fight was seventeen. Among the killed was Capt. Nathan S. Messick, our commander; also Capt. Wilson B. Farrell, who succeeded to the command on the fall of Capt. Messick, both most gallant and capable officers. Our color guard had suffered severely in the battle. When the charge on July 2d was ordered, Sergt. Ellett P. Perkins, who had seized the colors afc Antietam when Sam. Bloomer was wounded, and had borne them bravely through every intermediate battle, still carried them. He and two cor porals of the color guard succeeding him in carrying the colors were struck down in that charge. Corp. Dehn, the last of the color guard, carried the flag that night, and in the repelling of Pickett's charge, until wounded in the hand when the flagstaff was cut in two as stated. Corp. O'Brien, who then seized the flag, received two wounds in the final m$Ue at the moment of victory; but the flag was grasped by Corp. W. N. Irvine of Company D. The staff was spliced by the staff of a Confederate flag on the battlefield, and so carried till the regi ment was mustered out, and still remains with the same splice in the capitol at St. Paul. With the repulse of Pickett's charge the serious fighting of the battle of Gettysburg ended. The command of the First Eegiment devolved upon Capt. Henry C. Coates, who appointed Lieut. William Lochren acting adjutant. Gen. Hancock was severely wounded in this last day's battle, as was also Gen. John Gibbon, our division commander, one of the most able and gallant leaders on that field. On July 4th we remained on the battlefield, in a drenching rain, burying our dead, and expecting a renewal of the fight; but, aside from slight skirmishing and artillery firing, the day passed quietly. On July 5th it was known that the enemy was retreating, and in the afternoon we moved to Two Taverns, and the next day to Taneytown, Md. On July 7th we made a long march to Frederick City, passing the aristocratic Seventh New York Militia Regiment, which the scare had brought that far, but which had been kept well out of danger. It had to bear, with meekness, all manner of jibes and jeers from the lines of dusty veterans. From this time on till July 13th we had crossed the South Mountain; and, passing near the old battlefield of Antietam, on that day confronted the enemy at Jones' Cross-roads, near Williamsport. The day was rainy, and was spent in bringing up the army, as the enemy was behind strong field-works. In the night following Lee succeeded in crossing the Potomac, and the pursuit was at an end. On July 15th the Second Corps marched to near Sandy Hook, and on the 18th it crossed the Potomac into Harper's Ferry, and, without pausing, crossed the Shenandoah, passing up around the foot of London Heights into the beautiful Loudon Valley, following mainly the route traveled by us the year before, except that our division marched into "and nearly through Manassas Gap when it was reached, driving out the Confederates who occupied it. The movement of the army was regulated considerably by the parallel movements of the Confederates, and continued somewhat deviously dur ing the balance of July, on the last day of which we were near the Bappahan- nock, and not far from Kelly's Ford. NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN. We remained there, engaged in picket and fatigue duties, until August 15th, when we were surprised by an order that the First Minnesota, Seventh Michigan and Eighth Ohio regiments march to Bealton and take cars for Alexandria, with the rumor that we were to go to New York and enforce the draft. We marched in the afternoon, the entire division turning out under arms to salute us on part ing. Bealton was reached about dark, and Alexandria after midnight. We stayed there till August 20th, when we all went on board the ocean steamer Atlantic, which lay at anchor until the next morning. In the night, in some un- BRISTOW STATION. 39 explained way, Lieut. August Kreuger of our regiment fell from the steamer and was drowned. The ship was so crowded that he was not missed till we were tinder way the next day, and his fate was learned and his body found by Chap lain Conwell, who returned from New York to look after him. Gen. S. S. Car roll commanded the troops sent, and Lieut. Myron Shepard of our regiment was detailed as one of his aids, and remained on his staff after we returned to the army. On August 22d we were on the ocean, a rolling sea bringing sea-sickness to many. On the 23d, in the morning, we entered New York harbor, and landed and camped on Governor's Island, where we remained till August 28th, when we were crossed over to Brooklyn and camped on Washington Park. No draft riots occurred, and the veterans received much flattering attention and many kindnesses from the good people of Brooklyn, and on September 4th were feasted by the ladies of Carlton Avenue M. E. Church in fine style. On September 6th we crossed the ferry and marched through a part of New York City, taking the steamer Empire City for Alexandria, which, after a pleasant trip, was reached on the afternoon of September 8th. We remained there until the 12th, when we took up our march for the front, rejoining our brigade beyond Culpepper on the 16th, and finding Maj. Gen. G. K. Warren in command of the corps during Gen. Hancock's convalescence. On October 3d Commissioners Jefferson P. Kid- der and Solomon Snow received the votes of the regiment for the state election a month later. On October 4th Maj. Mark W. Downie, wounded at Gettysburg, returned and assumed command of the regiment. BRISTOW STATION. On October 8th a movement of Lee toward our right and rear was discovered, causing Meade's army to fall back to the Eappahannock, which was crossed on October llth. From mistaken information the river was recrossed the next day, but finding that the enemy had crossed above, and was advancing on Warrenton, the army was on the following night again moved north of the river, and our regiment marched to Bealton on the morning of the 13th. After less than an hour's rest we were on the march again, and continued till night, without mak ing great distance, as the roads were blocked with trains and with other troops. We bivouacked on the south side of Cedar Run, near the village of Auburn. Meade's position was now fraught with great danger, as Lee was in position to strike him in the flank, coming from Warrentou, Meade's line being incum- bered everywhere with heavy trains. We were up at 3 A. M. on October 14th, and started, at earliest daylight, in a dense fog. Before we were well under way, our cavalry in the direction of Warrenton were driven in, and infantry were sent to their support. Our course was to Catlett Station, arid soon, directly in our front, and near at hand, came the roar of artillery. The situation seemed to be perplexing. It transpired afterward that the Confederate general, J. E. B. Stuart, with two brigades of cavalry and a battery, was caught the evening be fore between two of our lines; and, not being discovered, lay hidden in a wood till morning, when, before retiring, after the troops surrounding him had moved on. he opened his artillery on CaldwelFs Division of our corps. Hayes' Division, which was nearer still to Stuart, but unseen in the fog, soon drove him away. Beaching Catlett' s Station we turned to the left, taking the road running on the right side of, and parallel with, the railroad toward Bristow; and, on approach ing the latter place, heard the firing of Confederate artillery ahead, and to the left of the railroad, and saw the shells bursting in our line of march. Our divis ion, now commanded by Gen. Webb, was in the advance, followed by Hayes and Caldwell. As there was on the left side of the railroad a dense thicket of stunted pine, the First Minnesota Regiment was sent out as flankers to deploy and cover the division in that direction,' the men having to push their way through a tangle of brush so close that sight would penetrate but a little dis tance. Just as we came opposite to Bristow Station, which was marked by a single deserted house, we were assailed by the fire of a body of infantry push ing through the brush on our left. We returned the fire, but soon received an order to fall back. On reaching the clearing, about twenty rods from the rail- 40 THE FIRST REGIMENT. road, none of our troops were visible, and we lay down in a dead furrow, half way down the slope, and opened on the Confederates, who were then appearing in strong force at the edge of the wood. At once came a peremptory order to fall back over the railroad embankment, and as we ran for it a heavy fire fol lowed us, which our descent caused to go over us. On rising over and crossing the embankment we found our division concealed behind it. The rebels followed us with yells, and were half way or more down the slope when our division arose, and over the embankment as a breastwork poured in a murderous volley. The slaughter was great, and most of the enemy who were not hurt lay down. The fire was so hot that a Confederate battery of five guns, which had reached the edge of the brush through some by-road, was abandoned before firing a shot, In a few moments the First Minnesota Regiment again sprang over the embank ment, and, hurrying forward, captured three hundred and twenty-two prisoners, considerably more than our own number, and the five cannon and two colors. The prisoners were told off into three companies, and each put in command of a lieutenant of the First Minnesota (the writer being one), and carrying their arms, were marched, without other escort, to the provost guard of the divisionr three -fourths of a mile away. It is related that the Confederates engaged in this affair recognized in the white trefoil badge of our division their old antago nists at Gettysburg, exclaiming: " Here's those damned white clubs again.'7 The regiment lost in this affair one killed and sixteen wounded. Among the latter was Capt. John Ball, who stood on the embankment and emptied his re volver at the foe, receiving a severe wound in the groin. The Confederates were reinforced, and advanced again, but did not attack, and, our trains having all passed, about midnight we were silently withdrawn and forded Broad Run, bivouacking between that and Centreville. This ended Lee's flanking move ment, and he returned again to the south side of the Rappahannock, and was followed leisurely by Meade' s army. The Second Corps came to Kelly's Ford on November 7th. On that day the Sixth Corps carried by assault the enemy's works defending the railroad bridge at Rappahannock Station, after which we had no serious opposition to our crossing at Kelly's Ford. Here, on the south side, the First Minnesota took possession of very nice winter quarters just erected by some Confederate regiment. The log huts were well covered with shakes, or long split shingles, and had good fireplaces of clay burned in place. We remained here, doing picket duty along the Rapidan, across which Lee had re tired, until November 26th. MINE RUN. On that day the Second Corps marched early to Germanna Ford, on the Rapi dan. Some delay occurred, because the pontoon bridge was found to be too short, and because of delays in crossing other portions of the army above and below us. The enemy made little resistance, and we crossed in the afternoon, and moved about four miles to Flat Run Church. The next morning we moved early, by a wood road, reaching Robertson's Tavern at ten o'clock, finding the enemy's cavalry near by in force, which, being driven back, uncovered a large body of infantry, apparently outnumbering our corps, and extending beyond it on both flanks. French's Third Corps was expected, and then due, on our right, and Warren threw forward a strong skirmish line, which kept the enemy engaged until sunset, except in front of our brigade on the extreme right, where the Con federates advanced and drove back the skirmishers, but were in turn driven back by our main line. The Fifteenth Massachusetts, joining us on the right, lost quite heavily in this encounter. French's delay until the next day foiled Meade in his hope of surprising the enemy, jand gave Lee time to concentrate his army and complete the fortification of his naturally strong position on Mine Run, to which he fell back in the night. Meade' s army confronted these works early on the 28th, but the strong intrenchments behind the swollen stream seemed impregnable. A movement by the left, to turn the position, was determined on, and the Second Corps fell back to Robertson's. Early on the 29th the march to the left was taken up, the corps reaching Hope Church in the afternoon. In the MINE RUN. 41 clear, cold night following we marched to the position assigned us, passing for some distance near to and parallel with the enemy's works, the First Minnesota marching as flankers of the division. \Vhen halted, our division lay in the val ley of a small stream, about sixty rods from the enemy's line. The First Minne sota, now faced to the front as skirmishers, was twenty rods nearer that line, and could plainly see the line of earthworks on the crest of the gentle slope rising before us. Our position required us to do picket duty during the night, and we could hear the incessant sound of intrenching tools in the enemy's works. We knew that it was expected that we should charge these works, and earnestly wished that the order would come to do so in the darkness, before they were made stronger and reinforced. Near morning the order came that the charge would be made at eight o'clock precisely, on the firing of signal guns from the different corps, and that, in the advance, the First Minnesota should march on the enemy's works, keeping its distance as skirmishers in front of the first line until it should draw the enemy's full fire, upon which the lines behind were to move at double-quick, and the survivors of our regiment were to fall into the first line as it reached them, and participate in the assault. As our position on the slope would be in full view of the enemy's works at daylight, and quite near its rifle-pits, we gathered fence rails and laid them into slight barricades. As the day began to dawn it was intensely cold, and as the Confederates in their rifle-pits discovered us, two or three ineffectual shots were fired by them. The severe cold drove them out of their pits for exercise, and, as we did not fire on them, they also abstained from firing, and soon they and we were running and jumping about, within pistol range, to keep from chilling. The earthworks in our front seemed very strong, and well covered with artillery, which could sweep every inch of the perfectly open, gentle slope over which we must ad vance. It was plain that reinforcements were pouring in, as there was one point in the road behind the enemy's line so high that the arms of soldiers passing there could be seen by us over the works, and from early light a steady stream of men had been passing that point from the enemy's left. We had no sufficient amount of artillery to silence or disable that of the enemy, but must pass to the earthwork through the canister from these guns, as well as the fire of the enemy's infantry. The prospect was far from assuring, and, with our orders here, we felt that, after our heavy loss at Gettysburg, there would not be enough left of the regiment for a formal muster-out after this charge should be made. Yet every man was ready, and the order to advance would have been obeyed as promptly as if certain victory had been in prospect. Gen. Francis A. Walker, the very able assistant adjutant general of the corps, writes: While on the picket line, reconnoitering, my uniform concealed by a soldier's overcoat, I asked an old veteran of the noble First Minnesota, on picket, what he thought of the prospect Not rec ognizing me as an officer, he expressed himself very freely, declaring it "a damned sight worse than Fredericksburg ; " and adding, "I am going as far as I can travel, but we can't get more than two-thirds of the way up the hill." At last the hour of eight arrived, and as a gun was heard on our right, many scanned the sun, the sky and the landscape for a last survey. One or two more guns were heard following the first, but no gun from our own corps, which was to set us in motion. We were nerved up for the rush and the sacrifice, and the suspense was almost painful. Soon curiosity was aroused as to the cause of the delay, and after a half hour of intense expectation of instant signal to move, came the rumor, soon confirmed, that Warren had decided that the assault could not succeed, and that he would not order the slaughter. This was relief indeed, and every man commended the decision. We at once cast about to make our selves as comfortable as might be, and in the garden of a large house on our line found abundance of nice potatoes, covered lightly in piles to protect them from the frost. We found kettles in the house, and dry oak bark at a tannery close by, and were soon feasting on the potatoes and basking in the heat of the fires, and so spent the cold day very comfortably, while our friends, the Confederates in the rifle-pits, so near that we could have thrown potatoes to them, looked on curiously, but showed no disposition to disturb our comfort. At night we were 42 THE FIRST REGIMENT. relieved, and marched back a couple of miles. The next day we marched nearly to the Bapidan, which we crossed at another ford in the forenoon of December 2d, and on the evening of that day, after a hard march through deep mud, and wet with the cold rain, we reached our camp, to find that it had been burned and destroyed by the mischievous, worthless stragglers, who always sneak in the rear of an army. "Our army swore terribly in Flanders, " says Uncle Toby, and armies sometimes have provocations tending to profanity, as we realized that night. This virtually closed the campaign of 1863, and the field service of the First Minnesota Eegiment. About December 7th the regiment went into camp at Stevensburg, having been joined by Lieut. Col. Charles P. Adams, who, though not entirely recovered from the several wounds received by him at Get tysburg, took command of the regiment. The men built huts for winter quar ters, and were kept at hard work, building corduroy roads and on picket duty. Here, also, on December 29th, they had the pleasure of welcoming back for a short time Gen. Hancock, for whom not only his own corps, but the entire army, felt the most enthusiastic regard. His wound was not yet healed, and he was soon obliged to leave for further treatment, and Warren resumed command. RETURN TO MINNESOTA. On Feb. 5, 1864, the First Minnesota, having received orders to return to its state, left camp, the brigade turning out under arms to pay it honor. It marched to Brandy Station, where it took cars and reached Washington, and was before dark quartered at the Soldier's Best. On the evening of February 6th a grand banquet was given to the regiment at the National Hotel in Washington, at which three hundred and nine of its members, many of them still suffering from wounds, were present. Col. Colvill, unable to stand, was carried in by Capt. Thomas Sinclair and Sergt. John G. Merritt. Hon. William Windom presided, and among the guests were Hannibal Hamlin, the vice president; Edwin M. Stanton, secretary of war; J. P. Usher, secretary of the interior; Senators Chandler, Harlan and Lane; Representatives Aldrich and Donnelly; Mr. Morton, commissioner of agri culture; Judge Edmunds, commissioner of the general land office; J. W. Forney, secretary of the senate; and James W. Taylor of St. Paul. Also, William S. King, postmaster of the house of representatives, and George A. Brackett of Minneapolis, both of whom never omitted an occasion to aid or honor the regi ment, or to befriend any of its members, and who, at this time, did probably more than any other two men to make the occasion one of complete enjoyment. The tattered battle flags of the regiment were at the heads of the tables, and speeches, patriotic and laudatory, were made by nearly all the distinguished guests. Letters were read from Secretaries Seward and Chase and Postmaster General Blair, and the boys were feasted, toasted and praised without stint. Col. William Colvill' s wounds, especially a wound received in his foot,, one of the several he sustained in the charge at Gettysburg, still completely disabled him; nevertheless, he assumed command of the regiment, and returned with it to Minnesota, where he was mustered out with the regiment, having received the brevet rank of brigadier general, for gallant and meritorious services. Never was brevet more fully earned, nor bestowed on a more gallant and de serving soldier. Liberally educated, a lawyer in good practice before the war, and naturally studious, he mastered without effort knowledge of tactics, regula tions, and everything pertaining to the duties devolving upon him. But he was the most modest of men, without a trace of arrogance, always kind and consider ate toward everyone, and ever watchful for the welfare and comfort of his men. Careless of everything in the nature of mere display, he would not, perhaps, attract notice at a review, but on the battlefield he always rose to his full height of six feet and five inches, the bravest, coolest, most imperturbable of command ers, whom nothing ever daunted or surprised. He was just the man to lead the charge made by the regiment at Gettysburg, and had, as such a man always has, the fullest love and confidence of those whom he commanded. The regiment came by rail to La Crosse, receiving most flattering demonstrations in its honor at every place where any stop was made. La Crosse was then the limit of RETURN TO MINNESOTA. 