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: ‘er, ac ar —,

The Characters used for Classification are :—

100A1 Vessels built of [ron or Steel according 90A1 to the Rules in force since 1869.

A11 Iron or Steel vessels built for a special purpose. AX] AX] Iron Vessels built according to Rules in force between 1864 & 1871.

* AX] Iron vessele built with thicker plating

Al Al

than required for A\] Wood or Composite Vessels.

The tigure 1 affixed to a character signifies that the vessel is well and sufficiently equipped ; a line after the character (thus, A —) that the equipment is deficient from that required by the Rules.

The words with freeboard” under the character signify that the freeboard assigned is a condition of the vessel’s class.

Classification of the late Underwriters’ Registry. Al1* A1* Characters of Iron, Steel, or Com-

Al, Al, posite Vessels built according to the Rules of Underwriters’ Registry.

Vessels classed in Red have been built under inspec- tion of Surveyors to Underwriters’ Registry.

Classification Columns when left blank indicate Vessels never Classed by the Society.

In Ool. 6 (Sailing Vessels), Col. 5 (Steamers), three dots with date (thus 3.37) indicate that

the Class was withdrawn at Owner’s request at the date specified. Where the Class was withdrawn in this way prior to Ist July, 1933, the three dots appear in Col. 8 (Sailing Vessels) and Col. 7 (Steamers).

{n Col. 8 (Sail) and Col. 7 (Steam) Ly signifies the classification of the Underwriters’ Registry, and the letters a, 6, c, &c., indicate the letters and equipment numbers in the Rules.

A black line with date under it in Classification Column (thus 3,37) indicates that vessel's character was expunged from Register Book at date specified because, from reported defects, the vessel wag not entitled to retain her classi- fication ; a red line with date (thus, 337) indicates withdrawal of class becanse of non- compliance with Society’s Rules as regards surveys.

A date in Classification Column, without character, indicates that the Class has expired, or been withdrawn from absence of Survey, or non- payment of fees.

When a posting of loss, casualty, &c., is made against a classed vessel the character is ex-

punged thus :—

+ in the Classification Column signifies that the vessel was built under Special Survey.

-LMo —Boilers and Machinery of steamers, or machinery of motorships certified by the Engineer Surveyors to Lloyd’s Register.

LMOGN) —Internal Combustion Engines certified y


he Engineer Surveyors to Lloyd’s Register - to be in good condition after modified Survey.

ELMO os—Liloyd's Machinery Certificate denoting

"that the machinery of motorships has been surveyed by the Surveyors to Lloyd’s Register in conformity with the Continuous Survey arrangements, the date following the CS being that at which a cycle of the Continuous Survey was completed. The date below is that at which the survey was last advanced by the inspection of about 25 per cent. of the machinery.

Beams —Boilers and Machinery Surveyed and re- ported to be satisfactory by the Engineer Surveyors to Lloyd’s Register.

DRg—Donkey Boiler Surveyed and reported to be satisfactory by the Engineer Surveyors to Lloyd’s Register.

> Special Survey of Machinery or Boilers during construction.

Lloyd’sRMC —Refrigerating Machinery Certificate

denoting that the Refrigerating machinery, insulation, and spare gear are fitted in accord- ance with the Rules, and were found in good condition by the Surveyors to Lloyd’s Register at the time mentioned.

rLloyd’sRMC —The >} signifies the Special Survey of the Refrigerating appliances during con- struction, by the Surveyors to Lloyd's Register.

a&cp.—Anchors and Chains proved at a Machine recognised by Lloyd’s Register.

Lloyd’sAécP—Anchors and Chains proved under the inspection of the Society's Officers at a Machine recognised by Lloyd’s Register.

SS & ss.—Special Survey. Rest.—Restored. Cont.—Continued, ut.—Half-Time Survey,

The date of survey only certifies to the vessel’s state of efficiency at that time.

Key to Abbreviations.

de eedeauxca? After Peak Tank. soves-sese+eeeAgphalted. Bridge 30 feet long, ... Bulkheads. ...Bar Keel, 9 inches in depth. ...Cellular Double Bottom. Cemented. Composite, ---+++++-+-Double Bottom. Dib rasensuseceees Direction Finder (Wireless).

2 Dks(lron-Uws) 2 Iron Decks, the upper one being sheathed with wood.

2 or 3 Dks ...Two or Three Decks laid. Dilitmes vecsnesoerts OOP. rank,

Ie pepe Echo Sounding Device. F 30t .. ...Forecastle 30 tons. FiGo¥ M issenncons Felt and Yellow Metal. Gara ao ah aCe

Re ravecoorer ess Flash Point.