43 railroad transportation in the direction of home, but Capt. Eussell Blakeley had made ample provision for stage sleighs to meet the regiment at that place, and under the immediate charge of CoL.Alvaren Allen, genial, obliging and every way efficient, it proceeded merrily northward on the frozen surface of the river. It was feasted at Winona, Ked Wing and all towns at which it stopped on the way, and received an ovation when it reached St. Paul and was quartered again at Fort Snelling. Between its arrival there and the 28th of April several of the men re enlisted, and, pursuant to orders from the War Department, all others whose terms then expired were to be mustered out. A review was had on April 28th, near the fort, before Gov. Stephen Miller, the first lieutenant colonel of the regiment, followed by an address from him, from which I extract as follows: FELLOW SOLDIERS: A few of us who witnessed the first grand review of our gallant old regi ment have been permitted to participate in its last, and I know you will receive kindly a word of parting from one who has shared a portion of your dangers, aud has followed you with his sympa thies in all your marches and conflicts. I said a few of us; for, alas! McKune and Messick, and Acker and Farrell, and Holzborn and Periam and Muller, and a host of our old comrades, both offi cers and men, are not here to-day. They sleep their last sleep, and never will waken to glory again until God's last reveille shall summon them to the soldier's eternal rest. We deeply lament their fall, but the patriot hearts that miss them, still clinging to the flag of our Union, are exclaiming: " I'd not exchange my slaughtered son For auy other living one." Hundreds of our associates have fallen, and the hydra rebellion is not yet crushed, and others whom I now address may die without the sight. To those who are about repairing to your homes I may say that you have before you an illustration that Minnesota is not ungrateful to her soldiers. Be prudent and exemplary in civil life, as you have been brave and faithful upon the field. To such as return to the field, it is hardly necessary to say, Maintain the reputation of the now immortal First, and strike boldly for the integrity of the Union. And now, officers and men of the First Minnesota Regiment, farewell! Your banners are torn and tattered, but have never been dishonored. If, in my service with you, I have, by word or act, wronged officer or soldier, it has been by inadvertence, and I now ask his pardon. In camp and in battle, in victory and in defeat, in sickness and in health, I have received from you the utmost kindness, and am not in sensible to the fact that to my association with you I mainly owe whatever of honor or position I possess. Wishing, with all my heart, for the present and eternal happiness of each of you, I bid you as a regiment a final farewell. When the cheers following the governor's address had subsided, Lieut. Col. Charles P. Adams, whose gallantry on every battlefield, attested by his many wounds, also won for him the brevet rank of brigadier general, read an address from which the following is extracted: OFFICERS AND MEN OF THE FIRST REGIMENT: The time has arrived when the organiza tion of this regiment must be broken up. Three years ago you rushed from the peace and tran- quility of your firesides, at the call of the president, to meet the traitors whose hands had trailed our glorious flag in the dust at Suinter. You came from the hillside and the valley, the city and the plain, with brave hearts and strong arms, to shed your blood in defense of your country's honor. You were the first three-years' regiment in the volunteer service. Then you were a thous and strong, but stronger in your love of country and devotion to its flag. The promise of your organization has been more than fulfilled in the glory of your achievements. Your deeds have a world-wide renown. The battle-scented breezes from Bull Run, Edwards' Ferry, Yorktown, West Point, Fair Oaks, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, Charlestown, Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights, Bristow Station and the immortal field of Gettysburg, have wafted them to the most distant climes. The seal of your blood was stamped upon all of the twenty odd battlefields emblazoned on your flag. The blood of more than seven hundred of your companions has crimsoned those heroic fields, and more than two hundred and fifty of them have passed from the smoke and clangor of battle strife to their eternal bivouac beyond the skies. Let the memories of these three years' associations, the common dangers and trials we have shared, be cemented in the mutual blood we have shed, and cherished with a true soldier's pride. Forget and cast into oblivion all little piques incident to the service. Let these lie buried forever. Officers and soldiers of the First Minnesota Regiment — heroes of more than twenty battles! I now bid you an affectionate farewell. Never again will you all assemble until the reveil!6 at the dawning of eternity's morning shall summon us from the slumber of the grave, to pass the review of our lives before the Commander-in-Chief of the armies of the skies. May a merciful Providence direct you, and crown you here with earth's brightest honors. But however brilliant may be your future, your proudest boast will ever be, " I belonged to the First Minnesota." Farewell. This was also responded to with cheers, and as the regiment broke ranks the officers and men crowded around the carriage in which Col. Colvill reclined, still 44 THE FIRST REGIMENT AND BATTALION. disabled by his wounds from taking any part in the review. The leave-taking between the men and their colonel, and their solicitude for him in his wounded and nearly helpless condition, was tender and affecting. On the next day, April 29, 1864, those whose terms then expired, and who had not re-enlisted, were mus tered out of the service, and, a few days later, followed those who had filled up its ranks when changed to a three-years' regiment. And here ends the history of the First Kegiment Minnesota Volunteers. FORMATION OF FIRST BATTALION. The veterans of the First Minnesota Eegiment who re-enlisted, and recruits whose terms had not expired, with recruits then enlisted, were formed into two companies, and'organized as the First Battalion Minnesota Infantry Volunteers at Fort Snelliug. It was officered by veterans, who had been enlisted men in the First Minnesota. James C. Farwell became captain, Chesley B. Tirrell, first lieutenant, and Charles O. Parker, second lieutenant, of Company A; and Ellett P. Perkins, 'captain, Charles F. Hausdorf, first lieutenant, and Henry D. O'Brien, second lieutenant, of Company B; and I pass, with some misgiving, to an attempt to narrate, in briefest form, the services of that organization, of which I was not a member, and respecting which the data I have been able to collect is not as full nor satisfactory as I could wish. Still, its first two companies, who alone saw much service in the field, were so largely composed of, and entirely commanded by, members of the First Eegiment, and always regarded them selves as a continuation of that regiment, and so well maintained its reputation in the same brigade on many battlefields, that it seems fitting that its narrative should be a sequel to that of the old regiment, and such I understand to be the desire of its members, else I would not undertake it. TAKES THE PLACE OF THE FIRST REGIMENT. The battalion, under the command of Capt. Farwell, was drilled at Fort Snelling until May 16, 1864, when, on being ordered to the Potomac, it embarked at Fort Snelling, reaching Washington May 23d. On May 30th it again em barked at Alexandria, and arrived, on June 1st, at White House, on the Pamun- ky river. On June 5th it escorted a wagon train to Cold Harbor, returning to White House the next day. On June 9th it marched to army headquarters, and was assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division, of the Second Army Corps, the very place occupied by the First Eegiment, and joined that brigade at the front on June llth, where it was cordially welcomed by the regiments which had served so long with the Old First. This was just at the close of the san guinary battle of Cold Harbor, in which the loss of the Second Division and of the corps had been very heavy. On June 12th orders to pack up were received, and on that night the march to the James river was begun, and continued across the peninsula, until the James river was crossed on June 14th from Wilcox's Landing to Windmill Point, where the boys of the battalion got their first glimpse of Gen. Grant, as he stood on the bank quietly smoking a cigar, and observing the landing and disposition of the troops. On June 15th the battalion marched, with its corps, by a circuitous route, about twenty miles to Peters burg, reaching the vicinity of that place about midnight, and then working till morning in throwing up a line of breastworks. The very effective use of the spade made by Lee in his campaign from the Eapidan to Cold Harbor had dem onstrated the value of that implement. On June 18th the battalion participated in the sanguinary, but unsuccessful, assault on the enemy's works in their front. The battalion moved out of its works before daylight, advancing on the Con federate line, which was in a thick wood, and driving the enemy's skirmishers from three partially fortified lines. Eeaching the City Point & Petersburg rail road, the battalion was subjected to a partly enfilading, as well as a front, fire; but, using the railroad embankment as a breastwork, it kept up the contest. Here Sergt. W. N. Irvine, who had safely passed through most of the battles of the First Eegiment, was mortally wounded, and Lieut. Chesley B. Tirrell re ceived a severe wound in the left forearm, breaking both bones above the wrist. DEEP BOTTOM. 45 Soon the Sixth Corps advanced on the right, and the position reached by the battalion was held as part of our line, and the nearest to the enemy's works of any gained, until the retreat of Lee. The approach to it was so completely cov ered by the enemy's fire that all communication with it was after nightfall. On the evening of June 20th the battalion was relieved from this position, and on the next day marched to the left to the Jerusalem plank road, where the enemy was found in force. In the skirmish that ensued there were three wounded in the battalion, and, after dark, it threw up breastworks to the west of the plank road. On the 22d day of June the Second Corps advanced, and was to be joined by the Sixth Corps on its left. The failure of the Sixth Corps to keep up with the advance, and the fact that the rebels were in strong force beyond the left flank of our corps, caused some delay until a peremptory order from Meade to advance, regardless of the position of the Sixth Corps, sent the Second Corps ahead, when it was subjected to a strong attack in front, and by an enveloping force on that flank and on its rear, resulting in a loss of four guns, a large num ber of killed and wounded, and of about 1,700 prisoners. Among the latter were nearly all that was left of the gallant Fifteenth Massachusetts Eegiment, which had fought by our side since 1861. The loss of the battalion was two killed, thirteen wounded and twenty prisoners. This was the first time the gal lant Second Corps had ever lost a color or a gun. Gen. Hancock was not then in command, having been disabled a few days before by the breaking out of his Gettysburg wound, which kept him from the front till June 27th. DEEP BOTTOM. Until the 26th of July the battalion was mainly engaged in constructing earth- works and defenses. On that day the Second Corps were given six days' rations, and marched at night across the Appomattox at Point of Rocks, and at sunrise crossed the James river at Deep Bottom. The corps was accompanied by a large body of cavalry under Sheridan, the object being to force the Confederate in fantry toward Chapin's Bluff, while Sheridan, with his cavalry, should make a dash for Richmond, supported, if he had any success, by the infantry; or, if the enemy should be found strong on the north side of the James, it was hoped the movement would draw there a much larger force from Petersburg, and give greater chance for the meditated assault on the latter place, in connection with the explosion of Burnside's mine, which was in readiness under Elliott's salient. The enemy north of the James was found in strong force, and well intrenched, along Bailey's creek; but the movement was successful in taking more than half of Lee's army to the north side of the James. The battalion had its share in the marching and skirmishing, which held the enemy there till the night of the 29th, when the federal forces quietly retired and recrossed the James, and, after a hard march, reached Petersburg just after daylight, and in time to witness the explosion of the mine. The march was exhausting, and one man, John Weeks of Company B, died by the wayside. The battalion took no part in the action following the mine explosion, and on the evening of that day returned to its camp. Hancock moved the Second Corps on August 12th to City Point, and in the afternoon of the 13th embarked it on vessels for Deep Bottom, leaving at 10 p. M., and debarking at Deep Bottom in the morning. The vessels were of such deep draught that they could not approach the shore, and the landing was too slow for the hoped for surprise. The enemy was there in much stronger force than was expected. There was severe fighting, and in places the Confederates were driven from their intrenchments, but were able to reinforce and retake them. At 4 P. M. preparation was made for a general assault. Gen. Barlow, inquiring of Capt. Farwell what his regiment was, on his response sent it to the extreme right, saying: "If you fight like the Old First all hell won't stop you." At the right the battalion advanced, crossing a cornfield under heavy fire, and reaching a ravine of generally impassable bog, covered with a dense tangle of brush and vines, beyond which the ground rose gradually to the enemy's intrenchments. Several were wounded while crossing the cornfield, and the morass seemed to 46 THE FIRST REGIMENT AND BATTALION. stop further advance. But a slight path was found on the margin of a small, open pond, and though swept by the enemy's fire, the battalion hurried through it, and, forming a few yards in front of the rebel works, at once carried them. But as the troops on the left had failed to pass the ravine, the battalion was en tirely without support, and on the enemy being strongly reinforced here, Capt. Farwell ordered the battalion back to the ravine. The enemy advanced in turn and attacked it here, but was repulsed, and retreated to the works, and the ravine was held by the battalion until it was ordered back after nightfall. The battalion lost seven killed and a large number wounded. Among those severely wounded were Lieut. Henry D. O'Brien, who had, as color-bearer of the Old First, distinguished himself in repelling Pickett's charge; and Marshall Sher man, who, on the same occasion, had captured the flag of the Twenty-eighth Virginia Eegiment. The operations north of the James at this time were mainly important in withdrawing and keeping employed so large a part of Lee's army that it enabled Grant, with Warren's Fifth Corps, to obtain decided advantages in the direction of the Weldon railroad. To secure this object the Second Corps was kept north of the James till August 20th, on the night of which it was with drawn across pontoons and marched to its old camp near Petersburg. This was reached after an exhausting night march in deep mud. "With only a halt to make coffee, the First and Second divisions were sent to the Strong House to slash timber and construct defenses. REAMS' STATION. On August 24th Gibbon's Second Division was ordered to Beams' Station, on the Weldon railroad, twelve miles south of Petersburg, and on the next day took part in the unfortunate battle there, where the remnant of the Second Corps, re duced by hard fighting and constant marching to less than 6,000 men, were beset by three times their number; and, after repelling three charges, were at length forced to retire, losing some guns and many prisoners. Even then a part of the troops, including the battalion, rallied, and, by a sudden charge, recaptured some of the lost guns, and held the field until night, when the corps returned to the Strong House near Petersburg. The battalion lost one killed, three wounded and fifteen captured. HATCHER'S RUN — APPOMATTOX. Up to October 24th the battalion alternated between several forts. On that day Capt. Ellett P. Perkins resigned. On October 27th the Second Corps, hav ing moved west of the Weldon railroad, found the enemy strongly intrenched at Hatcher's Eun, and at once charged and routed them, following to the Boydtown plank road, where some hard fighting occurred while Hancock was waiting for Crawford to come up on his right. The Confederates were worsted, but as Craw ford did not come up, Hancock retired at night to Hatcher's Eun, and next day returned to camp near Fort Bross. Capt. Farwell, in command of detachments from the battalion, the Seventh Michigan and Thirty-sixth Wisconsin, number ing about seventy men, was, on the night of the 27th, by some oversight, left on the skirmish line, and the men found themselves the next morning alone con fronting the Confederate forces. Concealing the weakness of his force in a piece of timber, Capt. Farwell repulsed a considerable force of Confederate cav alry which attacked him, and, falling back cautiously, reached the Union lines at nightfall without loss. For his gallant conduct here Capt. Farwell was bre- vetted major. After this the battalion was for some time engaged in picket duty. About December 1st, after having built winter quarters, the division was moved to the front, and, with the Third Division of the same corps, made a raid along the Weldon railroad nearly to the state line. After this it again built winter quarters. Maj. Farwell resigned, and was succeeded in command of the battalion by Capt. Charles F. 'Hausdorf. The battalion being reduced by casualties and sickness to but little more than thirty men present for duty, First Lieut. Charles C. Parker, Sergt. Thomas N. Whetstone, and five other enlisted men were sent to Minnesota on recruiting service. Lieut. O'Brien re- CLOSING. 47 turned, and became acting quartermaster. The recruiting detail was success ful, and during the spring following, Company 0, Capt. Charles C. Parker, joined the battalion, and on the morning after its arrivaljoined their companions in a successful charge on the enemy's rifle-pits, capturing the occupants. The battalion took part in the final assault on Lee's works at Petersburg on the 1st and 2d of April, 1865, and in the several actions in which the Second Corps was engaged up to the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appo- mattox, and with only the loss of a few wounded. At the surrender the battal ion was on picket, and Confederate soldiers came in in large numbers. Our men were of course jubilant at the prospect of a speedy and successful ending of the war, and the Confederates seemed reconciled, and glad that the end was reached. Company D, Capt. Thos. N". Whetstone, arrived just after the surrender. As other companies had been recruited for the battalion, Maj. Mark W. Downie of the old regiment was commissioned lieutenant colonel, and joined the battalion, and Capt. Charles F. Hausdorf major. Later each of these officers was commis sioned one grade higher, and Capt. Henry D. O'Brien major. But they were not mustered upon those commissions. In June, 1865, soon after the battalion arrived in Washington, it was ordered to Louisville, Ky., and became part of Brig. Gen.' Henry A. Morrow's Division of the Army of the Tennessee. Maj. O'Brien became his assistant adjutant general, and Capt. Thomas H. Pressnell provost marshal of the division. In July, 1865, the battalion, which had been increased by Companies E, F, G, H and I, was ordered to Minnesota, and, after a most hospitable and enjoyable reception at St. Paul, was mustered out at Fort Snelliug, July 15, 1865. CLOSING. Glancing over what I have written, I feel satisfied of its accuracy, for I have spared no care or pains. But I have felt cramped by the limit of space, though all that could be allowed, in view of the necessity of crowding the narratives and rosters of all Minnesota troops into one volume of reasonable size. I feel that this narrative will very inadequately convey to its reader any just conception of this regiment, whose perfection in discipline and in the execution of every movement of company and battalion tactics and care for personal appearance made it a favorite and model regiment in camp or on review, and whose esprit du corps, pride in its reputation as a regiment, and the chivalric, soldierly feeling pervading all ranks would never brook thought of defeat or disgrace, and never permitted it to hesitate or falter on any occasion. The regiment can scarcely be pictured to the understanding without portrayal of the men who impressed their personal characteristics upon it. Such officers as Messick, Farrell, Periam, Coates, Sinclair, Mailer, Heffelfinger, Maginnis, Searles and May, and such en listed men as Marvin, Burgess, Tirrell, Perkins, Taylor, Trevor, Irvine and hosts of others who, for want of space, cannot even be named. I find I have hardly made mention of Dr. W. H. Morton, one of the most skillful surgeons of the army, who became medical director of our division, and died from disease contracted .in the service; or of his able successor, Dr. J. B. Le Blond, who joined us in the spring of 1862, and continued till the muster-out of the battalion; or of our second chaplain, Rev. F. A. Conwell, who joined us after Antietam, and was especially devoted in caring for the sick and for the wounded on every battlefield ; or of Anson Northup, our wagonmaster, whom no obsta cles could stop, nor any regard for red tape prevent from furnishing needed articles to the men, if such articles were in the wagons. The Indian outbreak of 1862 took him from us to render efficient service against the savage foe. I am aware that some of my statements — of losses, for instance — occasionally disagree with official tables. But I have examined all these, so far as yet published in the "Rebellion Records," and my statements here vary from them only in the cases where, from recollection, confirmed by reliable memoranda made at the time, I am satisfied that the official tables are wrong. To cite an instance: " Rebellion Records," vol. 27, part 1, page 176, received since this narrative, except this closing paragraph, was written, gives the number of officers killed at Gettysburg 48 THE FIRST REGIMENT AND BATTALION. at three. Yet every survivor of the regiment knows that Capts. Nathan S. Messick, Wilson B. Farrell and Louis Muller and Lieut. Waldo Farrar died on the field. The aggregate of killed, wounded and missing at Gettysburg is there given as two hundred and twenty-four. Capt. Coates' report of the battle to the governor of the state, which (with some typographical errors) will be found in "NeilPs History of Minnesota'7 (4th ed.), pp. 740-745, was written on the bat tlefield, on July 5, 1863, by myself, then the acting adjutant of the regiment, and states the loss correctly (page 744), four commissioned officers killed, and the aggregate loss as two hundred and thirty-two. The six then reported as missing were afterward ascertained to have been killed or wounded. I may add that the aggregate of men there reported as engaged in the battle, three hundred and thirty, includes Companies C and F, both of which were engaged with the regi ment on July 3d, but neither of which were in the charge made by the regiment on July 2d. Tfoe report of Capt. Coates, of Aug. 3, 1863, which appears in vol. 27, part 1, "Kebellion Records," pages424, 425, is manifestly condensed from the report written by me on July 5th, as a comparison of its language with that of the latter in i ' NeilF s History ' ' conclusively shows. The report of Gen. Hancock, in the same volume, written while he was wounded and absent from the corps, in its reference to our charge, shows that his memory was at that time indistinct and at fault. (See page 371.) He speaks of meeting a regiment of the enemy, the head of whose column was about passing an unprotected interval of our line, and adds: The First Minnesota Regiment coming up at this moment, charged the rebel regiment in hand some style, capturing its colors and driving it back in disorder. I cannot speak too highly of this regiment and its commander in its attack, as well as in its subsequent advance against the enemy, in which it lost three-fourths of the officers and men engaged. Hancock was with us but a moment when he ordered our charge. It is pos sible that at that moment a skirt of brush and trees to our right may have hid den from his view a considerable part of the Confederate force which we had seen come down the opposite slope and met in our charge. Instead of " coming up at this moment," we had stood at the same spot for hours watching Sickles' battle and his defeat. It is not strange that, with all the responsibility and un- intermitting work and vigilance that devolved on Gen. Hancock during the three days of this battle, and his severe wounding on the last day, he should have a confused recollection of this incident when he wrote that report. Later, the facts were recalled to his memory, and the entire situation was well under stood by him, as is indicated by his remarks mentioned by Col. Fox, and already quoted. But I have reached my limit, and must close abruptly. The fame and glory of the regiment need not be dwelt on. It is known throughout the coun try, and especially to all the people of this state, whose appreciation of its valor and services has been shown in the ovations given to the survivors by the various cities and towns on the occasions of their annual reunions. Every member justly regards his own connection with the regiment as the highest honor of his life, — the one thing respecting himself to which his own posterity will always refer with greatest pride. May our state always send forth such regi ments whenever its safety, or the safety or honor of our beloved country, shall call its sons to arms. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 1, 1890. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. 49 ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS OF THE FIRST REGIMENT. NAMES. H O < MUSTERED .IN- MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Colonels — Willis A.Gorman Napoleon J. T. Dana Alfred Sullv 46 39 Apl. 29, '61 Oct. 2, '61 Feb. 3, '62 Oct. 1, '61 Feb. 3, '62 Sept 26 '62 Brig. Gen. 1st Brig., 2d Div.,2d Corps. Brig. Gen. 3d Brig.,2d Div.,2d Corps; wounded at Antietam. Brig Gen. 1st Brig.,2d Div.,2d Corps, Brevet Mai. Gen., Brevet Sept 26 '62 May 5 '63 Brig. Gen. U. S. A Capt Co E Maj Lieut Col • resigned' Brevet Brig Gen William Colvill May 6, '63 May 4* "64 Capt.Co. F Maj. Lt. Col.- wnd. Glendale and Gettysburg- Bvt. Lieutenant Colonels — Stephen Miller 4f> Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 16 '62 Brig. Gen. Col. 7th Minn. Vols., Brig. Gen., Gov. of Minnesota. Charles Powell Adams . Sept. 26 '62 May 4 '64 Capt Co H Maj • wnd Bull Run Malvern Antietam Gettys Majors — William H. Dike Mark W Downie 47 25 Apl. 29, '61 May 6 '63 Oct. 22, '61 May 4 '64 burg; Brevet Brig. Gen. Resigned. Q M 1st Lt and Capt Co B-wnd Gettysb'g- Lt Col 1st Batt. Adjutants — William B. Leach John N Chase 27 26 Apl. 29, '61 Oct 22 '61 Feb. 23, '62 1st Lt. Co. H, Capt, and A. A. G. Dana's Brigade. I st Serg and 1st Lieut Co E Capt Co H Josias R King. ?9 July 10, '62 IstSerg 2d and 1st Lieut. Co. A Capt.Co G.; wnd.Savage Station. John Peller 31 Jan. 14 '63 May 4 '64 Sergt Major 2d Lieut Co A -1st Lieut- wnd. Gettysburg. Quartermasters — George H. Woods Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 13 '61 Pro Capt and C. SU.S.A Lt. Col and Cbf. C.S.Sheridan's Corps. Mark A. Hoyt Francis Baasen Jan. 1,'62 July 10 '62 May 4 '64 Resigned '62. Surgeons — Jacob H. Stewart William H Morton Apl. 29, '61 Feb 1 '62 June23 '63 Captured at Bull Run; Exam. Surg. at St. Paul. Med Director 2d Div 2d Corps' resigned from disability John B. Le Blond May 4* '64 Asst Surg Surg 1st Battalion.' Assistant Surgeons — Chas. W. Le Boutillier.. 34 Apl. 29, '61 Captured at Bull Run- Surg. 9th Minn. Volunteers. Daniel W. Hand July 23 '61 Brigade Surgeon charge of general hospitals. Edmund J. Pugsley. Aug 29 '63 Aug 15 '63 Peter Gabrielson Chaplains — Edward D. Neill. 37 Feb. 17, '61 Apl 29 '61 May 4, '64 July 13 '62 F. A. Conwell Sergeant Majors — C. Edward Davis EdwardS. Past 48 Oct. 15/62 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 4, '64 2d Lieut. Co. I, 1st Lieut. Co. A; Capt. Co. E. Wounded at Antietam - discharged for disability. David A.Coflin Albert S. Davis Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 1st Lieut. Co. A Oct. 7, '63. 1st Lieut. Co. A Mch. 4, '64. John W. Pride Apl. 29 '61 May 4 '64 Re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Quartermaster Sergeants — William Smith... Aaron Greenwald Apl. 29, '61 Apl 29 '61 Nov. 17, '61 Discharged. Resigned and transferred to Co C- killed at Gettysburg T. A. Wood Apl. 29, '61 May 4, '64 Company F. Commissary Sergeants — J. Mahouey Mathew M.Standish Jacob Marty :::::: Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl 29 '61 Feb. '63 Discharged. Resigned and transferred to Co. D May 8, '63. Promoted 1st Lieut. Oct. 3 '63. Frank Dickinson. . Apl. 29, '61 May 4. '64 Corp. Co. G. Hospital Stewards — James Kirkman G.F. Marble Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Companv C. C. A. Brooks ?? June, '61 June 12, '63 Appointed Hospital Steward U. S. A. Chas. H. Spear Principal Musicians — Henry 0. Fifield Ezra D. Haskins. Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 16, '63 Aug. 16, '63 May 4, 64 Co. L, or 2d Co. Sharpshooters. Company C. Company G. 50 THE FIRST REGIMENT. ROSTER OF COMPANY A. NAMES. X CD «5 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captains — Alexander Wilkin Henry C. Coates First Lieutenants — Charles Zierenberg 29 28 28 29 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 18, '61 Sept. 18, '61 Sept. 14, '62 Oct. 7, '62 Oct. 7, '63 Mch. 4, '64 July 19, '62 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Pro. Major 2d Minn. Sept. 18, '61. 1st Lieut.; commanded regiment 3 months after Gettysburg. 2d Lieut.; died Sept. 13, '62, of wounds at Vienna, Va. 1st Serg., 2d Lieut., Capt. Co. G; on Gen.Sully's staff; wd.S. Sta, Serg. Major, 2d Lieut. Co. I, Capt. Co. E. Corp. Co. I, Serg. Major; transferred to Co. K. Priv. Co. I, Corp. Co. B, Serg. Major; wounded at Bull Run. Serg., Serg. Major, Adjutant; wounded at Gettysburg. Transferred to Co. F Oct., '62. Serg.; drowned Aug. 20, '63, at Alexandria, Va. Killed June 29, '62, at Savage Station. Wnd. at Savage Station; absent sick on discharge of regiment- Musician. Re-enlisted 1st Battalion; wounded at Antietam. Discharged for disability; wounded at Bull Run. Discharged for disability. Transferred to V. R. C. Nov. 16, '63. Wounded at Bull Run. Died July 14, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Transferred to U. S. Cavalry Oct. 23, '62. Corp.; wounded at Bristow; re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run. Corp.; wounded at Antietam; killed at Gettysburg. Corp.; discharged for wounds at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg; re-enlisted 1st Battalion. Serg.; wounded at Bull Run. Re-enlisted in 1st Minn. Battalion. Wounded at Gettysburg. Musician; killed at Bull Run. Corp.; killed at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Re-enlisted; Capt. Co. A 1st Battalion. Wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg; transferred to 1st Batt, Discharged for disability. Corp.; transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Wagoner; re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Died July 10, '63, of wounds received at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg; absent on discharge of regiment. Discharged for disability from wounds at Bull Run. Killed at Gettysburg. Regiment postmaster, Aug. 16, '61. Died Oct. 14, '62, of wounds near Vienna, Va. Corp., Serg., 1st Serg., Lieut. Col. 1st Batt.; wnd. at Gettysburg, 1st Lieut, in 13th U. S. Infantry, Dec. 15, '61. Corp.; killed at Gettysburg. Discharged for wounds at Savag^Station, '62. Discharged per order. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Corp.; discharged per order. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62; killed at Gettysburg. 2d Lieut. Co. E; died March 27, '63. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Killed at Gettysburg. Corp. and Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg; absent sick on discharge of regiment. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run. Corp.; died July 8, '63, from wounds at Gettysburg. Wounded at Autietam. Transferred to Inv. Corps Nov., 1863. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. . Corp., Sergt.; killed at Antietam. Re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Wounded at Antietam. Killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg. Corp.; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. Serg.; discharged for disability. Died Sept. 8, '62, at Fort Monroe. Killed at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. C Edward Davis David A Coflin 28 Alberts Davis Mch. 5/64 Second Lieutenants — 31 99 August Kruger ENLISTED MEN. Adams, Hiram 29 24 27 34 24 26 25 32 37 25 21 20 24 26 25 21 30 25 21 26 19 38 28 29 30 31 21 20 21 39 22 31 23 26 44 30 32 23 29 20 30 24 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 May 17, '61 May 28, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 27, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 2'J, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 17, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Oct. 22, '62 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 3, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 3, '62 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 15, '61 Apl. 29, '61 July 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 3 '61 May 15, '61 May 11, '62 May 18, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 17, '61 May 17, '61 May 17, '61 Feb. 24, '64 ** *** Agnew Edward C May 5, '64 Alpers, John H. A Becher William Mch. 12, '63 Biddle *Abel Blesi John Brandt Clark Canfield, Lucien F 1 Clark' Charles F Crawley, Timothy Dooley' Wm H H Drake* Charles S Eichler Charles Feb. '3, '63 Farwell, James C Farquhar, Daniel W May 4, '64 Fegar Jacob May 4, '64 May 10, '61 Foss Jay B Freer, Richard W Fuller Melville May 5, '64 May 3, '64 Gallman John J Gibbs Gates .. . Glave Frederick Halsted'johnT Sept. 1, '62 "May" 3/64 Hedapp, George Hines Henry C Hoff Edward C Hausdorf Charles F Jeniesch, William May 3, '64 Keyes James N Kiefer Louis 29 19 34 27 19 23 33 King Charles Feb. 4/62 Kraemer William Feb. 4/62 Kratka Chas A Lattfi, Simon E May 3/64 Levering Andrew ... Lemmer, Peter Lichtenberg, August Feb. 20, '64 Loomis Chas C 19 22 19 23 29 20 19 29 30 21 25 19 25 20 23 23 29 28 25 22 18 35 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 25 '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Sept. 3, '61 Apl. 29, 61 Apl. 29, '61 May 27, '61 May 17, '61 May 25, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 17, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29. '61 Lyons, Stephen Lyons Harrison .. . . May 3/64 Maloy, James May 3/64 Marks, Peter Matheis Nicholas May 3/64 Marshall, John J Marshall, James Magnussen, Engel A McEwen, John Aug. 20, '62 Me William, David McLean, Maxwell A Miller Wm F Aug. 20, '62 "May '"3, "'64 Mch. 12/62 Jan. 29, '62 May 3/64 Nov. 6/62 Mowry, Rascellas S Morrison, John T Mockwitz, Charles Muller, Charles Nelson, Nels E Nelson Ole . Nickell, Henry Nixon, William "May" 3/64 Feb. 3/63 Olson. Andrew COMPANY B. ROSTER OF COMPANY A — Continued. 51 NAMES. 1 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Palmer Eli J 42 22 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Feb. 27, '64 May 21, '61 May 18, '61 May 27, '61 Mav 22, '61 May 22, '61 May 22, '61 May 21, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 26, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 15, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 27, '61 May 23, '61 Mav 21, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 27, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 18, '61 Aug.21,'61 Sept. 25, '61 May 17, '61 May 3, '61 "Feb!"l5,"'63 May 3, '64 Jan. 24, '64 Transferred to 3d U. S. Cav., 1862. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Bayonet wound at Bristow. Wounded; prisoner at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Killed near Warrenton, Va. Transferred to U. S. Light Artillery Oct. 27, '62. Wounded at Bull Run. Wounded at Gettysburg. Died of wounds at Gettysburg. Discharged per order. Corporal. Pro. 1st Lieut, and Q. M. 32d N. Y. Parker, *Geo. H Payher Frank . . Pfeffer, George 24 23 36 19 29 21 35 27 22 21 21 31 28 28 32 30 22 27 23 29 27 30 25 23 31 21 37 40 32 21 29 Pitkin Samuel J Kathiuaiin Hans Sanders Benjamin F May 3, '64 Sattler Louis Schooley, David Schmucker Joseph .... Schmidter William May 3, '64 "Aug.'T,''61 May 3, '64 July 31, '63 Simouson, Hans M Smoot George W Sonderman, John G Sproat Edgar L Stevens Robert Wounded at Bull Run; arm amputated. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Color Sergt.; appointed 2d Lieut. inU. S. Army. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Antietam. Serg., 1st Serg.; lost leg at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Antietam; leg amputated; discharged. Killed at Gettysburg. Corporal. Died Oct., '62. Discharged for disability. Killed at Gettysburg. Serg.; wounded at Bull Run; killed at Gettysburg. Stoll, Andrew Sept. 9, '62 Feb 27, '63 June, '61 Stoll Jacob Stansbury, Howard Steffes, Matthias Steen, Charles Streit, Nicholas Feb. 3, '63 May 3, '64 May 3, '64 Theissen. Matthias, Thiem Joseph Tinker, Herbert E Van Woert, Wm. T Mch. 3, '63 Vogelsang Deitrich TVagner, Warren "May "3,';64 Weld Charles P Wells, George A Wentworth, Hiram Wilson, John . Mch. 3, '62 Wright, Henry C...,. ROSTER OF COMPANY B. NAMES. H 3 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captains — Carlisle A. Bromley Mark W. Downie 31 25 Apl. 29, '61 July 16, '61 May 7, '63 Resigned July 15, '62. 1st Lieut.; pro. Maj. May 6, '63; wnd. Bull Run and Gettysburg. Serg., 2d and 1st Lieut.; wnd. Bull Run, Gettysburg and Bristow. 2d Lieut.; wnd. at Bull Run; pro. Lieut. Col. 4th Minn. Oct. 18, '61. Serg., 1st Serg., 2d Lieut.; pro. Capt. Co. E Sept. 17, '62; wnd. at Bull Run; killed at Gettysburg. Serg., 1st Serg., 2d Lieut.; wounded at Gettysburg. Wagoner. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to 1st Battalion. Killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bristow. Serg.; wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Corp.; wounded at Gettysburg. Promoted Capt. 9th N. H. Vols. Aug. 26, '62. Discharged for disability. Corp., Color Serg.; wnd. at Bull Run, Antietam; dis.; loss of leg. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run. Transferred from Co. I; wounded at Gettysburg. Serg.; wounded at Bull Run. Musician. Corp.; killed at Antietam. Corp. and Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Serg., Serg. Maj., 1st Lieut. Co. A. Thomas Sinclair May 5, '64 First Lieutenants — Minor T. Thomas 30 Louis Muller 26 30 30 27 23 21 Nov. 18, '61 Sept. 10, '63 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Feb. 28, '62 William M.May ENLISTED MEN. Allen Lorenzo D May 5, '64 Anderson, John May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Arnold George Aucker, Wm. H Bates, Wm. F Bernds, Frederick L Binns, Zebulon E 28 33 26 25 25 22 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 5, '64 Jan. 17, '62 May 5, '64 Blanchard, Rufus G Boswell, Daniel C Brown, Thomas Bloomer Samuel Aug. 4, '62 Dec. 6, '62 Butler, Daniel Caplazi Albert . .. . 31 33 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 May 5, '64 Cathoman, Louis Carriegiet Bartholomew Capron, Alonzo A 28 18 18 20 24 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 17, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 Clearey, James May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Connolly Andrew Cornman, Oscar L Crome, Frederick May 5, '64 Davis, Albert S Darms, John M 44 19 20 26 22 37 18 40 24 30 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 Anl. 29. '61 Feb. 8, '63 May 5, '64 Wounded at Fredericksburg; discharged for disability. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged per order. Corporal. Discharged per order. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. CorDoral. Darms John N. Densmore, JohnD Dittmer, August. . Aug. 9 '61 May 5, '64 Oct. 13, '61 Aug.','" "'62 Dotts, Charles J.... Durich, William Ehrhardt, Morritz Eppenberger, Adam Everson, Peter Fallihee. Patrick.... Mav 5 «64 52 THE FIRST REGIMENT. ROSTER OF COMPANY B — Continued. NAMES. Foreman, Noah French, Henry C Goundry, John E Goff, John S Gove, Charles H Goodman, Henry Grandstrand, Gustave A.. Graf, Emil Grusemann, Jacob Hall, Peter Haniann, Charles Harvey, James , Henry, Martin J Herrin, Edwin E Hebenstreit, Nicholas Hooker, George Hospes, Adolphus C Johnson, S wen Johnson, David Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Andrew Kelly, William Klasi, Thomas Koenig, Augustus Krone, Henry W Kunzelmaa, John Lockwood, Charles M Lord, David Marty, Jacob May, JohnS Marty, Adam Marty, Fridolin McLaughlin, Almond C.... Mclntyre, Harlow McKusick, Freeman L McNeill, Geo. C Meyers, \Vm.J Mead, Frank J Morgan, Wm. A Nelson, Chas. L Nickerson, Samuel B Nystedt, Erick Olson, Hocken Older.Joseph Oliver, George A Peterson, Andrew Pierson, Wm. S Pooler, Albert Quist, Andrew P Ricketts, Charles F Reichard, Adolph L Robinson, Ebenezer B Rowley, Charles F Sawtell,JohnM Schoenbeck, John P Schroeder, Wm. F Seaman, Henry S Shepard. Myron Sebers, Albert Smith, Ralph W Snow, Lafayette W Stevens, John B Steinacker, Frederick Stevens. Edward A Staples Chas. A Stirnemann, Frederick Tanner, Cbas. G Tanner, Joseph A Thompson, Ole Van Vorhes, Henry A Van Kuster, Oscar Valentine, Chas Walsh, Joseph »» C*10LJ, U VQO^Zl &O Wells, Edwin 19 MUSTERED IN. Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, ' Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 June 4, '61 June 4, '61 June 4, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 May 23, '61 May 23 '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Feb. 21, '62 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29. '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29/61 July 21, '61 Mch. 4, '62 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, 'SI Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29. '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 MUSTERED OUT. Jan. 8, '62 Nov. 19, '61 May 5, '64 REMARKS. May 5, '64 June 9, '62 Jan. 9, '62 Feb. 9, '63| May 5, '641 May 5, '64 July, '62 May 5, '64 Jan. 29, '63 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Dec. 14, '62 Sept. 29, '63 Nov. 17, '61 Apl. 30, '63 May 5, '64 Sept. 26, '62 Aug., '62 May "'5,' '64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Feb. 16, '63 Jan. 7, '63 May 5, '64 Apl. 30, '63 Dec., »62 May 5, '64 Aug. 2, '61 May 5, '64 Nov. 8, '61 May 5, '64 Nov. 24, '61 Feb"'25',';64 Aug. 14, '62 Aug. 21, '61 Jan. 7, '63 Dec. 6, '62 May 5, '64 Jan. 14, '63 Jan. 3, '63 Aug'."7J''61 Sept. 26, '62 Aug. 14, '62 Dec. 19, '61 Sept. 8, '62 Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Killed at Antietam. Wounded at Savage Station. Died of wounds received at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Wounded by accident. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Transferred to Inv. Corps Nov. 18, '63. Corp.; captured at Antietam. Wounded at Antietam; discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg; discharged. Discharged for disability. Transferred from Co. I; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Wounded, at Bull Run; killed July 2, '63, at Gettysburg. Wounded and captured at Bull Run. Discharged for disability. Corp., Serg., 2d Lieut. 24th Wis. Vols., Aug. 28, '62. Corp.,Serg. and 1st Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Com. Serg., 1st Lieut. Co. E. Corp.; re-enlisted 1st Battalion. Corp.; -wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Transferred to Signal Corps August, '61. Transferred from Co. H; discharged for disability. Captured at Antietam. Discharged per order. Serg.; killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Died of disease April 13, '62. Serg. and 1st Serg.; wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Died of wounds at Bull Run while prisoner. Wounded at Gettysburg; discharged for disability. Wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; arm amputated. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run; 2d Lieut. 98th Penn. Vols. Transferred to Inv. Corps for wounds at Fredericks burg. Died Dec. 8, '62, afWashington, D. C. Transferred to U. S. Light Artillery July 16, '62. Wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Savage Station. Serg.,2d Lieut. Co. H, and 1st Lieut. Co. F and Co. H. Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp.; discharged for disability. Re-enlisted in 1st Minn. Battalion. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged per order. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged per order. Deserted Dec. 10, '61, from Canip Stone. Musician; discharged for disability. Wounded and captured at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; died of wounds received at Gettysburg. Corp.; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Discharged for wound at Savage Station. Wounded at Haymarket; re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Corp.; wounded at Gettysburg. COMPANY C. ROSTER OF COMPANY C. 53 NAMES. OFFICERS. Captains — William H. Acker Wilson B. Farrell Jasper N. Searles First Lieutenants — Samuel T. Kaguet Wilbur F. Duffy William Harmon Second Lieutenants — Wm. C. Lamed Chas. H. Mason Andrew Levering.., ENLISTED MEN. Abell, John 21 Arnsdorf, Henry 24 Atherton, Minor 19 Barnes, Andrew J 22 Barton, Wm. H 26 Baldwin, Jerome 18 Blanquest, Charles Bleaser, Michael 34 Blanchard, Chas. C 22 Boyce, Henry W 25 Brisette, Edmund 44 Brack, Wm. A 20 Brown, Henry J. W 33 Buck, Geo. W 21 Btirt, Geo 32 Carpenter, Robert A 41 Chamberlain, Wesley 21 Clark, Joseph M 41 Clark, Chas. 1 30 Clancy, Daniel 27 Coombs, Charles C 19 Coombs, William 29 Coles, John W 25 Collins, Jeremiah 28 Cunningham, Wm. C 24 Demarest, David B 27 Dorathy, Charles H 22 Dubois, Garrett N 24 Eastman, Rufus M 28 Echoldt, August T 18 Ellsworth, John 20 Ellingson, Henry 19 Fifield, Henry 0 21 Finical, Benjamin F 25 Finical, Chas. A 18 Foster, Edward H 18 Gard, Samuel D 23 George, Jacob { 29 Gilman, James B 29 Ghostly, Henry Gay, Gustave.." Groat, James W Greenwald, Aaron Hastie, James Haskell, John S Haskell.Chas. W Harvey, Julius Hamilton, Helon Hayford, Faxon Henderson, Thos. D Howard, Henry H Hough, Chas. H : Hotchkiss, Chas. J Irvine, Theodore A Kennedy, Chas. W Klein, Herman Kramer, Sigismond O Krueger, Andrew F L,add, Austin N Leonard, Maurice F Little, David M Lloyd, Edward S Linberg, John Lonquist, John , Lufkin, Wade Marr, Christopher C Mayence, John B , Marble, Geo. F., McDonald, Joseph McNelly, James R McMullen, Nathan McLean, David McCray, Samuel C MUSTERED IN. Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 8 '61 Oct. 7, '63 Aug. 8 '61 Jan. 19, '62 Mch.26, '63 Aug. 8, '61 Jan. 20, '62 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 Sept. 11, '61 Mch. 4, '64. Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Nov. 25, '61 May 17, '61 May 21, '61 May 17, '61 Sept. 30, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 26, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 June 22, '61 Oct. 2, '61 May 22, '61 Dec. 30, '61 Nov. 25, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Dec. 16, '61 Oct. 2, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 May 23, '61 Dec. 23, '61 May 23, '61 June 1,'61 Apl. 29, '61 Dec. 25, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Nov. 11, '62 Sept. 14, '61 Dec. 16, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 26, '61 Dec. 23, '61 May 22, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Nov. 18 '61 May 21, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 May 20, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 May 26, '61 May 28, '61 MUSTERED OUT. May 4, '64 May 4, '64 May 5 ,'64 Mch. 27, '63 Oct. 6, '62 May" 5/64 Feb. 7 ,'63 May 5, '64 May 5, May 5, '64 Aug. 13, '61 May 5, '64 May" 5 \ ''64 No'vV'e', Feb. 8 '62 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Aug." 6/61 May" 6/64 May 5/64 Sept. 3, '61 May 5, '64 May 5/64 June 12, '62 Feb. 6/63 May 6, '64 Feb. 6, '6i Feb. 6/63 Apl. 23, '63 Sept. 3/61 May 5, '64 May 5/64 REMARKS. Wnd. at Bull Run; Capt. 16th U. S. Inf., Aug. 8, '61; killed Shiloh. 1st Lieut.; killed at Gettysburg. Pro. from 1st Lieut. Co. K. 2d Lieut.; wounded at Bull Run; transferred to Co. I. 1st Serg., Capt. Co. I, March 26, '63. 2d Lieut. Co. D; wounded at Gettysburg. Corp.; wnd. at Bull Run; transferred Dec., '62, to Signal Corps. Transferred from Co. D; 1st Lieut.; died Aug. 18, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Died Dec. 16, '63, at Sioux City, la. Transferred to tet Battalion. Killed June 1, '62, on picket at Fair Oaks. Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to Inv. Corps Dec. 13, '63. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Absent as paroled prisoner on discharge of regiment. Discharged for disability. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corporal. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Serg.; wounded at Savage Station. Wounded at Savage Station; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wnd. Bull Run and Antietam; absent (prisoner) on dis. of regt. Wounded Bull Run; re-enlisted Jan. 1, '64; died March 24, '64. Wounded at Antietam; transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Transferred to Inv. Corps Sept. 1, '63. "Wounded at Bull Run; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run; transferred to Inv. Corps Oct. 31, '62. Re-enlisted; transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Antietam. Re-enlisted; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run, supposed to be mortal. Serg. and 1st Serg., 2d Lieut. Co. E; wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run. Discharged for disability. Missing at Savage Station. Wnd. Savage Station; transf. U.S. Cavalry Oct., '62. Wnd. Savage Station; died Aug. '63 of wnds. at Gettysburg. Musician, Drum Major. Wounded at Savage Station. Transferred to U. S. Cavalry Oct. 24, '62. Discharged for pro. in 4th Minn. Infantry. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Bull Run; Corp.; transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run. Corp.; wounded at Bristow; transf. to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Transferred to U. S. Cavalry Oct. 24, '62. Corp., Q. M. Serg.; killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run. Wounded at Bull Run, supposed mortally. Wounded at Glendale; died in hospital Mch. 8, '63. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Died Sept. 1, '62, Point Lookout, Md. Re-enlisted; transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp., Serg., 1st Serg.; died of wounds at Gettysburg. Killed at Bull Run. Corp. and Serg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged per order for non-age. Re-enlisted; transferred to 1st Minn. Battalion. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; died of wounds Oct., '61. Re-enlisted; transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Re-enlisted; transferred to 1st Battalion. Serg.; killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for wounds. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for wounds. Musician, Hospital Steward; discharged for disability '63. Corp.; wnd. Savage Station; re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Wounded threetimes at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Discharged per order for non-age. 54 THE FIRST REGIMENT. ROSTEK OF COMPANY C — Continued. NAMES. w o MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. McCausland, Andrew McMullen, George McConkey, John 42 21 37 22 18 23 21 21 22 20 30 24 27 18 24 43 22 23 34 20 19 20 31 29 37 33 19 Nov. 18, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 May 21, '61 Sept. 29, '61 May 17, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 17, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Dec. 16, '61 Dec. 16, '61 Sept. 9, '61 Nov. 25, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '64 Apl. 29, '64 May 17, '64 Apl. 29, '64 May 22, '64 May 22, '61 Aug. 22, '62 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Nov. 25, '61 Jan. 8, '63 Feb." 16/63 Wounded at Savage Station; discharged for disability. Corp.; killed at Bull Run. Corp.; discharged for disability. Died Nov. 8/61. Wounded at Antietam; discharged for disability. Corp.; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Glendale; discharged for disability. Corp.; transferred to U. S. Cavalry Oct. 24, '52. Corp., Serg.; transferred to Kirby's Battery July 16, '62. Corp., Serg. and 1st Serg. Transferred to U. S. Cavalry Oct. 24, '62. Transferred to U. S. Cavalry. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp.; Capt. in 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Absent in confinement on discharge of regiment. Serg.; wounded at Bull Run; died of wounds. Wounded at Bull Run. Wounded Savage Station; transferred to U. S. Cavalry. Wounded at Bull Run, supposed to be mortal. Discharged to enlist in U. S. service. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Took rebel flag at Gettysburg: re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Killed at Antietam. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run and Antietam. Wounded at Bull Run. Mortally wounded at Savage Station. Wounded at Savage'Station; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Corp.; wounded at Gettysburg. Deserted while absent sick. Mortally wounded June 29, '62, at Savage Station. Killed at Bull Run. Serg.; Lieut, in 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Missing, probably killed at Bull Run. Wagoner. Wounded at Bull Run Discharged for disability. Serg.; re-enlisted; transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to Kirby's Battery June 16, '62. Corp.; killed at Bull Run. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Corp. and Serg. Re-enlisted; Capt. in 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability; captured at Bull Run. Serg .; wounded at Bull Run; died Apl. '62. Mortally wounded at Savage Station; died June 30, '62. Morton Albert B Jan. 8, '63 Murphy, James A Navarre, Joseph B. F Newell Phocian P Sept. 17, '62 May" 6/64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Odell, Joseph H Onermann, Wilhelm Owen, Robert P .*.. Pethybridge, Joshua Perkins, Andrew F Perkins, Daniel A Pressnell Thos H May 5, '64 Pribble, Turner Randolph, Wareham G... Reynolds, Wm. M Renshaw, John C Richardson, Richmond .... Roberts, Gustave A Robertson, Daniel M Roach, Wm.C "Jan""'7/62 "6ct." 21/62 Rosemeyer, George May 5/64 Sherman, Marshall Simpson Robert C Sias G Smith Julius 41 29 26 41 29 25 23 19 23 21 22 29 23 30 26 35 30 26 23 27 17 28 23 26 21 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 May 26, '61 Nov. 25, '61 May 23, '61 May 26, '61 May 22, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Jan. 20, '62 Dec. 30, '61 May 17, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Sept. 9, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 7, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 29, '61 Feb. 24, '64 Nov. 18, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Dec. 9, '61 May 5/64 Smith, Cyrus Smith Geo L Feb"'i7/62 Mch. 24, '63 Snow, Leonard Sohns, Charles Staats, Isaac Taylor Edward Thompson, Joseph H Tirrell Chesley B "Apl." 18/62 Townsend, Geo. W Townsend Perry C. .. Tripp, Thomas T Treadway, Calvin Twitchell Isaac L May 5/64 Van Solen, George L Victory James Apl. 18, '62 Watkins, Wm Waterhouse, Sewall N Waltz, William Nov. 1/62 May 5/64 Westlake, Reuben M Whetstone, Thos. N Willey, George Willey, Warner „ Williams, Henry H Wilmer, Eugene May 11, '62 Oct. '62 Wren, Nicholas ROSTER OF COMPANY D. NAMES. H o •< MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. • OFFICERS. Captains — Henry R. Putnam 99 Apl. 29, '61 Wounded at Bull Run; Capt. 12th U. S. Inf. Dewitt C. Smith Chris. B. Heffelfinger First Lieutenants — Geo. H. Woods 35 26 ?9 Aug. 8, '61 July 4, '63 Apl. 29 '61 May 4, '64 Nov. 28 '61 2d Lieut; wounded at Antietam; transferred to Co. G; Pay master; killed by guerrillas. Serg., 1st Serg., 2d and 1st Lieut.; wounded at Gettysburg; Major 1st Heavv Artillery. Pro. Capt. and C. S., Lieut. Col. and Chief C. S. Cav. Corps, '64. Seth L, Hammond Jacob Marty 26 Nov. 26, '61 Sept. '62 1st Serg., 2d Lieut.; resigned. Transferred to Co E. Ellet P. Perkins ?4 May 5 '64 Corp. Color Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg; Capt. 1st Battalion. Second Lieutenants — Wm. Harmon •>•) Sept 13 'G? Serg 1st Serg • pro 1st Lieut. Co. C; wounded at Gettysburg. Chas. H. Mason ENLISTED MEN. Abraham, Geo W. F 25 17 Sept. 27, '62 Feb 20 '64 Serg.; transferred to Co. C; pro. 1st Lieut ; died Aug. 18, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Transferred to Battalion; died Andersonville Nov. 12, '64. Allen, William R ?4 May 16, '61 Killed at Gettysburg. Ames, Orville Anderson, Charles Ball, Edward W 34 26 19 Feb. 25, '64 May 20, '61 May 20, '61 May 5, r64 May 5, '64 Transferred to 1st Battalion. Bartlett, George W 19 May 29, '61 May 5, '64 Wounded at Gettysburg. COMPANY D. ROSTER OF COMPANY D — Continued. 55 NAMES. K O •^ MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Baker, Chas. E Bartlett Ransom A 19 May 29, '61 Oct. 7, '62 May 5, '64 May 5 '64 Jan. 26, '63 Killed July 2, '63, at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg; re-enlisted in 1st Batt. Prisoner at Bull Run; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Antietam and Bristow. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Antietam; discharged. Wounded at Antietam; discharged for disability. Transferred to Inv. Corps March, '64. Discharged for disability. Re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Transferred to gunboat service Nov. 16, '63. Killed at Bull Run. Discharged for disability, '61. Discharged for disability. Transferred to gunboat service Nov. 16, '63. Discharged for disabilitv. Transferred to Inv. Corps Jan. 16, '64. Discharged for disability. Corporal. Musician; promoted Corporal. Discharged for disability April 10, '63. Promoted Corporal; wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg and Bristow. Discharged for disability. Corp.; discharged for disability. Corp.- died July 3, '63, of wounds received at Gettysburg. Killed at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Antietam; discharged. Wounded at Antietam; discharged. Transferred to Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to Battalion. Corp.; died Nov. 20, '61. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged foi' disability. Discharged for disability. Corp.; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Corp.; discharged for disability. Corp.; re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Transferred to Signal Corps Aug. 1/61; promoted Sergeant. Wounded at Fredericksburg; discharged. Wounded and captured at Bull Run. Corp.; wouuded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Antietam; killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Antietam; discharged. Wounded at Antietam; discharged. Wagoner. Wounded at Savage Station. Discharged for disability. Serg.; discharged for disability. Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run. \ Corp.; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Lieut. 