FPT ....Fore Peak Tank,

GyC. ............Gyro-Compass. H..................Deck Houses.

Tal ermepee ey Oe Lengthened.

EL cate cav scares Materials. Miligresskss-5sese00 Midship deep Tank

+... Over-all length. hats Sireeortint cc Passenger Certificate.

P30t ............Poop 30 tons.

PaO nee tec eterws Paddle Steamer.

SO tartans Raised quarter deck or Break 30 feet long.

RED'S0‘:\<2.5..< Raised fore deck 30 feet long.

(lo errr a Screw.

2or3trB...... Two or three tiers of Beame with or without Decks on them.

WIG Sea avicsraens Water Ballast.


Cc. Compound.

ve Triple expansion,

Q. on. sse-se-se++eQuadruple expansion

Ln Bens ees eee Horizontal.

19 i ge Beectec Oscillating. io saestceesss ess DIMODAL.

be 5 .- Lever. UGS Lc cesress .-»2 Single ended Boilers. -2 Double ended Boilers, pee veaueeeah Water-tube Boiler.

Pe ee Superheater(s) fitted.

..-Forced Draught or Induced Draught. Pee ssentearuren 6 Corrugated Furnaces.

aibane cosets tee 6 Plain Furnaces.

(Nd dostcoyeerrre 6 Ribbed Furnaces.

GS 100) 3... 109 square feet of Grate Surface.

HS 3006 ...... 3006 square feet of Heating Surfac: .

OV ister Cylinders, with number prefixed.

Si Gissess ..-4-stroke cycle

mleag kaseewe aon araae 2-stroke cycle Citeun

BAlizetserseseasts Single acting ere Engines.

[oA boreacsescactens Double acting

Figures before !t—Working Pressure of Main Boilers in tb per square inch,

Figures before Js—Working Pressure of Donkey Boilers in /+ per square inch. The letter P or 8 prefixed to /b indicates the pressure of port or starboard donkey boiler respectively.

Mohy.Aft ...... Machinery fitted Aft.

Ref.Mchy. ..... -Fitted with Refrigerating Machi- nery, see List at end of Register.

SO Risereturasreceth Single Reduction Gear fitted between Main Engines and Screw Shafting.

PD Rivecsss cee setess Double Reduction Gear fitted between Main Engines and Screw Shafting.

Gla aascie -Tail Shaft fitted with Continuous Liner.

OO Grerscosre ..-Tail Shaft fitted with an approved Oil Retaining Gland at after end of Stern Bush.

Ni Beers Nominal Horse Power by formule

given on page xxxv of Key.

Fils teers cpyree Nominal Horse Power by Official

Register in the case of British Vessels,

NEGBor tcc New Engines and Boilers.

NDB ie iisce ......New Donkey Boiler.

Pr.B ...- ...Press Boiler,

In Col. 13 letters rand s in parentheses indivate the Material of Boilers.—(See Key, page

XXXViii.) Gmipisesesre-ces Compounded. iste Eoteepar es: Tripled. 02 le rence Quadrupled,

In Col. 16 (Sailing Vessels) Col. 15 (Steamers) the capital letters represent the various Register Societies in which Vessels are classed, if not classed. in Lloyd’s Register. A dagger under the letter indicates that the vessel was formerly classed in Lloyd’s Register. (See Key pages xxx vi-xxxviii, for full explanation.) “BT till 6,387” indicates that a Board of Trade Passenger Certificate has been granted, expir- ing in June 1937.

For complete explanation of Records, &c., see Key at commencement of Register, —Vol. 1, page xxxiii.


A No. in Supp. ... 87084 . 87025 87089 87017 87097 87057 87083 87077 87005 87047 87002 87064 87105


Name. Aakre (20, 23) Aar (5) Abbekerk (20) Acadia (3,7) Accomac (23).....secc006 Adolf Bratt (12, 13) ... Adviser (22 Aegir (24) ...sscssceeeees Africa Ocidental(1,21) Africa Shell (20, 24)... African Explorer(1,24) Agba (14, 15,21) Aghia Hirini (24) ...... Aghios Spyridon (15) Agioi Victores

(15, 16, 19)

Ahrensburg (20) AREA TE C22) \ ccbiveccctes Akatuki Maru (8, 21) Akiura Maru (1,14)... Aksi (18, 19) Al Rawdah (15, 16, 18) Alar (12,19) .... Alba (18) Aleyone (5) Aldebaran (14,22).