7th U. S. Inf.; killed at Gettysburg. Bingenheimer, Henry Blake, Horace K Bryant Adelbert 19 23 20 18 21 "26" 21 IS 22 May 16, '61 May 22, '61 May 21, '61 May 29, '61 May 16, '61 July 20, '61 May 22, '61 Mch.30, '64 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 5, '64 Brown Theodore Carter, Leonard B Carpenter, EdsonB Chaffee, Jacob W.." Chandler, Enoch H Chase Henry B "Ap'i." 17/63 May 5, '64 Feb. 2, '63 May 6, '64 Feb. 7, '63 Clifford, Carroll H Clater John 18 31 21 21 21 24 35 24 May 21, '61 May 22, '61 May 17, '61 May 26, '61 Oct., '61 May 21, '61 May 21, '61 May 16, '61 Curtis, Francis I Curtis, Archibald Darling, Azariah W Dec. 29, '61 Oct." 16, "'62 Devcrgill, Franklin Dean Henry A. Donnelly, Stephen Drew, Nathaniel Dunsmore, James F Eddy, Cyrus E 23 21 23 23 18 18 18 23 20 21 19 25 21 24 May 20, '61 May 21, '61 May 23, '61 May 17, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 31, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 May 16, '61 May 21, '61 May 21, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 May 21, '61 Jan. 7, '62 Aug. 1/61 May" 5/64 Oct. 25, '61 Ferguson, Ami R Fletcher Levi Fuller Geo E May 5/64 Apl. 10, '63 May 5/64 May 5/64 May 5/64 Oct. 2, '62 Dec. 1/61 Garvey, Wm. H Oeer, Lewis B Geer, Chas.W Goeppinger, August A Gordon Wm A Gordon, Hanford L Grandy, George Hayden, Alonzo C Hamilton, Emsley I Hatch Cyrus M 22 20 28 23 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '6 1 Apl. 29, '61 May 21, '61 "Nov." 27/61 Dec. 5/62 Dec. 2, '62 Haaer, John H Hamilton, E. J Hawks James Feb. 29, '64 Hamilton EMC Hoblitt JohnT 21 20 23 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 5, '64 May 5/64 Jan. 6, '63 July, '61 Jan. 9/62 May 5/64 Dec. 5/62 Dec. 20, '61 Junel4, '62 Howe, Archibald E Howe Wm. H Howe David M Hoblitt, Isaac N Holt Joseph B 20 Apl. 29, '61 Hughes, Chas. W 23 18 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Hutchins, Charles A Hughes Thomas Hyatt, Alexander H Irvine, William N 24 22 May 21, '61 May 21, '61 Aug. 20, '63 19 Apl. 29, '61 Oct., '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 17, '61 May 17, '61 Kelly Thomas. Dec. 18, '62 May 5/64 Kendall, James W King Orange S , 24 23 19 21 24 20 Kouts, Jacob W May 5/64 Laflin George A Mch. 25/63 May 5/64 Dec. 2/62 May 5/64 May 5, '64 Feb. 4/63 May 11, '62 May 5/64 May 5/64 Feb. 3/63 Feb. 27, '63 May 5/64 Dec. 29, '61 Laflin, Adin A Latnbdin Edwin Lancaster, Wm. H Legg, Daniel B Leonard Webster G 22 31 May 22, 'fil May 22, '61 Longfellow, Henry W Martin, Horace M Maddock, George McAllister, Henry A Markham, Charles S Meeker, Lewis C 23 23 23 23 34 26 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, 'Gl Messer, Edward D... Miller Wesley F °0 Apl 23, '61 Morgan, David L Nason Thos. B 21 18 Mch. 30, '64 May 28, '61 Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp.; wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Absent sick on discharge of regiment. Wounded at Gettysburg. / Enlisted in regular army. Wounded Fair Oaks and Antietam; discharged for disability. Wounded at Antietam; died of wounds at Gettysburg/ Corp., Serg., Serg. Maj.; dis. for wounds at Antietam. Sergeant, 1st Sergeant. May 5/64 Feb. 15, '63 Apl. 2/62 Nason Eben S Newton, Wm. J Newton, Francis H Noel, Benjamin F 21 18 18 19 20 May 22, '61 May 22, '61 May 26, '61 May 20, '61 May 21, '61 May 5/64 Jan. 1/63 Apl. 7/63 Over, William Fatten Geo. W. . Past, Edward S-. Parker, Raymond J 20 25 Apl. 29, 'Gl Apl. 29, '61 May 5/64 56 THE FIRST REGIMENT. ROSTER OF COMPANY D — Continued. NAMES. X o o Weaver, Elijah 31 30 23 18 25 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 May 26, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 3, '64 Welin, Peter , White, John D. Jan. 9, '62 Dec. 25, '61 July 23, '62 Winants George H. Wilson, Wm. W 58 THE FIRST REGIMENT. ROSTER OF COMPANY F, NAMES. 1 w e •< 30 40 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captains — William Colvill, Jr John J. McCallum John Ball Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 29, '62 May 6, '63 Apl. 29, '61 Jan. 8, '62 Maj., Lt. Col., Col., Bvt. Brig. Gen.; wd. Glendale & Gettysburg. Serg. & 1st Lt. Co. G; wd. Fredericksburg; trans, to Inv. Corps. 1st Lieut., 1st Serg. and 2d Lieut. Co. K; wounded at Bristow. Wounded and captured at Bull Run; Major 4th Minn. Vols. 2d Lieut.; resigned; Inv. Corps. Transferred from and to Co. H. Sergeant, 1st Sergeant, 2d Lieutenant. • 1st Serg. Co. F, 1st Lieut. Co. H, Capt. Co. K. 1st Serg. and 2d Lieut. Co. G; transferred to Sig. Corps; Major. Wounded at Gettysburg; discharged for disability. Killed at Antietam. Died May 27, '63, at Washington, D. C. Transferred to Inv. Corps Nov. 2, '68. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Corp.; wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Antietam. Corp.; wounded at Flint Hill. Re-enlisted 1st Battalion. Serg.; discharged for promotion. Corp.; discharged for disability. Musician. Wounded at Bristow and Fredericksburg; trans, to 1st Batt. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp. and Serg. Transferred to 1st Battalion; wounded at Fredericksburg. Transferred from Co. G. Transferred to Battalion. Transferred to Kirby's Battery July 16, '62. Hospital Steward May 14, '63. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62; killed in Wilderness. Wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg. Wagoner; wounded at Bull Run; Wagonmaster. Discharged for disability. Corp., Serg.; -wounded at Bull Run. Serg.; wounded and captured at Savage Station. Discharged for disability. Transferred to Jst Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp.; iilled at Antietam. Died Aug. 31, '62, of wounds at Savage Station. Discharged for disability. Wounded and captured at Savage Station. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Flint Hill and Gettysburg. Corp • transferred to Inv Corps Dec 1 '63 May 4, '64 First Lieutenants — A Edward Welch 22 23 Mark A. Hoyt July 18, '62 May 4, '64 May 4, '64 Hezekiah Bruce 27 20 21 25 23 18 Sept. 26, '63 Jan. 8, '62 Aug., '61 Apl. 29, '61 May. 18, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Second Lieutenants — Martin Maginnis Joseph H. Spencer ENLISTED MEN. Abbott Marion Nov. 1,'63 Abbott'David P Adams, Charles E Alley John Harrow John.. 30 25 18 30 22 24 29 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 24, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 15, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Oct. 29, '61 Mch.28, '64 Feb. 18, '64 Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 22, '62 Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 14, '62 May 24, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 13, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 31, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 15, '61 Feb. 26, '64 Feb. 29, '64 May 22, '61 May 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 May 15, '61 Sept. 16, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 29, '61 Dec. 17, '61 Sept. 12, '61 May 16, '61 Feb. 14, '63 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 May Pl'64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Sept." 9',' '63 Feb. 4, '63 May 5, '64 Baker, Abraham P Bambor, Archibald Bachelor, James F Barnes, Rudolph C Bayer, Andrew Borgh Peter Bevans Henry T 22 19 18 24 32 32 26 2l' 27 22 29 21 19 20 35 24 24 27 29 33 19 25 23 21 18 35 "23" 25 43 28 "2J" Bennett, Wm. D Berdan, Charles A Blackwell, Henry Bofferding, Peter G Benner Jefferson May 5, '64 Bond Daniel Bondurant, Cyrus S Bond Hezekiah Broffee, James Brooks, Cyrus A Burritt, Henrv Burgetorf, Henry Brown John H May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Dec. 18, '61 May 6, '64 May 5, '64 Feb. 10, '63 Cannon, Lewis Childs Henry R. Clark Calvin P Clausen, John Clifton Edward Clark, John Cox Edwin Davis, Edward E "July "6," '62 May 5, '64 Davis, Edward L . Davis Jonas P Davis, Almeron Daucher, George F Decker, Artemus L. M Duling, William... Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to Kirby's Battery. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Bristow; transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to Inv. Corps June, '64. Died Aug. 10, '61, of wounds at Bull Run. Re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Corp.; wounded at Savage Station. Perg.; wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Corp., Serg., 1st Serg.; killed at Gettysburg. Captured at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Killed at Fair Oaks. Wounded at Fredericksburg; trans, to Inv. Corps Dec. 19, '63. Wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run; deserted Sept. 17, '62. Captured at Bull Run; transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp.; killed June 29, '62, at Savage Station. Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to Inv. Corps. Killed at Glendale. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Wounded at Bull Run. Transferred to Signal Corps Aug. 18, '63. Discharged for disabilitv. Eastman, Christopher Eastman, Alva H Frary, Edrick J "June29,';62 Flynn, Jonathan Garrison, Wm. H . Garrison, Joseph P Gilberson, Ole 25 28 43 21 18 22 20 35 31 21 23 19 18 20 22 18 19 21 "24" 26 24 23 30 18 20 May 16, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 24, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 15, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 29, '61 Sept. 9, '61 Apl. 29, '61 June 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Mch. 28, '64 Apl 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 24, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 5, '64 Glazier, Aaron Gordon, Wm Grinnell, Geo. W. Aug. 20, '62 Grow, Enos F May 5, '64 Dec., '62 AugVs'VGi Harris, Charles N Hamlin, Philip Halsted.Hans Hammer, Nicholas Herbert, Wm. M Howe, Asa Hoffstetter, John W Hubbs. Charles L Hoyt, William H Hudson, Charles E luieson, James W Jackson, Elisha O Jacobs, Romulus E Jenkins, Erastus Johnson, Ole May "5',' '64 June 20, '64' Aug. 1,'61 May' "5, ''64 Johnson, Ferris King, Levi L,eeson, Robert W Leighton, Gardner D Lee, John M Mch" 10,' '63 Lewis, Geo. L ""F<&"iX"'G2\ Leamans, David H COMPANY G. ROSTER OF COMPANY F — Continued. 59 NAMES. ri B «< MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. % Apl 29 '61 Aug 31 '69 Lindergreen John Aug. 31, '62 Ludden, Otis W Marshall, David McLenathan IraC 16 22 3'> Apl. 2», '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 6, '62 Musician; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. McGee Richard 18 Apl 29 '61 McKiiiley George ?R May 23 '61 McGuire,HughG 31etselder Dirk 32 21 Mch.24, '6 4 Apl 29 '61 May 5 '64 Transferred to 1st Battalion. Merritt, Charles W Miller Frederick E 23 18 Apl. 29, '61 Apl 29 '61 May 5,' '64 Musician, Corp.; wounded at Bull Run. Milliken, Marcello B Mills, Charles W Mott Ransom 21 28 ?1 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 27, '61 "Feb!" 20/63 Feb. 17, '63 Killed at Antietam. Discharged for disability. Dis. for disability wnd at Savage Station1 arm amputated Nelson Paul Olsen Butler 21 Apl 29 '61 Transferred to U S Cav Oct °4 '69 Oscar, Ole Parker Edmond F. . . 25 May 29, '61 Sept. 26, '61 May 12, '63 Wounded at Savage Station; discharged for disability. Transferred to 1st Battalion Peterson Thotnas ?6 May 29 '61 May 5 '64 Peterson, Hans Feb. 14, '62 Wounded at Savage Station* killed at Bristow Pitcher Eli F 21 Apl. 29, '61 Wounded* transferred to U S Cav Oct ^4 '6-> Richardson, Josiab Riddle, Wm. C 31 19 May 24, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 5/64 Wounded at Fredericksburg. Re-enlisted in 1st Battalion Rush Hiraui I •>8 Apl. 29, '61 Killed at Bull Run Sallee, James F Season Edwin 25 9^ May 22, '61 May 23, '61 May 5 '64 Killed at Bull Run. Schweiger, David Seamans, Daniel H ... Scofield Amos G 18 "<>]" Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 21, '61 May 5/64 Jan., '63 Discharged for disability. Corp • died Aug 18 '61 of wounds at Bull Run 25 May 24 '61 Shay, Michael . . 18 May 24, '61 Transferred to Cavalry re-enlisted in 1st Battalion Shadinger Win Mch 25 '63 Skinner, Hiram A Skinner Wm. J 19 May 29, '61 Died at Fair Oaks June, '62. Died July 5 '6'' of disease Smith, John H Smith, Francis 21 97 Apl. 29, '61 Mch.30, '64 Oct. 2, '61 Discharged for disability. Transferred to 1st Battalion Squire, Leonard J ?4 Apl. 29, '61 Killed at Gettysburg. Standish, Merritt G Corp.- transferred to U. S. Cav Oct °4 '62 Steinberg, Adam . . Men. 29, '64 Transferred to 1st Battalion Syverson Amos 21 May 17 '61 Smith, Josiah R 39 Jan. 1/62 Transferred to 1st Battalion Thomas, Elijah F 91 Apl. 29 '61 Died Sept 6 '61 from wounds at Bull Run Underwood, James M "Webb Lester A 22 18 Apl. 29, '61 May 15, '61 Killed at Bull Run. Transferred to U S Cav Oct 24 '69 Williams, John ?7 Apl. 29, '61 Corp.; wounded at Antietam; discharged from general hospital. Willman, Martin 30 May 15, '61 Corp.; killed June 29 '62 at Savage Station Williams, E. Oscar. 18 Apl. 29, '6 1 Serg.; transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Wood, Theodore A Wright, James A.... 25 29 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 5/64 Corp., Serg.; detailed with Division Quartermaster. Corp., Serg 1st Serg • wnd at Gettvsburg' Lieut 1st Batt i ROSTER OF COMPANY G. NAMES. H O MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captains — 39 34 35 29 40 26 21 27 26 28 20 19 29 26 20 18 24 24 18 Apl. 29, '61 July 29, '61 Aug. 8/61 Oct. 19/63 July 29, '61 July 19, '62 July 2/63 Apl. 29, '61 July 31, '61 May 16, '61 May 23/61 Apl. 29/61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 23/61 Mch. 24/64 Mav 23, '61 MaV 22, '61 Mav 23. '61 Killed July 21, '61, at Bull Run. 1st Lieut.; killed July 3, '63, at Gettysburg. Trans, from Co. D; resigned Oct, 7, '63; Paymaster; killed by guerrillas. 1st Lieut. Co. A and G. Serg., Capt. Co. F; wounded at Fredericksburg; trans. Inv. Corps; Bvt. Maj. 2d Lieut. Co. E.; resigned. Corp., 2d Lt.; wd. at Gettysburg and Bristow; trf. to Inv. Corps. Resigned. 1st Serg.; trans, to Co. F.; trans, to Signal Corps. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to 6th U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Corporal. Transferred to 6th U. S. Car. Oct. 24, '62. Nathan S. Messick Dewitt C. Smith Josias R. King First Lieutenants — John J. McCallum James H. Shepley James DeGray Second Lieutenants — William E. Smith Joseph H. Spencer ENLISTED MEN. Areman, Adam May 4/64 Jan. 13, '63 July 31/61 May 5/64 Oct. 9, '62 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Andress, Marvin D Bassett, Edward H Barton, Dana B Barren Norman B Baker, Jefferson G Babcock, James M Belote, James Benson, Chas. M May 5/64 Bemis, Joseph G 60 THE FIRST REGIMENT. ROSTEE OF COMPANY G — Continued, NAMES. a MUSTERED IN MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS 18 Bennett, Wm. D Borchert, Henry Boll, Fridelin Bondurant, Cyrus S Brook, Wm. A Brown, Wm.W Buckman, George R Case,MerrittB Carney, James H Card, William Coombs, Charles A Coen, Wm.G Crooker, Geo. W .'.. Curtis,M.M Davison, Charles E Davis, Chas. C Dickinson, Frank Dunham, Phineas L Dubois, James L Ernst, Anthony W Farnsworth, Jerome Ferguson, Stephen E Gatzke, John ...» Gibson, Francis Gifford, Samuel S | 22 Goodrich, Jonathan I 21 Gregg, Robert 21 Gross, Oscar j 25 Graves,David ' 18 Hall, Philo I 19 Haskell, Merritt 20 Hanneman, Louis E 20 Haskins, Ezra D ; 20 Hausauer, Michael i 19 Healey, Martin j 33 Hess, Charles E 23 Hollister,Edward 28 House, Joseph L | 26 Holther, John i 30 Hopkins, George J 18 Jackson, Caleb B 19 Jewell, Benjamin H 19 Johnson, Albert , 19 Jones, Anthony 25 Johnson, Stephen H 23 Kenney, George A 22 Knight, Edwin M 18 Laird, Samuel 22 Livingston, Francis F 24 Lilly, Samuel j 20 Logan, John D | 22 Magee, George 21 McKinstry, John 21 McCulloch, Jonas G I 18 Meyers, William j 26 Miller, Asa 22 Mosher, Ludwell J | 22 Mollison, Allen 23 Morford, Samuel D | 19 Needham, Edward Z | 18 Nichols, James L 19 Northrup, Irvine W 23 Olmsced, Geo. W 20 Parker, Chas. C 24 Patton, Merritt B 25 Patterson, Martin 27 Pearl, S. J Peasley, Joseph W. Phelps, Alvin Phillips, Edward P. Potter, Edward Potter, William Ramsey, William. Apl. 29, '61 May 23,W61 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 18, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Mch.30, '64 May 23, '61 May 15, '61 May 23, '61 Aug. 26, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Mch.30, '64 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 28, '61 May 28, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 28, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 15, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Dec. 17, '61 May 18, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 . Ramsdell, Peter W Reed, Walters Reed, Neri Reed, Nathaniel Rhorer, John M Reynolds, Samuel Reynolds, Lewis G Roberts, Benjamin Rooks, Wm. A Russell, James E Sawyer, George P Sawyer, James T Schultz, Julius Bissler, Joseph Apl. May 23,' '61 May 23, '61 Mch.22, '64 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Sept. 10, '61 Mch.24,'64 May 22, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29 ,'61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 May 20, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Aug. 29, '61 Feb. 4, '63| May'"5', '64 Feb4,63 May'"5"'64 May 5, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Jan. 26, '62 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Feb. 6, '63 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Dec. 16, '61 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Jan. 20, '63 May 5, '64 Dec." 237' 61 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Aug. 3, '63 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Apl. 2, '63 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Jan. 4, '64 Dec. 8, V Jan. 14. '64 May 5 '64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 May" 5/64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Jan.'" 7,' '63 Jan. 10, '63 Aug'."V61 Aug. 13, '61 May 5, '64 Jan. 26, '62 May "'5,' '64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Feb. 6, '63 Jan! 1V63 Feb. 14, '63 Jan. 10, '6: Discharged for disability. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 25, '62. Trans. Sept. 10, '61 to Co. F; wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Transferred to 1st Battalion; wounded at Gettysburg. Corporal, Sergeant. Wnd. at Bull Run; dis. for prom. Maj. of colored regiment. Wnd. at Gettysburg • 1st Lieut. Heavy Artillery. Died June 2, '62, at Fair Oaks. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Bull Run; died Nov. 6, '62, at New York. Corp.; Com. Serg. Killed at Gettysburg. Wnd. at Bull Run; discharged for disability July 6, '63. Died Aug. 5, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Died July 5, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run Wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Wagoner; discharged for disability. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged; wounded at Bull Run. Discharged for disability. Corp.; Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Musician; discharged. Bugler and Principal Musician. Discharged for disability. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Transferred to U. S Artillery. Wounded at Gettysburg. Corporal. Transferred to 6th U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Corporal. Wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg; discharged for disab. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Haymarket and Antietam; trans to Inv. Corps. Wounded at Gettysburg; discharged for disability. Died Aug. 22, '62. Division Wagonmaster. Wounded at Gettysburg. Corp.; wounded on picket. Wounded at Gettysburg. Died Aug. 22, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Killed at Bull Run. Wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Corp.; transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Wounded at Gettysburg; absent, sick, at disch.of regiment. Corporal. Absent, paroled prisoner, at discharge of regiment. Serg.; died July 14, '62, of disease. Transferred to U S. Engineers Oct. 25, '62. Serg.; Capt. in 1st Battalion. Killed at Bull Run. Discharged for disability. Died Aug. 21, '62. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Corporal. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Discharged for wounds at Bull Run. Corporal. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg; re-enlisted 1st Batt. Wounded at Bull Run. Re-enlisted 1st Battalion. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Re-enlisted 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Fredericksbui Killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Antietam. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Killed at Gettysburg. irg; discharged for disability. COMPANY H. ROSTER OF COMPA.NY G — Continued. 61 NAMES. H o fi May 23 '64 Serg.- killed at Gettysburg. Wixon, JohnW, Wingett, Oliver 21 •>1 May 22, '61 Feb. 21 '62 Aug. 8, '62 Discharged for disability. Died Aug. 5, '62, of disease in Virginia. Wood, Edward L 18 Apl. 29 '61 Sergeant. Toung, Alonzo I Youmans, Michael 36 19 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Serg.; discharged for disability. Wounded at Bull Run. COMPANY I. ROSTER OF COMPANY I. 63 NAMES. OFFICERS. Captains — John H. Pell Wilbur F. Duffy First Lieutenants — Joseph Harley Samuel T. Raguet George Boyd Second Lieutenants — Charles B. Halsey , C.Edward Davis ; Waldo Farrar ENLISTED MEN. Abbott Henry Baker, Nahum C Bartlett, Ransom A Bledin, Nathan S Boyd, Jehial W Brown, Frank S Burnham, Rollin M Coflin, David A Carlson, Carl M Canfield.Wm. O Cannon, James Carroll, Thomas Cariguet, Bartholomew... Canfield, Amos Churchill, John M Clark, Lev! Colyer, Andrew H Coleman, James Conner, Thomas..... Colemau, Henry Cooper, John Crandall, Dennis Cureneff, Patrick S Davis, Albert S Dechanette, Alfred Dilly, Stephen B Donevan, Jeremiah Dwelle, Thomas M Ellison, Augustus Ellis Philander C Enery, Levi Erwin, Alexander Ferris, Myron I Fisher. Chas. K Fisk, VanH Fox, John Fernirod, Francis Freeze. Jacob F Frey, Joseph Gorman, Richard L Hancock, Allen H Harris, Wesley Harden, Anson R Hale Edward P Hendricks, Marcus L Hetherington, James W.. Hendricks, F. M Hickey, John Hitt, Thadeus N Howell.Wm. D Hutchins, Daniel Jackson, Benjamin Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Nelson Johnson, John A Jones, Ambrose Keeler, George S Keis, Daniel Kerrott, Edwin M Kenney, Mark Ketchum, George W Kline, George Knight, Oliver M Lawson, Herman Lavercombe, John Lessiug, Ferdinand Lent, Benjamin 3Iason, Charles F McKey, John H McClay.John Miller, George Miller, Frederick Milliken, George A MUSTERED IN. Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Apl. 30, '61 Nov. 18, '61 MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Mch.26, '63 Resigned. May 4, '64 1st Lieutenant Co. C. May 4, '64 Nov. 15, '61 May 22, '61 May 26, '61; Apl. 29, '61, May 24, '61 May 24, '61 Sept. 28, '61 May 26, '61 ! Apl. 29, '61 May 28, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 10, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Sept. 14, '61 Men. 29, '64 May 5, '64 Aug. 1, '61 Apl. 29, 'i May 24, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 2J, '61 May 23, '61 Sept. 10, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 26, '61 Dec. 18, '61 May 26, '61 Sept. 28, '61 Sept. 14, '61 May 30, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 30, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 24, '61 May 24, ' Sept. 28, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 24, '61 Dec. 27, '61 May 22, '61 Dec. 17, '61 May 24, '61 May 30, '61 Sept. 28, '61 June 4, '61 May 23, '61 May 31, '61 Sept. 28, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 24, '61 May 23, '61 Sept. 28, '61 May 24, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Mch. 30, '64 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 22, '61 Dec. 16, '61 Mch.29, '64 May 5, '64 May 5 '64 Nov. 27, '62 Dec. 15, '63 Feb""l5,''63 May 5, '64 ..) Feb. 4, '( May 5, '64 Mch. 5 ,'63| May 5, '64 Feb. 7, '63 Apl. 18, '62 Jan. 27, '63 Feb. 16, '63 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Wounded at Bull Run; resigned July 31, '61. Transferred from Co. C and to Co. E. 2d Lieut. Cos. E and H. Resigned. Promoted Capt. Co. E July 3, '63. 1st Berg.; killed at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Transferred to Co. G. Transferred to 4frh U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Deserted June, '61, at Fort Snelling. Discharged for disability. Corp., Serg., Serg. Major, 1st Lieut, in Co. A. Musician. Corporal. Wounded at Bull Run and Fair Oaks; discharged for wounds. Discharged per order. Transferred to Co. B Feb. 21, '62. Discharged for disability. Corporal. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Killed at Bull Run. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Killed at Bull Run. Wnd. at Bull Run; trans, to Co. B; Corp. and Serg. Major; 1st Lieut. Co. A. Serg.; discharged for disability. Wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Wounded at Bull Run; killed June 13, '62, near Fair Oaks. Wounded at Bull Run; killed at Gettysburg. Discharged for wounds at Bull Run. Discharged for disability. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged for disability. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run. Died Aug. 2, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; killed at Gettysburg. Discharged for promotion 1st Lieut, in 34th N. Y. Vols. - ' "ill Run. Wounded at Bu Died April, '64. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Bull Run. Died of wounds received at Gettysburg Sept. 12, '63. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Deserted June 9, '61, at Fort Snelling. Died July 22, '62. Deserted Sept. 6, '63, at Brooklyn, N. Y. May 16, '63i Discharged for disability. I Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to Co. H Feb. 1, '62. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Transferred to 1st Battalion. May 5 ,'64 May 5, '64 Dec. 3," '61 May 5, '64 Feb. 7, '63 Oct. 2, '63 May 5, '64 Nov. 16, '63 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Feb. 26, '64 Apl. 29, '611 May 24, '61 Dec. 28, '63 Apl. 29, '61 Dec. 15, '63 Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Wounded. Wounded at Antietam; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Serg.; wnd. at Gettysburg; dis. for pro. Prov. Marshal 1st Div. 25th Corps. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Absent on detached service on discharge of regiment. Wounded; discharged per order. Wounded at Bull Run. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Discharged per order. Wounded at Gettysburg; discharged for disability. 64 THE FIRST REGIMENT. ROSTEE OF COMPANY I — Continued. NAMES. K O < 27 23 27 31 38 35 21 20 18 26 19 21 21 21 19 20 21 19 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Miller Ernst L F May 30, '61 June 1, '61 June 2, '61 June 3, '61 May 29, '61 Mch. 14, '64 Apl. 29, '61 May 26, '61 May 26, '61 May 30, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 26, '61 May 24, '61 May 29, '61 May 4, '61 May 24, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Killed Oct. 22, '61. on skirmish at Edwards' Ferry. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Wounded at Antietam; discharged for disability. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp., Serg., 1st Serg.; wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg. Absent on detached service. Corp., Serg.; died Feb. 3, '63, of disease. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Died July 14, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Died July 4, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Transferred to 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '62. Died June 13, '62. Wounded at Bull Run; died Nov. 4, '62, at Harper's Ferry. Died July 22. '62. Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Corp., Serg.; died of wounds received at Gettysburg. Wounded. Killed at Bull Run. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg. Transferred to Battalion. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 23, '63. Wounded at Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corporal. Corp.; transferred to Co. G. Wagoner; killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Antietam; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Absent on detached service. Killed at Gettysburg. Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Died Aug. 27, '63, of wounds at Gettysburg. Milne, John O Dec. 16, '61 Mitchell, Lewis F Murray John W Dec. 7, '61 Jan. 30, '63 O'Neil James . . .. Orcutt Henry C May 5, '64 Orcutt, Freeman Organ George A Paul Wm L Paul' Ed win Parsons Henry * Peck Wm N Pendergast Lloyd G. . Phil brook Wm B May 6, '64 Pickett, Corwin Pittenger, James Q Pickett Thomas C Price Edward B . . . 41 27 21 27 31 27 33 "37" May 22, '61 Apl. 29 '61 Apl. 29, '61 June 3, '61 Apl. 29 '61 May 5, '64 Mch. 27, '63 May 6, '64 May 5, '64 Putnam Wm A Rabaca, Herman Richards Wm K. Eoe Wm J Schweizer, Michael Schimeck, Anton E Scurry, James Schweigert, William Seymour, Samuel O. K May 30, '61 May 24, '61 Feb. 27, '64 Mch. 23, '64 Apl. 29, '61 Mch. 30, '64 May 24, '61 May 26, '61 May 26, '61 May 31, '61 May 22, '61 May 24, '61 May 28, '61 Sept. 28, '64 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 24, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 26, '61 May 6, '64 "May""V64 Smith, George M. . . . 19 43 18 25 21 24 44 23 26 22 23 28 23 23 38 18 41 18 Soper Palmer Dec. 15, '61 May 6, '64 Feb. 10, '63 Soper, Edmund Strandt Sivert Stull, William Sutliff Omar H May 5 '64 May 5, '64 May" 5, "'64 Sullivan, John Veon, Edmund "Weaver, Daniel S Wells, Henry G Welch Byron . Weaver, George Whitcomb Milo S May 5, '64 Feb. 14, '63 Jan. 20, '64 Widger, Henry Winkelman, Edward E Woodard Oscar Worthington, Wm H Wellman, William F May 5, '64 ROSTER OF COMPANY K. NAMES. H O 1 May 22 '61 Re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Alderson John 21 May 22 '61 Mch 26 '6'' Wounded and captured at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Allred, Levi J Andrus, Charles H Badgely John J 31 26 21 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 May 23 '61 May' 5,' '64 Aug. 10, '61 Nov 25 '61 Corp., Serg., Lieut. 1st Heavy Artillery. Discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Babcock, James M 9^ May 22* '61 Transferred to Inv. Corps Dec. 1, '63. Barton Wm J 18 Apl 29 '61 Wounded at Bull Run. Best, Baltasar 9^ Apl. 29 '61 May 5, '64 Wounded at Bristow. Behr, Chas 28 Apl 29 '61 Wounded at Gettysburg. Beals, William ?4 May 22, '61 May 5, '64 Berry Noah F 23 May 22 '61 Transferred to Inv. Corps Dec. 1, '63. Bingham, Horatio S Boyson, Henry Bourne, Chardon 23 23 27 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29 '61 May 22, '61 Oct. 2, '62 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Serg.; discharged per order; Capt. 2d Cav. COMPANY K. ROSTEE OF COMPANY K — Continued. 65 NAMES. Boardman, Charles B... Brockway, Stephen R., Brink, Hiram A Burgess, George N Burton, Ephraim P Burgess, Samuel M Carpenter, Alfred P Casey, Edward Caulkin, Gavin E Chapman, Edgar Chase, Wm. B Churchill, Wm. H Chandler, Joseph C Countryman, Chas. C... Coy, Wm. A Colburn, Alfred Crippen, Joseph M Day, John Dribblebiss, John Drayne, Daniel Dud'ley, David B Durfee, George H Durfee, Jason Durfee, Chester H Durr. Israel Eaton, Joseph S Einfeldt, John Ely, Charles E Evans, John J Fajans, Julius Flemming, W H French, James H Oeorge, Andrew Geisreiter, Jacob Goddard, Charles E Gore, Leslie P Grimm, Fritz Harding, Hiram Hanson, Lewis Hill, Josephs Holland, Alpnzo Iverson, Erick .Johnson, Geo. F Keiley, Timothy Kennedy, Mack J Kenniston, Alfred Ketchum, Cornelius.... Kinnen, Mathias Kinyon, Wm H Knapp, Byron C ]Lacy, Grigen R Lincoln, Charles E Lincoln, Joseph Lynn, John Martin, Wm A Manning, John Marvin, Mathew H MUSTERED IN. Martin, Stephen E Mclntyre, Malcolm McDonnell, Allen Merritt, John G Moore, Zuar E Moore, Oliver W Moore, John Morton, Henry Nicklin, Samuel North, Charles Palmer, John W Patton, William.... Pfimd, William Pickle, Alonzo Raymond, George , Raig, W.R Reynolds, James J Remore, Elijah "Richardson, James O.. Rowley, Edward A Sargent, Wm G Seeley, James A Shaw, Alexander Sheeks, Franklin Sherman, Wm M Smith, Elbridge Smith, Geo. C Smith, Samuel Smith, Augustus H May 22, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Nov. 11, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 Fe.b. 27, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Oct. 4, '61 May 22, '61 May 29., '61 Nov. 4, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, ' Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 23, '61 Aug. 26, ' Jan. 25, '62 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '62 May 22, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 20, '6 May 22, '6 Apl. 29 ,'61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '6' Apl. 29, '6 Dec. 16, '6 May 22, '6 Nov. 18, '61 May 22, '6 Mch. 18, '64 Apl. 29, '6 Apl. 29, '61 Nov. 26, '6 Nov. 18, '61 May 22, '61 May 22, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Nov. 18, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 26, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 May 22, '61 May 23, '6: May 23, '6: Apl. 29, '6 Apl. 29, '6 May 22, '6 Apl. 29, '6 Aug. 14, '6: Apl. 29, '6 Feb. 9, '64 Apl. 29, '6 Apl. 29, '6 Mav 23, '6 May 22, '6 May 22, '6 Apl. 29, '6 May 23, '6 May 23, '6 Dec. 2, '6 Apl. 29, '6 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29 ,'61 Nov. 25, '61 MUSTERED OUT. May 5, '64 Nov. 10, '61 Jan. 27, '63 Sept. 24, '63 May 5, '64 Feb. 18, '63 Aug. 23, '62 Apl. 10, '63 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 May 5 ,'64 May 6, '64 Nov. 28, '62 May 4, '62 July 13, '61 REMARKS. May 5, '64 Aug. 2, '61 May'V64 May "5',' '64 Nov. 13, '62 Aug. 14, '62 May "5J ''64 May 5 ,'64 Nov. 27, '61 Sept. 6, '62 May'"5,''64 May 5, '64 May 5, '64 Jan. 8, '62 May 5, '64 Feb. 7, '63 Dec! 18,;62 Apl" '"s,' '64 Aug."25,''61 Aug. i, '61 May 5, '64 May 5, May" 5' '64 May 5, '64 Jan. 15, '63 Dec. 21, '61 Wounded at Fredericksburg. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Serg.; re-enlisted in 1st Battalion. Corp., Color Serg.; killed at Savage Station. Killed at Bull Run. Wounded at Antietam; discharged for disability. Corp., Serg.; wnd. at Antietam and Gettysburg; Lt in col'd regt. Transferred to U. S. Light Art. Oct. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Sergeant. Transferred to U. S. Light Art. Oct. 24, '62. Captured; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded at Antietam; transferred to 7th U. S. Inf. Wounded at Antietam; discharged for disability. Discharged for disability. Transferred to U. 8. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Wagoner; discharged for disability. Corp., Serg., 1st Serg.; died Oct. 6, '62, of wounds, at Antietam. Wounded at Bull Run; died at Richmond. Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to 1st Battalion. Died of wounds at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Run and Gettysburg. Corp., Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Corp.; wounded at Gettysburg. Serg.; discharged for disability. Corp.; discharged for promotion as Hospital Steward. Discharged for disability. Deserted June, '62. Deserted July 27, '61, at Washington, D. C. Killed at Gettysburg. Corp.; -wounded at Gettysburg. Corp.; killed at Gettysburg. Killed at Bull Run. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for promotion. Wounded at Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Musician. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Corp.; wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged per order. Discharged for disability. Sent to general hospital Mch. 28, '62. Musician. Wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Sent to general hospital; trans, to 9th Minn. Vols. Discharged per order. Discharged for disability. Transferred to U. S. Cavalry Oct. 21, '62. Killed at Antietam. Wounded at Antietam. Corp., Serg., 1st Serg.; wounded at Bull Run, Harrison's Land- ing and Gettysburg. Corporal. Discharged per order. Serg.; wounded at Bull Run. Serg.; killed at Bull Run. Corp.; transferred to U. S. Light Artillery Oct. 24, '62. Discharged for disability. Killed at Bull Run. Wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Corp., Serg., 1st Serg.; wounded at Gettysburg. Discharged per order. Wounded at Bull Run; sent to general hospital Oct. '62. Discharged for disability. Transferred to Battalion. Discharged for disability. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. '62. Transferred to Inv. Corps. Wounded and captured at Bull Run. Corp.; discharged per order. Corp.; transferred to U. S. Light Artillery Oct. 24, '62. Wounded at Fair Oaks and Fredericksburg. Wounded at Antietam; transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 27, '62. Discharged for promotion U. S. Top. Eng. Corps. Discharged for disability. '-•—•••- . discharged for disability. Dec. 22, '61 j Wounded at Bull Run I Killed at Gettysburg. 66 THE FIRST REGIMENT AND BATTALION. ROSTER OF COMPANY K — Continued. NAMES. H 4 25 24 31 18 24 21 24 28 21 18 21 21 17 MUSTERED IK. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Smith, Win Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Nov. 20, '62 May 23, '61 Mch.30,'64 Apl. 29, '61 May 23, '61 Dec. 16, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Mch.31,'64 Corp.; killed at Antietam. Discharged in hospital. Corp.; wounded at Bull Run; discharged for disability. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Killed at Gettysburg. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Discharged per order. Discharged for disability. Discharged from hospital. Transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Wounded at Bristow. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to 1st Battalion. Wounded at Fair Oaks; discharged for disability. Wounded at Gettysburg. Killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Vienna; discharged for disability. Corp.; transferred to U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Battalion. Killed Sept. 1 '62, in action near Flint Hill. Wounded at Antietam; killed at Gettysburg. Discharged for disability. Corp.; killed at Gettysburg. Wounded at Bull Ru'n. Stebbins Samuel E Nov. 28, '62 Sully John W Taylor, David Tallman S F Terril Israel M . Aug. 3, '61 Tennison, Reuben Thompson, Aaron J .,.„.... Thorp John "May"5',"'64 Tolby Ed . Truesdale, Andrew J Towner James 23 Dec. 24, '61 Nov. 28, '62 Vosz, Peter 23 38 27 20 23 29 30 20 May 22, '61 May 22, '61 May 22, '61 Feb. 15, '64 May 23, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 May 22, '61 Apl. 29, '61 Oct. 14, "'63 TVarner Warren . Walden, Lucius F Wentworth W Winchell.WmB Winters, Henry C Woodward, Frank Wright Randolph. Nov. 27, '61 Zimmerman, Chris May 5, '64 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS OF THE FIRST BATTALION. NAMES. H 0 •3j MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Lieutenant Colonel — Mark W. Downie Major — Charles F.Hausdorf Adjutant — James H. Place Quartermaster — John W. Pride Surgeon — John B. Le Blond Assistant Surgeon — Charles H. Spear 29 32 26 Apl. 6, '65 May 2, '65 July 1, '65 July 1,'65 May 17, '65 July 1,'65 Mch.14, '65 Apl. 1, '64 Mch. 15, '65 Mch.24, '64 Dec. 21, '63 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Maj. 1st Minn.; com. Col. of Battalion. Vet., 1st Lieut, and Capt. Co. B; com. Lieut. Col. of Battalion. Priv. Co. D; Serg. Maj. Vet., Serg.Maj. Surg. 1st Minnesota. Vet. Co. B, Minn. Sharpshooters; Hospital Steward. Priv. Co. I. Priv. Co. D; transferred to Co. F. Vet., Priv. Co. B July 1, '65. Veteran. Sergeant Major — Hugo Reed. 21 18 30 Quartermaster Sergeant — David L. Morgan Commissary Sergeants — Quinton Bunch Samuel S. Tenney Hospital Steward — Albert Little ROSTER OF COMPANY A. NAMES. a 3 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captains — James C. Farwell Henry D. O'Brien 31 22 May 5, '64 Apl 10 '65 Dec. 7, '64 July 14 '65 Vet.; discharged per order; Brevet Maj. Vet • wnd Deep Bottom Au<*. 14, '64; 2d Lt. Co. B; com. Maj. First Lieutenants — Chesley B. Tirrell Charles C. Parker 26 ?7 May 12, '64 Dec. 26, '64 Dec. 15, '64 Vet.; discharged for wounds received Petersburg June 18, '64. Vet., 2d Lieut., Capt. Co. C. Thomas H. Pressnell ?1 Apl. 1, '65 Vet , 1st Serg., 2d Lieut., Capt. Co. B. Second Lieutenant — John W. Pride Apl. 24 '65 July 14 '65 Vet Serg Maj Q. M. ENLISTED MEN. Abel, John Abbott, Elza S 20 25 Jan. 1,'62 Mch 9 '65 Dec. 31, '64 July 14 '65 Veteran. Adams, William Alpers, J. H. A Allyn Joshua 19 27 33 Apl. 1, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Mch 3 '65 July 14 '65 Died Sept, 1, '64, at White Hall, Pa. Vet., Corp., Serg.; pris. of war; absent on dis. of battalion. Baker, Charles B Baker, Jefferson G Babcock, James M 26 23 18 Jan.' 9,' '64 Apl. 5, '64 Mch. 25, '64 Aug. 4, '65 "July li',' '65 Vet.; captured near Petersburg; paroled; dis. per order. Vet.; died in rebel prison. Vet., Corp.; wounded June 22, '64, Petersburg. COMPANY A. ROSTER OF COMPANY A — Continued. 67 NAMES. 