87071 87086 87053 87039 87011 87078 87073 87058 ... 87079 ... 87024 . 87010 87101

. 87004 87041 87060 87055 87087

Alresford (13, 14, 17) Amarylis (12,19,21,22) American Seaman (20) American Trader (1, 8, 22)

Amra (11,15, 21) Anadyr (9, 15) Analock (6, 22) Anatina (9, 19) Ancon (14) Andenes (14) Anders Jahre ( Andes (19) Andrea Contarini(1,16) Andromeda (15) Angelburg (21) Angelo Emo (4) Anghyra (7) Annitsa (16, 17, 22, Antarktis (20) Antiklia (20) Antilla (20) Antje Fritzen (21) AUEDNIN [ha lrasssasssesss Antonio Locatelii (6) 87032 Anu (23, 24) 87100 Anzan Maru (1, 3) . 87007 Aprilia (4) 87021 Aptity (14, 17,19) 87061 Aquila (7) 87037 Aratama Maru (5,21) 87030 Araton (11, 20) 87048 Arawai (22 87096 Arbel (10, 12, 19) 87045 Archangelsk (18) 87080 Ardennes (1, 9) 87013 Arendskerk (11,13,16) 87015 Argentina (11, 18) 87049 Argentina Maru (14)... 87065 Argentona (3,20) 87018 Argos (19, 20) Ariadne Moller

(12, 15,16) 87054 Ariege (1,9)

87008 87009 87042 87031 87043 87068 87062 87102 87081 87003 87069 87092 87020 87036 87075 87090 87085 87088 . 87093 87052


Name. Arijon (11, 72) Ariston (3)... Arizona (21) Arlesiana (16, 20, 24) Armilla (11, 14) Arne Kjide (7,8) Arno (/,8) Arnon (5) ... Arosa (7, 16) Arusa (24) Ary (12, 13, 14) Ary Scheffer (11,13,16) Asakaze Maru (8, 15, 21) Ashkahabad (J/) Aska (21) Askot (10, 14) Aspasia Nomikos (4, 12, Assimi (17,18) Assuan (5,9, 18) Astrell (4,5, 6,15, 21) Astrid (7) Ath (624). 22ccicsh cece Atlanta (14, 22) Atlantic Guide (14, 16) Atlantic Scout (12, 18, 14, 24) Atlas (2,3) Atuta Maru (8,9) Aurora (4956 tons) (22, 24) Aurora (4584 tons) (23, 24) Aust (24) Avila (8,9, 12, 22) Avon Coast (23, 24) ... Awazisan Maru (15)... Aztec (22)

No. in Supp


. 87016

87091 87074 87051 87033 87001

. 87028

87035 87104 87059 87023

87038 87050 87094 87046

87006 87076 87027 87022 87034 87066 87063 87067

87056 87014 87040


87099 87103 87019 87098 87072

Bahia Blanea (5,13,14) 87260

Bahia Camerones

(15, 18) Bahia Castillo (14, 18) Bahia Laura (3, 4) Balikpapan (//) Balkan (4120 tons) (12) Balkan (2209 tons)

Balkis (13)

Balmung (//) Bandjermasin (8) Banei Maru No.2 (14) Banei Maru No.3 (14) Banei Maru No.6 (14) Banei Maru No.7 (14) Banei Maru No.15 (15) Zangalow (16) Banjoewangi (7) Bantam (14, 18,22) ... Barfieur (2)

Baron Semple (13, 15) Barossa (1, 4, 16,20)... Barrister (21, 24)

Bart (6,9)

Basra (17,19)

3atavia (7,8) Batavier III (18) Baudouinville (16) ... Bawtry (11,13,18) ... Beatrice (9,16, 17,20) Belinda (7, 15)

87298 87294 87254 87276 87281

87259 87286 87275 87268

7296 87297 87292 87295 87300 87302 87264 87288 87253 87283 87251 87317 87255 87309 87263 87313 87303