11 Baldwin, Jerome Bennett, Theodore A Bennett, Win. P , Benson, Halver Bertram, James Blauchard, Chas. C Blackwell, Henry Blake, George Blakely.Wiu Boney, Sylvester Bofferding, Peter G Boan, Dudley A Brown, Henry J. W Brown, Wm. \V Brady, Thomas Brown, Frederick A Brown, John J Carney, James II Carpenter, Edson Christianson, Ole Chisholm, Daniel Cien, Jacob Clark, George B Clancy, Daniel Clifton, Edward Clark, Charles I Clark, Levi Clark, John Close, Theodore A Cook, William H Collins, Jeremiah Coombs, William Coombs, Charles A Crist, John J Devlin, Michael Doran, Nelson Doughty, Asa B Donlan, Thomas , Eastman, Rufus M Ellsworth, Charles B Erickson, Edward Evanston, Andrew Farrington, William F Farquhar, John Farrand, Frank J Fisher, Charles K Fisher, Jacob Fuller, Lyman R Geiser, Frederick George, Jacob Ghostly, Henry Gibbs, Gates Gifford, Samuel S Gould, Aaron Gunralson, Hans Gunderson, Ole Graffhain, Francis Hanson, Charles W Hayford, Faxon Harvey, Julius Haskell, Merritt Henderson, Thomas D Herrick, John G Irvine, Theodore A Jackson, Benjamin Jacobson, Martin Jenkins, Erastus Jennings. John Jenkins, Frank M Jones, Ambrose Jones, Henry Johnson, John Johnson, Soren Joy,Wm. A Johnson, Wm. H Johnson, Geo. F Kerr, John Ketchum, George W Kuhn, George M Kramer, Sigismond 0 Latourell, Reuben O Lacher, John J Lang,James Lemmer, Peter Leonard, Maurice F Lewis, Asa B Little, Albert MUSTERED IN. Mch. 4, '64 Dec. 25, '01 Mch. 6, '65 Feb. 29, '64 Apl. 2, '62 Nov. 16, '61 Mch. 30, '64 Dec. 25, '63 Mch. 6, '65 Apl. 1, '64 Feb. 20, '64 Mch. 30, '65 Sept. 30, '61 Sept. 13, '61 Mch. 11, '65 Feb. 27, '64 Mch. 6, '65 Mch. 31, '64 Apl. 1, '64 Feb. 29, '64 Mch. 6, '65 Feb. 28, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Oct. 2, '61 Feb. 27. '61 July 20, '61 Sept. 18, '61 Mch. l,'6i Mch. 8 '64 Feb. 1,'64 Jan. 1, '64 Jan. 1, '64 Sept. 16, '61 Mch. 8, '65 Sept. 16, '61 Mch. 31, '64 Apl. 3, '62 Feb. 19, '64 Dec. 16, '61 Mch. 2, '65 Feb. 29, '64 Feb. 29, '64 Feb. 19, '64 Aug. 12, '62 Mch. 8, '65 Sept. 28, '61 Jan. 4, '6 Mch. 6, '65 Sept. 2,' Mch. 24, '64 Dec. 30, '61 Mch. 31, '64 Apl. 4, '6 Mch. 1,'6 July 29, '04 Feb. 29, 'G4 Mch. 1, '64 Mch. 20, '64 Jan. 1, '64 Jan. 1, '64 Apl. 4, '64 Feb. 23, '64 Mch. 9, '65 Dec. 30, '61 Sept. 28, '61 Feb. 17, '65 Mch. 30, '64 Mch. 9, '65 Mch. 9, '65 Sept. 28, '61 Mch. 6, '65 Mch. 9, '65 Mch. 9, '65 Mch. 31, '64 Apl. 27, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Aug. 13, '62 Sept. 28 '61 Mch. 24, '64 Jan. 1,'64 Mch. 9 '65 Mch. 24, '64 Sept. 2, '64 Feb. 24, '64 Jan. 1,'64 Mch. 8, '65 Dec. 25, '63 MUSTERED OUT. Aug. 10, '65 June 9, '65 Nov.' 26, ''64 June 8, '65 July 14, '65 Oct. 31, '64 Sept. 14, '64 Aug. 2, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Jan. 24, '65 July 24, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 REMARKS. July 14, '65 Sept. 21, '64 June 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 27, '65 July 14, '65 May 20, '65 July 14, '65 Apl. 26, '65 D?c. 18, '64 July 11, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 8, '65 July 14, '65 June26, '65 July 14, '6 July 14, '65 Dec. 29, '64 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '60 June 22, '65 July 17, '65 Dec. 29, '64 June 16, '65 Sept 27,' '64 July 14, '65 May 16, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Sept. 27, '64 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 1V65 June 30, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June"V65 Jan. 22, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Vet.; died Aug. 11, '64, at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Vet.; missing at Hatcher's Run. Discharged per order. Dis. per order; wounded Reams' Station Aug. 25, '64. Transf. from A, 2d Sharpshooters; transf. to V. R. C. May 27,'65. Veteran. Absent on discharge of battalion. Transf. from A,2d S. S.,Jan.30,'65; missing battle May 6,'64; vet. Died May 5, '65, in A. C. hospital. Captured in battle Aug. 25, '64. Discharged per order. Vet.; transf. from A, 2d Sharpshooters, Jan. 30, '65. Vet.; wounded June 22, '64, near Petersburg. Veteran. Absent sick on dis. of company; dis. per order. Vet., Corp. Corp.; wnd. Nov. 6, '64; dis. for pro. in 1st Heavy Art. Vet.; captured at Petersburg; dis. per order. Killed June 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Corp., Serg. Vet.; transferred to V. R. C. May 19, '65. Vet.; wnd. June 22, '64, Petersburg; transf. to V. R. C. Vet; killed June 18, '64, near Petersburg. Vet,; wnd. June 18, '64, near Petersburg. Vet., Corp.; discharged per order. Veteran. Vet.; discharged per order. Veteran. Vet.; died April 1, '65, at Benton Barracks, Mo. Vet.; died in rebel prison. Transf. from A, 2d Sharpshooters, Jan. 30, '65. Vet.; transf. 2d S. S., Jan. 30, '65; killed in battle Mch. 13, '65. Veteran. In hospital. Corp.; wounded June 22, '64, near Petersburg. Wounded June 22, '64, near Petersburg. Wounded June IS, '64, near Petersburg. Corp.; discharged per order. Vet.; killed Aug. 14, '64, at Deep Bottom, Va. Vet.; transf. from B, 1st U. S. S.S., Jan. 30, '65; dis. per order. Vet.; died Aug. 15, '64, at Deep Bottom of wounds. Vet., Serg. Vet., Serg. Vet., Wagoner. Died Oct. 20, '04, in rebel prison. Corporal. Vet.; wnd. Jerusalem Plank Road June 21, '64; dis. per order. Vet., Corp.; prisoner at Andersonville. Vet.; died Jan. 19, '05, at Baltimore, Md. Discharged for disability. Discharged.per order. Vet., Corp.; died Jan. 8, '65, at Cochecton, N. Y. Veteran. Vet.; wounded June 22, '64, Petersburg. Veteran. Vet., Corp., Serg., 2d Lieut. Co. C. Transferred to V. C. R.May 27, '65; Musician. Vet.; Corp. Transf. from A, 2d Sharpshooters; missing in battle May 13,'64. Vet.; captured at Reams' Station. Died Jan. 9, '65; wnd. Reams' Station Aug. 25, '64. Vet.; transf. from Co. A, 2d U. S. Sharpshooters; dis. per order. Discharged for disability. Vet., Corp.; captured at Petersburg. Trans, from A, 2d Sharpshooters; trans, to V. R. C. May 27, '65. 68 THE FIRST BATTALION. KOSTER OF COMPANY A — Continued. NAMES. w 0 <5 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Litchenberg, August Lonquist John 30 30 22 24 19 37 35 28 28 38 18 July 20, '64 Jan. 1, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Feb. 11, '62 Mch. 9, '65 Dec. 25, '63 Aug. 16, '64 Jan. 1, '64 Mch. 31 ,'64 Jan. 20, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Apl. 1, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Sept. 9, '61 Feb. 29, '64 Mch. 9 '65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 24, '64 Oct. 1, '61 Mch. 25, '64 Mch. 6, '65 Mch. 23. '64 Nov. 25, '61 Jan. 4, '64 Feb. 27, '64 Feb. 28, '64 Apl. 5, '64 Mch. 31, '64 Aug. 22, '62 Feb. 29, '64 Dec. 25, '61 Dec. 25, '63 Feb. 29, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 15, '64 Feb. 29, '64 Feb. 28, '64 Apl. 4, '64 Mch. 30, '64 Feb. 29, '64 Dec. 25, '63 Mch. 30, '64 Feb. 28, '64 Mch. 6, '65 Jan. 1, '64 Mch. 9, '65 Sept. 28, '61 Jan. 1, '64 Mch. 8, '65 Feb. 20, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Feb. 29, '64 Feb. 24, '64 Mch. 9, '65 Vet.; wounded June 22, '64, Petersburg. Killed June 22, '64, near Petersburg. Vet., Corp., Serg. Vet.; died June 28, '64, of wounds June 23, '64, at Petersburg. Vet.; transferred from A, 2d Sharpshooters. Vet.; transferred from A, 2d Sharpshooters; dis. per order. Vet,, Serg.; died April 1, '65, in Minnesota. Veteran. Vet.; trans, from A, 2d Sharpshooters; discharged per order. Vet.; died Aug. 13, '64, in De Camp General Hospital, N. Y. Wounded at Petersburg; discharged in hospital. Killed near Petersburg June 22, '64. i Vet., Corp. Discharged per order. Vet., Serg.; transferred from A, 2d U. S. Sharpshooters. Musician, Vet. Vet.; absent sick on discharge of company. Captured June 22, '64; discharged per order. Vet.; prisoner of war. Vet.; died Oct. 14, '64, at Fort Schuyler,New York Harbor. Vet.; died Oct. 22, '64, at Philadelphia, Pa. Corp.; discharged per order Jun« 13, '65. Vet., Serg.; discharged for disability. Transferred to V. R. C. Sept. 22, '64. Transferred to V. R. C. April 19, '65. Prisoner at Andersonville; discharged July 24, '64. Vet.; transferred from A, 2d Sharpshooters, Jan, 30, '65. Vet.; prisoner of war. Vet.; lost leg at battle of Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 14, '64. July 14, '65 Marshall, James Mattison Mathias July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 8, '65 Alartell Nelson McDonald Joseph McWilliams David July 14, '65 Aug. 31, '65 McKillup Geo. W McCulloch, Jonas G Merritt Lorenzo *... July 15, '65 "Sept."l6,''64 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 19, '65 "julv 1 V65 July 14, '65 'July 2V65 July 14, '65 Metz, Peter Mortimer, Geo. F Nelson Andrew "23" 18 18 21 29 28 18 39 19 24 32 "is" 25 22 31 24 25 29 28 40 21 40 21 27 Nelson, Evan B. Newel Erastus W Perkins Daniel A Pettyjohn, Dyer B Peasley Joseph W Phillips, John Pomeroy, Harlan P Pribble, Turner Putnam Clark Rayher, Frank Reed Nathaniel Reed Walter S June 13, '65 Nov. 30, '64 Roberts, Benjamin Rye Knute T Ryder Edward A Scovill Everett W July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Shepard Maurice F Sherman, Marshall Sias George July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Prisoner at Andersonville. Vet.; transf. from A, 2d Sharpshooters, Jan. 30, '65; dis. per order June 8, '65. Died July 14, '65, of wounds. Died Dec. 9, '64, at Washington, D. C. Vet.; transf. from A, 2d Sharpshooters, Jan. 30, '65; absent, sick, on discharge of company. Vet.; transferred from A, 2d Sharpshooters, Jan. 30, '65. Discharged in hospital per order. Wounded near Petersburg; absent on discharge of company. Vet,; wounded Jerusalem Plank Road June 21, '64. Vet, Corp. Vet.; trans, from A, 2d Sharpshooters, Jan. 30, '65; dis. per order. Vet., Serg.; promoted Capt. Co. D March 17, '65. Transferred from A, 2d Sharpshooters, Jan. 30, '65. Musician. Discharged per order. Smith, Nelson B Smith, Almon P . . Smith Francis Steinberg Adam ... July 14, '65 Storkelson Ole 32 24 21 36 17 28 30 23 35 25 36 30 21 17 26 Stacy William H Swartwout, Eugene Taylor, Charles E Thomas, Evan July 14, '65 July 8, '65 July 8, '65 Townsend, Perry C Tompkins Elias July 8, '65 Sept. 27, '64 Sept. 26, '64 July 14, '65 June 7, '65 Veon, Edmund Victory James C Waugh, Joseph B Weaver, Simon Whetstone, Thomas N W h ittemore , James A Willey George . ... June 7, '65 June 7, '65 June 22, '65 Woodworth, Walter C KOSTER OF COMPANY B. NAMES. 3 < MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captains — Ellett P. Perkins.. 27 May 5 '64 Oct 13 '64 Vet • discharged per order Charles F. Hausdorf Thos. H. Pressnell ~. First Lieutenant — J. Thomas Walker Second Lieutenant — Henry D. O'Brien 23 22 23 22 Nov. 26, '64 June 6, '65 Jan. 1, '65 May 12 '64 'July 1V65 July 14, '65 Vet,, 1st Lieut. May 12, '64; Maj. May 2, '65; com. Lieut. Col. 2d and 1st Lieut. Co. A. Transferred from Co. A to 2d Sharpshooters. Vet Capt Co A Apl 10 '65- com Major. Wm. W.Holden 23 Apl. 9, '65 Vet., 1st Lieut. Co. H, June 8, '65. ENLISTED MEN. Abraham, Geo. W. F 17 Apl 1 '64 Musician* died Nov 12 '64 in Andersonville, Ga. Abel Wm. H 24 Mch 24 '64 July 14 '65 Adams, David A ?f» Mch. 8* '65 July 14* '65 Ames Orville W Feb 27 '64 Supposed to have died July, '64. Aucker Wm H 21 Feb 28 '62 Wounded at Gettysburg Ju ly 9 '63- absent sick Barton, Wm. F 18 Apl. 1,'64 July 14 '65 Promoted Corp. Bergh Peter 21 Mch 24 '64 Prisoner at Andersonville 8 mos.; dis. July 24, '65; absent, sick. Berdan, Charles A 24 Nov. 15, '61 Nov. 17, '64' Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. COMPANY B. ROSTER OF COMPANY B — Continued. 69 NAMES. Bond, Hezekiah , Bowers, John G Bouler, Theodore Bofferding, Wm Bond, Daniel Bryant, James , Brown, Edward F Breich, Lewis Brink, Hiram A Brenchley, Philip bleyj Brown, Theodore. Brown, Wm. B Buck, Philip Carlton, David Canniff, John Caulkin, Gavin E Carlson, Carl Churchill, Wm. H Chandler, J.C Church, Harrison Collins, Peter Coleman, Henry Cooper, John Curtis, Archibald Decker, A. L. M Densmore, Sylvester Docker, J.H Durfee, Chester Dyer, Joshua Fisher, Henry J Frary, Eldrick J Gilroy, Thomas Gilbert, Richard Giles, James A Glazier, Aaron Gulltuan, John Hansen, Lewis Hamilton, E. M. C Hamilton, Elmsley J Hawks, James Hayes, Charles Halleck, Joseph Hamblett, Albert H Henderson, Lyman H Hill, Jonas R Hill.Corlett Holland, Alonzo Hoyt.Wm.H Hohage, F.W Irvine, Wm. N Irneson, James W Johnson, Samuel Kern, William Knowlton, Geo. W Koenig, Sebastian Knowles, William Lavercombe, John Matson, John Magnuson, Magnus McGee, Richard Mclntyre, Malcolm McGuire, Hugh G McClay, John Morgan, David L Munson, Madse Nelson, John Nelson, Paul „ Noonan, Patrick Noble, Charles Olen.Olof. Page, Henry D Parker, Edmund F Peterson, Peter Peters, John , Peterson, Carl Person, Peter Pickle, Alonzo Piker, Wm. C Pratt, Job J.... Ray.Wm ! Riddle, Wm. C Reb, Stephen Roberts, Isaiah M Rye, Charles Sampier, Francis Schumacher, Wm. E Sebers, Albert MUSTERED Aug. 22, '62 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 9 '65 Feb. 20, '64 Aug. 22, '62 Apl. 16, '64 Feb. 20, '64 Mch. 31, '64 Apl. 2 '64 Feb. 20, '64 July 20, '61 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 5 ,'64 Feb. 26, '63 Mch. 24, '64 Feb. 27, '64 Mch. 11, '65 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 30 ,'64 Mch. 30, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Sept. 10 '61 Mch. 1,'64 Feb. 11, '62 Aug. 26, '62 Mch. 31, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Feb. 21, '62 Mch. 11, '65 Mch. 9, '65 Feb. 27, '64 Apl. 1 '64 Feb. 20, '62 Dec. 16, '61 Apl. 4, '64 Mch. 1 ,'64 Mch. 1,'64 Mch. 10, '65 Feb. 14, '65 Sept. 30 ,'61 Mch. 9, '65 Sept. 14, '61 Mch. 9, '65 Nov. 18, '61 Sept. 10, '61 Mch. 28, '64 Apl. 8, '64 June 20, '61 Mch. 10, '64 Mch. 8, '65 Feb. 13, '64 Mch. 2, '65 Meh. 8, '65 Mch. 30 ,'64 Mch.27, '65 Mch. 11, '65 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 35, '64 Feb. 27, '64 Apl. 1, '64 Mch. 1,'64 Feb. 4, '62 Junel9,'61 Mch. 14, '64 June 20, '61 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 9, '65 Sept. 28, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 29, '65 Mch. 11 ,'65 Mch. 11, '65 Aug. 14, '62 Feb. 24, '65 Mch. 1, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Apl. 2, '64 Mch. 9, '65 Mch. 24, '65 Feb. 27, '64 Feb. 17, '65 Apl. 2, '64 Mch. 4, '62 MUSTERED OUT. July 14, '64 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 24, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Dec. 27, '64 July 20, '64 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 1,'64 Mch. 9, '65 Feb. 20, '65 July 14, '65 June 17, '65 Feb.* 20/65' Dec. 18, '64 June 19, '65 June 28, '65 July 14, '65 June 9, '65 Apl. 4, '65 July 14, '65 Sept. 14, '64 July 14, '65 Nov. 18, '64 Apl., '65 July 14, '65 Ju'ly"26',''64* July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 27, '65 Apl. 4, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July '14/65 July 14, '65 Feb. 11, '65 July 4, '64 July 20, '64 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Apl. 21, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 7, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 REMARKS. Wounded near Petersburg; died Oct. 26, '64, at Andersonville. Vet., Corp.; prisoner at Andersonville 8 months. Vet., 1st Serg.; promoted 1st Lieut. Mch. 16, '65. Musician. Vet.; discharged '65; absent, sick. Discharged for disability. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Promoted Corp.; prisoner 6 months. Veteran. Veteran, Corporal. Vet., Capt. Co. E, Mch. 21, '65. Discharged '65; absent. Vet., Corp.; promoted Serg., 1st Serg.; prisoner 6 months. Promoted Corp. Died '65. Vet.; killed July 14, '65, at Deep Bottom, Va. Veteran. Veteran, Corporal. Discharged for wounds. Died Nov. 25, '64, at City Point, Va. Wounded July 2, '63, at Gettysburg; absent since. Vet.; discharged for disability. Vet., Serg.; pris. at Andersonville 8 mos; supposed dead Vet.; wounded June 22, '64, at Petersburg. Vet.; discharged ou expiration of term. Died May 19, '65, at Baltimore, Md. Vet.; discharged for disability. Vet., Corp.; died Sept. 3, '64, wounds Reams' Station Aug. 25,'64. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Discharged in hospital. Prisoner at Andersonville 8 months; discharged. Vet.; wounded June 22, '64, near Petersburg. Discharged per order. Discharged per order. Killed May 6, '64, in battle. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Vet; wounded Jerusalem Plank Road, June 21, '64. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Vet., Serg.; died June 28, '64, of wounds at Petersburg. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Corporal. Discharged in hospital. Discharged per order. Vet.; died Nov. 19, '64, at Washington, D. C. Corporal. Vet., Corp. and Serg. June 8, '65. Wounded at Deep Bottom Aug. 14, '64. Promoted Q. M. Serg. April 1, '65. Discharged on expiration of term. Vet.: discharged on expiration of term. Died Oct. 29, '64, in prison at Salisbury, N. C. Vet., Serg.; discharged on expiration of term. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Died Dec. 15, '64, at Salisbury Prison, N. C. Veteran, Corporal; discharged per order. Wounded June 22, '64, near Petersburg. Corporal. Veteran, Corporal, Sergeant. Vet.; wounded at Gettysburg; discharged 1865. 70 THE FIRST BATTALION. ROSTER OF COMPANY B — Continued. NAMES. K 3 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Feb. 27, '64 Apl. 1,'64 Feb. 20, '64 Mch. 1,'64 Mch.31, '65 Jan. 1,'62 Aug. 14, 'G2 Mch. 24, '64 Sept. 28, '61 Mch. 28, '64 Mch. 9, '65 Mch. 8, '65 Feb. 27, '64 Nov. 1,'61 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Apl. 1, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Apl. 1, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 9, '65 Mch. 24, '64 Mch. 25, '64 Feb. 18, '64 Feb. 27, '64 Mch. 24, '64 Vet.; died Aug. 27, '64, of wounds at Deep Bottom Aug. 14, '64. Captured at Reams' Station. Died Sept. 21, '64, in prison at Richmond, Va. Corp.; killed Aug. 14, '61, at Deep Bottom, Va. Discharged on expiration of term. Discharged as per order. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Prisoner at Andersonville 6 months; discharged 1865. Discharged; absent, sick. Died Dec. 7, '64, of disease got in rebel prison. Vet.; discharged on expiration of term. Discharged as per order. Veteran. Discharged in 1865; absent, sick. Wounded June 23, '64, at Petersburg; died June 27, '64. Vet.; promoted Com. Serg. July 1, '65. Vet.; died April 3, '65, of disease contracted in rebel prison. Killed Aug. 14, '64, at Deep Bottom, Va. Veteran. Veteran. Died Aug. 8, '64, in field hospital, Virginia. Absent on discharge of company. Prisoner at Andersonvilie 8 months; discharged 1865. Veteran. July 14, '65 July 21, '65 Schutz Peter Sly, Gilbert E Yl" 21 39 "is" 37 36 "19" 38 "SO" 26" 21 23" 20 20 July 14, '65 June 7, '65 July 14, '65 Sept. 28, '64 'jiiiy 2V65 July 14, '65 Smith Wm C Snow, Lafayette W Stites Adam C Starckloffe, Herrnon Studley, George W Sunbey Geo. G .*... Sullivan Daniel May 18, '65 June 7, '65 June 7, '65 Sweigert Wm Talby, Edward Tenney Samuel S Towner, James Tollman, Sylvester Walsh, Joseph July 14, ''65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Waterburg, Andrew P Weaver, James E Weeks, John Wentworth, Walter Whallon, Martin S Winget, C. Weslev 23 July 14, '65 ROSTER OF COMPANY C. NAMES. w c <5 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captains — Charles C. Parker James Bryant First Lieutenant — Albert C Poor 27 22 35 Mch. 14, '65 June 16, '65 Mch 14 '65 June 15, '65 July 14, '65 June 15 '65 Vet., 2d and 1st Lieut. Co. A.; resigned. Vet., 1st Serg. Co. B. Resigned Second Lieutenant — Wm A Joy 26 Apl 1 '65 July 14 '65 ENLISTED MEN. Allen, David H Ballard Isaac 22 30 Mch. 8, '65 Mch 11 '65 Juiy'i4*"65 Deserted Mch. 19, '65, at La Crosse, Wis. 38 Mch 8* '65 July 14 '65 Baldwin, M. W Baker Morris C . .. 22 16 Mch! 7/65 Mch 6 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Barnes, Jonathan 42 Mch' l''65 July 14* '65 Billings, Isaac M 21 3^ Mch.llJ'65 Mch 8 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Boidner Philip 38 Mch' 8* '65 July 14* '65 Bowman, John W 21 Mch 11 ' '65 Died June 26 '65 at Frederick, Md. Brill Hezekiah 33 Mch 8 '65 July 14 '65 Bryant Geo W 19 Mch' 7* '65 July 14 '65 Brannan, John 27 Mch' 11* '65 Deserted Mch 19 '65 at La Crosse Wis. Brown George 24 Mch 9 '65 July 14, '65 Carter, Amos C 22 Mch 11 ' '65 June 8 '65 Corporal; discharged per order. Chipman, Horace A Charlson, Frank W Clow, Malcolm 22 35 23 Feb. 23, '65 Feb. 27, '65 Mch 7 '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Crandall, Byron F 19 Mch 1 '65 July 14 '65 Crandall, Henry A 22 Mch 1 '65 Julv 14, '65 Crink, John 35 Mch 6 '65 Ju4y 14 '65 Custar, Isaac 35 Mch l''65 July 14 '65 Dorn, William 33 Mch' 7* '65 July 14* '65 Dodge, William Dunham, Abner Dunham, Abel Dunton, Geo. W 31 28 31 34 Mch. 10, '65 Feb. 28, '65 Feb. 28, '65 Mch 3 '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Durland, John SO Mch. 9* '65 Deserted Mch 20 '65 at Chicago, 111. Eger, William V> Mch 10 '65 July 14 '65 Flanagan, Lauren 30 Mch 1 '65 July 14 '65 Frazier, Julius H Gensmer, Lewis Gillett, Jerome Gooden, Peter. . 17 21 29 42 Mch. 7, '65 Mch. 1, '65 Feb. 24, '65 Mch 10 'Q5 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Grulleson, Ole Harrington, David G Hall, Alva..... 19 31 19 Mch. 1 ,'65 Feb. 24, '65 Feb. 25. '65 Aug. 10/65 July 14, '65 Julv 14. '65 Discharged in hospital. Sergeant. COMPANY D. ROSTER OF COMPANY C — Continued. 71 NAMES. •< MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Harris Charles. . 42 37 34 31 22 27 21 20 19 21 32 18 17 35 26 28 30 31 32 28 17 18 19 27 38 27 16 43 22 42 41 29 35 35 21 32 23 25 37 32 22 24 34 26 20 26 39 41 40 22 34 30 21 20 24 22 26 41 38 24 18 17 Mch. 7 '65 Mch. 7, '65 Mch. 10, '65 Mch. 2, '65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 9, '65 Mch. 10, '65 Mch. 1,'65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 1,'65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 10, '65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 8, '65 Feb. 24, '65 Mch. 10, '65 Mch. 7, '65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 1,'65 Feb. 29, '64 Mch. 1,'65 Mch. 1 '65 Mch. 10, '65 Mch. 9, '65 Mch. 6, '65 Mch. 10, '65 Mch. 10, '65 Mch.11,'65 Mch. 1,'65 Feb. 27, '65 Mch.11,'65 Mch.11,'65 Feb. 28, «65 Mch. 10 ,'65 Feb. 25, '65 Mch. 1,'65 Mch. 3 '65 Mch. 19, '65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 7, '65 Mch. 9, '65 Feb. 27, '65 Mch. l,'6o Mch. 13, '65 Mch. 10, '65 Mch.11,'65 May 3 ,'65 Mch.11,'65 Mch.11,'65 Mch.11,'65 Mch.11,'65 Feb. 28, '65 Mch. 7, '65 Mch. 7 '65 Mch. 8, '65 Mch. 8 ,'65 Mch.11,'65 Mch. 1,'65 Feb. 25, '65 Mch. 8, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Died June 16, '65, near Munson's Hill, Va. Died at City Point. (No date.)* Corporal. Discharged, 1865, from hospital. Discharged, 1865, from hospital. Discharged in hospital 1865. Corporal. Sergeant. Corporal; disabled, absent, sick. Sergeant; discharged in hospital. Corporal. Died June 3, '65, at Munson's Hill, Va. Died April 30, '65, near Burkville, Va. Discharged in hospital. Corporal. Discharged per order. Discharged per order. Discharged per order. Discharged per order. Discharged in hospital. Corporal; discharged in hospital. Died June 7, '65, near Munson's Hill, Va. Discharged per order. Corporal Corporal. Harriman B W Hendry Alexander Hoff Abraham M ... July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Hoberty, Acton Hovey Alonzo Hunt William Johnson Robert July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Johnson Wm. H Jones Wm F Kilis, George Krick John . .. . Krick, Philip liauerman Michael Lahr Peter Lee, Aaron Libby W. J July 14, '65 Aug. 8, '65 Aug. 8, '65 Magoon, Harrison C Marlett Charles McClelland, John McLean William Menske, August July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 19, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 9, '65 July 14, '65 June 8, '65 June 9, '65 July 14, '65 May 3, '65 July 14, '65 Aug. 21 ,'65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 8, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Monroe Bennett . Morse, Windsor F Myers, Julius Newhall R B Nelson, Christopher... Nickel Philip Palenquist, I. B Parmerle W. H Paulson, Paul Pierce, E. W. Priest, John A Preston, Smith. Kiley, John Saupe, Frederick... Schaffer, Jacob Sherman, John H Sherman, John G Spooner, John W Smith, Henry R Star, Adolph F Stetson, Lorenzo P Story, Zacheus Stabler, Michael.. . Taylor, George Thrall, W.C Thalenhorst, Henry Tripp, Nathan Utter Charles S Tan Loon, Lawrence Wayrnan, Andrew Wade, Robert V Whitney, Constant H White, Michael. July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 6, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Wildes, Andrew J Woodward, Stephen Wright, George ROSTER OF COMPANY D. NAMES. H C •< MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Capfain — Thomas N. Whetstone... First Lieutenant — Ransom J. Madison Second Lieutenant — Francis E. Wheeler ENLISTED MEN. Adams, Andrew J 30 26 25 *>r> Mch. 17, '65 Mch. 17, '65 Apl. 10, '65 Mch. 15 '65 July 14, '65 May 29, '65 May 5, '65 Veteran, Sergeant Co. A. Resigned. Resigned. Died June 9 '65 near Munson Va. Andrews, Wm. H 44 Mch 15 '65 Aughen, Caugh John W... 18 Mch. 14, '65 Corporal. Atwater, James P Bates.L. C 22 40 Mch. 15, '65 Mch 14 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Batzla, Christopher Baumgartner. B 27 40 Feb. 28, '65 Mch. 13. '65 July 14, '65 .Tulv 14.' 65 72 THE FIRST BATTALION. ROSTER OF COMPANY D— Continued. NAMES. Bascombe, Hubert Bicedorn, Wm Blase, John H Bryan, Thomas Bruk,Wm.P Brown, Wm Burdick, Job W Buhler, John Bunch, Quinton , Campbell, Thomas Cahill, Michael Campbell, John Clark, Thomas Cole, Leander v Cole, Elihu Cohoes, John Cutter, Marshall Dalcoy, John Day. Leonard B Devine, Thomas Deidrich, August Dieff, Robert Dickman, John Doyle, John Dreager, Ernst Dressel, Richard Ellis, Wm Farnham, Wm. M Field, John M Flood.Edward Gillett, Albert Green, Joseph M Ore we, Wm Gunderson, Borge Hamann, Frederick Harding, Henry H. Halverson, Halver Hassler, Swan Hanzes, Daniel Henderson, Roswell Hedges, Allen W Heller, Henry Hosmer, Edwin M Hoffman, Theodore F Hurley, Patrick Kilmer, Francis A Knoche, Albert , Korfage.Wm Krenbring, John Kuntz, Frank I*> Mch.15 '65 July 14 '65 Allen Wm E 38 Mch 17 '65 July 14 '65 Andrews, fheodorus J Arnold Win W 29 86 Mch. 18, '65 Mch 16 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 33 Mch. 17, '65 94 Mch 18 '65 July 14 '65 24 Mch 18 '65 July 14 '65 Bullard Samuel 35 Mch 15 '65 July 14* '65 Corpora . Buck Edwin P ?,1 Mch. 18, '65 July 14, '65 Chamberlain, H. P Churchill, Eben Chafey Wm 38 22 31 40 Mch. 16, '65 Mch. 17, '65 Mch. 17, '65 Mch. 15 '65 June G, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Discharged per order. Corporal, Sergeant. Chambers, George 41 Mch. 18, '65 July 14, '65 Corporal Dixon Wm 3? Mch. 16 '65 July 14 '65 Doland Thomas 17 Mch 15 '65 July 14 '65 Doramus, John F 17 •>8 Mch. 16, '65 Mch. 17 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Dye, George 28 Mch. 3, '65 Aug. 6, '65 Edwards, Huntington Ellison John B 18 99 Mch. 16, '65 Mch 18 '65 July 14, '65 June22 '65 Ellsburg, Charles 34 31 Mch. 17, '65 Mch. 18 '65 July 14J '65 July 14 '65 Sergeant. 31 Mch 18 '65 July 14 '65 Farnham Hiram. 44 Mch.15 '65 June21 '65 Fligal Wm 82 Mch 15 '65 July 14 '65 Gee William 39 Mch. 17 '65 July 14 '65 Guttormson Gull 44 Mch. 16 '65 July 14 '65 Haverson, Halver Harris Wm. A 30 ?3 Mch. 16, '65 Mch. 16 '65 July 19, '65 July 14 '65 Discharged in hospital. Hewitt, Charles Heskett, Geo. E 23 37 Mch. 18, '65 Mch. 18 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Sergeant. Hickok. Franklin K 37 Mch. 18, '65 July 14, '65 Howe, Lafayette 40 Mch. 18, '65 July 24 '65 Hobbs, Daniel F 35 Mch 18 '65 June 19 '65 Houston, Cyrus H Huggins, John P 30 35 Mch. 18, '65 Mch. 17 '65 July 14, '65 Sergeant. Died at Washington D C Tverson Lars 38 Mch. 16 '65 June 2 '65 •James, John E 94 Mch. 17, '65 July 14* '65 Johnson, Martin ?1 Mch.15 '65 Aug 10 '65 Johnson, Hernyon A Knowlton, Charles R Larson, Martin. 25 39 31 Mch. 18, '65 Mch. 18, '65 Mch 17 '65 July 14, '65 Aug. 2, '65 July 14 '65 Discharged in hospital. Lewis Jacob 42 Mch 16 '65 Lovejoy, Luther N McColly, George McPeak, Michael 34 33 27 Mch. 1?| '65 Mch. 17 '65 Mch. 18 '65 July 14, '65 July 26, '65 July 14 '65 Discharged in hospital. Miller, Christopher Miller, C. F 36 30 Mch. 18, '65 Mch 15 '65 July 26, '65 Discharged in hospital. Morrison, Daniel R Nesmith, James 37 37 Mch. 16/65 Mch 16 '65 July 14, '65 June 17 '65 Oleson, Niels 99 Mch. 17, '65 July 14* '65 Parker, Newton Perry, Zepheniah PettengilL James M Phillips, Francis E Pitcher, Wesley W Porter, Lorenzo D 37 44 29 31 30 ?1 Mch. 16, '65 Mch. 15, '65 Mch. 18 '65 Mch. 17, '65 Mch. 18 ,'65 Mch. 17 '65 July 14, '65 June 17, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Discharged per order. Corporal. Rawlev,Wm. F.. ?8 Mch. 17 '65 July 14 '65 Ramsay, Nathaniel Scott James 39 34 Mch. 18 ,'65 Mch 17 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Corporal. Shoreson , James .... 35 Mch. 16 '65 Julv 14. '65 74 THE FIRST BATTALION. ROSTER OF COMPANY E — Continued. NAMES. rf c < MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Snyder Conrad ^ Mch. 18, '65 July 14, '65 Stevens Lafayette 36 Mch.18 '65 July 14, '65 Corporal. St. Claire John ?8 Mch. 17, '65 July 14, '65 Steinberg Wm 99 Mch. 17, '65 Absent on discharge of companv Thompson Wm 38 Mch. 16, '65 July 14, '65 W Mch. 17, '65 July 14, '65 Tolefson Sander 19 Mch. 16 '65 July 14 '65 Turner, Wilbur Ward Geo W 22 32 Mch. 17, '65 Mch. 16 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Walker, John W Wallace Thomas 38 37 Mch. 15, '65 Mch. 17, '65 July 26, '65 July 14, '65 Discharged in hospital July 26, '65. Weaver Philip 34 Mch.18, '65 July 14, '65 Weaver John 3rt Mch. 15, '65 July 14, '65 Winters Peter Rfi Mch. 15 '65 July 14 '65 Wilcox John 38 Mch.18, '65 July 14, '65 Widrich John R6 Mch.18, '65 July 14, '65 Williamson, Charles M Wrangham Wm. B 32 24 Mch. 16, '65 Mch. 16, '65 July 26, '65 July 14, '65 Discharged per order. ROSTER OF COMPANY F. NAMES. K O •< MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captain — Lafayette Hadley 35 Mch. 31, '65 July 14, '65 first Lieutenant — Thomas H. Kelly Second Lieutenant — 24 30 May 25, '65 Mch 29 '65 July 14, '65 June 15 '65 Resigned ENLISTED MEN. 34 Mch. 24 '65 July 14 '65 Baker John 36 Mch. 23, '65 July 14, '65 Bidwell, Benjamin Bissonett, Lewis 38 93 Mch. 20, '65 Mch. 22, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Biggerstaff James 36 Mch. 22, '65 July 14, '65 18 Mch 22 '65 July 14 '65 Boyd John F 9q Mch. 18 '65 Absent on discharge of company. 34 Mch 29 '65 July 14 '65 Buck' Sidney 18 Mch. 25, '65 July 14, '65 Click Abram 32 Mch. 22 '65 June 8 '65 Discharged per order Collard, Alfred 87 Mch. 24, '65 July 14, '65 Cole James M 20 Mch. 25, '65 July 14 '65 Discharged in hospital Cripps Wm 31 Mch. 30 '65 July 14 '65 Dearman,Geo. W 36 29 Mch. 22, '65 Mch. 27 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Elliott, John W Eels Mortimer R 19 32 Mch. 23, '65 Mch. 22 '65 June 6, '65 June 8 '65 Discharged per order. Discharged per order. Enudson, Gunder 3f> Mch. 20, '65 Julvl4, '65 Erickson, Ole 19 Mch. 23. '65 July 14, '65 28 Mch 25 '65 July 14 '65 Promoted Corporal Evenson, Mads Garland Wm H 19 31 Mch. 25, '65 Mch 24 '65 July 14, '65 Discharged in hospital '65 Gilbertson, Gilbert Gould Charles 22 39 Mch. 20, '65 Mch. 25, '65 June 8 '65 July 14 '65 Discharged per order. Green, Ezra W 9f> Mch. 25, '65 July 14, '65 Harvey, Alphonso 9^ Mch. 24, '65 July 14, '65 Sergeant. Hanson, Joseph L ?6 Mch. 24, '65 July 14, '65 Corporal. Hardy, Wm 3S Mch. 22 '65 Died, 1865, at Parkersburg, Va. Hall Leslie 19 Mch 20 '65 July 14 '65 Harrison, Wm. W Hadsey Simon 22 82 Mch. 24, '65 Mch. 27, '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Corporal. Hoople, David 38 Mch. 22, '65 July 14, '65 Howard Silas N 18 Mch 22, '65 July 26 '65 Discharged in hospital. Ingraham, James Jacobson, John 33 3R Mch. 22, '65 Mch. 23, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Jenkins Wm 31 Mch 22 '65 July 14 '65 41 Mch 22 '65 Discharged in hospital '65 Kingston, Wm. D 19 Mch 25* '65 June 2 '65 Discharged per order. Koole Nels 19 Mch 22 '65 July 14 '65 Larson, Nils 17 Mch. 25, '65 July 14, '65 Leech John *>3 Mch 27, '65 July 14 '65 Corporal. 93 Mch 25 '65 July 14 '65 Loomis, Daniel A McGaffey Oliver 37 37 Mch. 22, '65 Mch 20, '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Corporal . McVay, James ?,1 Mch. 25, '65 July 14, '65 McKay, Hugh 97 Mch. 25, '65 July 14, '65 Mitchell. George Morris. Wm.B...., 31 32 Mch. 24, '65 Mch. 22, '65 July 14, '65 June 9, '65 Discharged in hospital. COMPANY G. ROSTEE OF COMPANY F — Continued. 75 NAMES. rf e July 14, '65 Billings, Geo.W Borden Lysander 20 34 Mch. 30, '65 Mch 30 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 16 Mch 28* '65 Ju lv 14* '65 Chintiard, Lewis 17 Mch 24 '65 July 14 '65 Cook Fayette 16 Mch 30* '65 June 8 '65 TV h 1 n (\ Couistock, Wm. H Cooper, James H De Grush, Wm. J 39 35 24 Mch.' 30 ''65 Mch. 30, '65 Mch 30 '65 July 14,' '65 July 14, '65 Sergeant. Died Julv 9 '65 at Jeffersonville Ind Dodge Emerson 17 Mch 30 '65 July 14 '65 Drowley, George. Dullard, Michael 28 43 Mch. 30, '65 Mch 30 '65 July 14^ '65 July 14 '65 Corporal. Eaton, Horace G 93 Mch. 27, '65 July 14 '65 Sergeant. Elwiss, Francis. Federer, Dominick Felton, John 24 32 3-1 Mch. 30, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 30, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Fiero, Sidney A 18 Mch. 30, '65 Died May 11, '63, at Washington, D. C. Fible, Henry 27 Mch. 30, '65 July 14, '65 Fogarty, Patrick Gav, Charles H 18 ?7 Mch. 27, '65 Mch 23 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Garrison Geo. W 31 Mch 30 '65 July 14 '65 Gapp, John Gorman, David C. 26 32 Mch. 30, '65 Mch 27 '65 July 14, '65 Aug 2 '65 Hanson, Peter 23 Mch 95 '65 July 14 '65 Harvev, Lewis E.... 16 Mch. 27, '65 Died Mav 5. '65. at Citv Point. Ya. 76 THE FIRST BATTALION. ROSTER OF COMPANY G — Continued. NAMES. w 3 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Hallett Abram 1 Q Mch 28 '65 July 14 '65 Heath, Charles E 17 27 Men! 27J '65 Mch 27 '65 July 14* '65 July 14 '65 Jose, Horatio L 43 Mch' 24* '65 July 14 '65 Kellogg Judson 25 Mch 30 '65 June 8 '65 Discharged per order June 8 '65 29 Mch 30* '65 July 14 '65 26 Mch 29* '65 July 14* '65 Lent Nicholas 19 Mch 30 '65 July 29* '65 Discharged In hospital 29 Mch 30*'65 May 31 '65 Mch 27* '65 July 14* '65 39 Mch 28 '65 Discharged in hospital '65 McLaughlin, Samuel McGill Charles 28 *26 Mch. 28, '65 Mch 27 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 McQueen Wm 39 Mch 30 ' '65 July 14 '65 Metcalf Milton B.... 31 Mch 30' '65 July 14* '65 Mills Milton F 26 Mch 9 '65 June 8 '65 17 Mch 21* '65 July 14 '65 Morse Henry N . 22 Mch' 30* '65 July 14* '65 Corporal. Nash Elbert 31 Mch 14* '65 July 14 '65 Oleson Adam .... 25 Mch' 22* '65 July 14* '65 Ordway, Isaac F 19 Mch. 14 '65 July 14, '65 Parsons Warren 22 Mch 27 '65 Discharged in hospital '65. 28 Mch 29 '65 June 8 '65 Parks Geo. L 19 Mch 28* '65 June 8. '65 Pinney, Jerome S Pope Prentis A 16 18 Mch. 27, '65 Mch 30 '65 June 8, '66 Discharged in hospital '65. Porter Cyren O 43 Mch 30 '65 July 14 '65 Prentiss, Worthington S... 20 23 Mch. 30, '65 Mch 13 '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Rafferty John 38 Mch 28 '65 June 12 '65 Discharged in hospital Rencill John 25 Mch. 14* '65 July 14 '65 Sartwell, Theodorus 16 Mch. 28, '65 July 14, '65 Corporal. Schaffer Oliver P SS Mch. 27 '65 July 14, '65 Slocum, Malvin B 18 Mch. 28, '65 July 14, '65 Stouff Joseph •><1 Mch. 24 '65 July 14, '65 Stocking Frank 99 Mch 28 '65 July 14 '65 Thrall, Charles.. 18 Mch. 27, '65 June 10, '65 Discharged per order. Thompson, Algernon A.... Vanderwort, Edward H... Walker, Richard W Webster, John E 18 32 18 18 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 15, '65 Mch. 27, '65 Mch. 27, '65 July 14, '65 June 29, '65 July 14, '65 Died May 14, '65, at City Point, Va. Discharged in hospital. Whitcome, Valentine O.... Whitney, John 18 35 Mch. 24, '65 Mch. 30, '65 June 15, '65 July 1 4, '65 Discharged in hospital. White, John R9 Mch. 30, '65 July 14, '65 Wick wi re, Philander Willis, Wm. W 27 41 Mch. 30, '65 Mch. 30, '65 June 8, '65 July 14, '65 Discharged per order. Corporal. Woodruff Geo. E 94 Mch. 27, '65 July 14 '65 Sergeant. Wood, Mason H 47 Mch. 30, '65 July 14, '65 EdSTER OF COMPANY H. NAMES. K C5 •< MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captain — John C. Crawford First Lieutenant — Philander C. Seeley Wm. W. Holden Second Lieutenant— David Richardson ENLISTED MEN. Baker, Orin 35 j 41 24 42 41 Apl. 14, '65 Apl. 10, '65 June 8, '65 Apl. 14, '65 Mch 31 '65 June 15, '65 June 3, '65 July 14, '65 June 15, »65 July 14 '65 Resigned. Resigned. Veteran. Resigned. Ball, John Baker, Benjamin F 25 39 Mch. 29, '65 Apl 1 '65 July 14 '65 Corporal » Benedict, Henry S Bingham, John G 21 37 Apl'. 3/65 Apl 1 '€5 July 14 '65 Discharged in hospital '65. Blood, Milo N 28 Mch 28* '65 July 14* '65 Boie, John 28 Mch' 28* '65 July 14* '65 Boyd, Isaac D 22 Mch' 28* '65 July 14* '65 Bourdon, Peter 18 Mch' 28* '65 July 14* '65 Burkins, James H .. .. 18 Apl 3 '65 July 14 '65 Burkhardt, Gotfried Butler, William 19 19 Apl! 6J'65 Apl 6 '65 July 14, '65 Deserted June 1 '65. . Cravath, O'Birney Chesroun, George Chambers, Olin F 20 30 17 Mch. 25', '65 Mch. 31, '65 Apl. 4, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Promoted 1st Sergeant. Discharged in hospital '65. Chambers, Hamlin Cooper, Charles A 16 T> Apl. 7, '65 Apl 7 '65 July 26, '65 Discharged in hospital. Deserted June 1, '65. Close, Wm 38 Mch 81 '65 July 14 '65 Davis, Oscar W.... ?6 Aol. 5.' '65 Mav 16*. '65 Discharged per order. COMPANY I. ROSTER OF COMPANY H — Continued. 77 NAMES. Dee, William Degood, HartB Denton, Marion G , Durkee, Edwin Eastman, Leander Einfeldt, Henry Ellingson, Hittel Elliot, Simpson Erickson, Erick Erhmcke, Chas. H Farrell, Garrett Fisher, Albert Fowler, Leonard E , Gessell,Win Grinsted, Joseph H , Gunderson, Peter Gulson, Charles Halverson, Seben Halverson, Christopher., Harvey, Geo. K , Hanson, Steen, Jr Heliker, Samuel C Isaac, Lewis Janes, Charles Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Lewis. Johnson, Horace M Johnson, Abraham Kennedy, Thomas E Kelly, James Kerne, George Kidney, Chauncey J Kimber, Albert Larson, Paul Landscho, Jochim Laplount, J. B Laird, Andrew, Jr Miller, Edwin B Monson, Knudt Neihart, Charles Oleson, John Oleson, Lewis Page, Horace Rohwerder, Claus Rolf, Charles H Sadler, George Seamans, James R Seamans, Solomon L Shay, Frank Shay, Martin Stevens, Wm. A Swanger, Win Tarbox, Gonzelo E Thomas, Azariah Thompson, George G Tronson, Edwin E Tritsher, Belains Truesdell, Charles B "Wells, David Wheeler, Jewett W Whipple, Melvin J Williams, Peter Williams, Lewis MUSTERED IN. Apl. 7, '65 Apl. 4, '65 Mch.31,'65 Mch.28, '65 Mch.31,'65 Men. 28, '65 Apl. 3,'6,< Mch.31,'65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Apl. 4, '65 Apl. 1 '65 Apl. 5, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 29, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Apl. 3, '65 Apl. 3 '65 Mch.31,'65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 30/65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Apl. 3, '65 Apl. 3, '65 Apl. 5, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Apl. 3, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Apl. 4, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Apl. 3/65 Apl. 3/65 Apl. 5/65 Apl. 3, '65 Apl. 4/65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 30, '65 Mch. 30, '65 Mch.28, '65 Apl. 3, '65 Mch.31,'65 Apl. 10, '65 Apl. 6, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Apl. 7, '65 Mch. 31, '65 Apl. 5, '65 Mch. 28, '65 Apl. 6, '65 Apl. 3, '65 Apl. 4, '65 Apl. 6, '65 Apl. 10, '65 Apl. 4, '65 Apl. 4 '65 Mch. 27, '65 Mch. 31, '65 MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. July 14, '65 1 July 14, '651 July 14, '65j July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14/65 June 2/65 June 24/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 May 9/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 June 4/65 July 14/65 July 14/55 June 24, '65 July 14/65 May 16/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 May 16/65 July 14/65 July 14/65 July 21/65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 5, '65 July 14, '65 June 9, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 Sept. 28 ,'65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, 'So July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 June 16, '65 July 14, 'G5 Promoted Corporal. Sergeant. Corporal. Corporal. Discharged per order. Discharged in hospital. Corporal. Discharged per order. Discharged in hospital '60. Discharged per order. Discharged in hospital. Discharged per order. Corporal. Promoted Sergeant. Promoted Sergeant. Discharged in hospital '65. Discharged per order. Corporal. Died May 29, '65, at Alexandria, Va. Discharged per order. Discharged in hospital, Aug. 10, '65. Discharged per order. Discharged per order. Discharged in hospital. Corporal, Sergeant. Died June 2, '65, at Munson's Hill, Va. Discharged per order June 16. '65. Discharged in hospital '65. ROSTER OF COMPANY I. NAMES. H o •^ MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. OFFICERS. Captain — John N. Wallingford First Lieutenant — Jacob Z. Barncord Second Lieutenant—: Win. J. Cornman ENLISTED MEN. Ayers, Charles G 31 22 29 37 Apl. 25, '65 Apl. 25, '65 Apl. 25, '65 Apl. 7 '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Barnett, Darius 18 Apl 8 '65 July 14 '60 Beatty Daniel. 25 Apl 10 '65 July 14* '65 Brooks, Israel.... 18 Apl. 11. '65 Julv 14. '65 78 THE FIRST BATTALION. ROSTER OF COMPANY I — Continued. NAMES. w < MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED OUT. REMARKS. Card Levi A .... 00 Census Caspar 38 40 Mch ft' '65 ,,„,,. A . Cooper, Ezra Coon Henry 37 2*> ApL 5/65 Mch 7 '65 July 14, '65 July °7 '65 First Sergeant. Cross, Nathan M Cutting Chester S 29 Api.'ll!'65 Apl 10 '65 July 14, '65 large ospita Davis Samuel 30 Apl 10* '65 De Groff Oscar Apl 8* '65 TV v, ^ on ip- Emerick, Roswell L Evans John D 30 17 Apl! 8* '65 Apl 13 '65 July 14, '65 Corporal. Farrell Geo. G 22 Apl 3 '65 French Gilmau J 16 Apl 11* '65 ~?e.r£6ant. Gilchrist, Aaron 21 Apl 11 ' '65 Green Franklin 24 Mch 18* '65 01 TV V, A • 1, • Harris Thos. A 18 Apl 13 '65 Hackett, Michael 35 Mch 28* '65 July 29 '65 D' h d d T 1 -'9 '6*5 Hayes Thomas 18 Apl 10* '65 Oea per orcier juiy _y, oo. 32 Apl 10* '65 Hamilton, Geo. H 35 Apl 11 ' '65 July 14 J65 Hale Darue P 26 Apl 11* '65 Hanson, Erick Hanson Hans 28 28 Apl! 11 ''65 Apl 11 '65 July 14, '65 Hemmingwav, J. C 28 Apl 10 '65 Tuly 14* '65 Hickey John 16 Apl 14* '65 , Hudson, David A 33 \pl 10' '65 July 14 '65 Ives, Stephen 32 30 Apl. 10,' '65 Apl 11 '65 July 14* '65 Sergeant. Kinkle, Swan E Knapp, Hiram A Kruger, Christian 35 24 24 Apl! 3* '65 Apl. 6, '65 Apl 8 '65 May 16, '65 July 14, '65 July 14 '65 Discharged in hospital. L