7278 87270

No. in Supp

87285 87314 87252 87279 87322 87267 87291


Bellerock (13) Bellona (19, 22) Benlomond (1, 22) Benrinnes (12,13,14,24) Benvrackie (24) Bernadette (15) Bernhard Schulte (14) Bess (20) 87316 Bhima (8d) ~..<sesss02-cce 87306 Bill (13, 16) soos 87287 Bjérkhaug (#21) 87318 Bjornvik (11, 12,15)... 87273 Bomma 87266 Bona (9) -.. 87269 Bore II (8,21) ... . 87256 Boreland (3, 14) 87257 Bosforo (17,18,22) ... 87310 Bourgogne (9, 14) 87271 Brazil (12, 18) 87280 Breconshire (16) 87305 Bremerhaven (5) 87262 Brennus (24) 87321 Bretwalda (21) 87308 Britamer (22) 87301 Britamsea (23, 87312 Britannia (22) 87293 British Fidelity(10, 21) 87261 British Genius (15) ... 87277 British Influence (24) 87315 British Liberty (20)... 87299 British Prudence (22) 87307 British Sincerity (18) 87284 British Tenacity (19) 87282 3ritish Trust (17,24) 87272 British Unity (21,22) 87289 Brockley Hill (21) 87319 Brush (17, 19) 87311 Buenos Aires ( 87320 Bundaleer (21) 87304 Bust (1/) 87274 Bute (14, 18) 87290

C. Arrivabene

2 87507 87547 87546 87587 87532 87571 87503 87564

(2, Cabo Paez (13) Cabo Palos (13) Cabo San Sebastian (24) Cachapoal (8, 9) Cagou (18,19, 20) Caid-Kebir (1, 3) Cairndale (18) California Star (18, 21, 24) Campeche (21) 87581 CamrouxIV (J/,4,5)... 87501 Canadian Star (23) ... § Canelos (9, 10,14) 87534 Cantick Head (4) 87517 Cap Pinede (5) 87519 Cape Clear (23) ......... 87585 Capitaine Saint Martin (18, 15) Capo Nord (6,7) Capo Vita (15, 23)...... Caporto (22, 23)......... 87584 Carelia (3, 19, 23, 24)... 87509 Carl Jiingst (3, 21) . 87511 Carlow (6, 16, 23, 24)... 87523 Carmar (17, 18) Carmen (//) Carsbreck (4, 13, 20,22) 87513


87551 87528 87559

Name. Carthage (16) Castelbianco (16, 19)... Castelverde

(9, 10, 14, 22, 23) Cate B. (3,7, 12) Catharina (23 Cathrine (81, 22) Caupolican (//) Caverock (13, 14) Cedardale (20, 23,24) Ceram (6) Cerion (16,21) .... Ceronia (23) Cervo Ligure (4) . Ceseo (12) . Chacao (20) Challenge (24) Champagne (J1) Chapaev (17) Charlotte Schliemann (21, 23, 24) Chatham (6, 19) Chios (21) Chipka (4, 6, 15) Chrobry (19) Chuen Hing (3,7) ...... Chulmleigh (1, 19) Cimarron (15) Cistula (20, 22, Citrine (18, 19) City of Los Angeles (7, 20) City of Munising (6)... City of San Francisco (7, 20) Clan Forbes (13) Clan Lamont (20, 24) Clavella (24) Clea (2, 14, 22) Cliftonhall (3, 16) Clyde Coast (4,15) ... Coburg (1,7, 15, 22) ... Collingdoe (24) Colombia (20, 21) Colorado (20) Columbia Star (18, 23, 24) Comandante Paolini (4) Comol Cuba (14) Comol Rico (14) Connecticut (18) Coolebar (13) Corilla (20) Corinthia (21) Cornel (10, 12,17) Cornouaille (12,17) ... Coultarn (7,19) Crescendo (6)... Cressida (14) ... Cristobal (20) Cuauhtemoc (5,6,7)... Culebra (15) Cycle (16, 23)


Daigen Maru No. 8(17) Dalbek (21)

Dalstroi (23) ... Danubius (4) Daphnella (3,19) Dardanus (19, 20)

No. in Supp. 87565 87563

87535 87510 87569 87580 87540 87549 87579 87526

. 87522


-. 87515 . 87544

87578 87588 87541 87568

87582 87524 87553 87527 87572 87508 87505 87560 87577


87530 87521

87529 87550 87576 87573 87506 87512 87504 87502 87586 87561 87574

87570 87516 87556 87557 87531 87552 87539 87583 87538 87545 87514

ee. 87525 . 87558

87575 87520

7562 87548

87785 87793

. 87794

87761 87758 87789


No. 12.

Name, Darina (24).... Daronia (19) . Davila (2,18) Daxhound (#1, 22,24) De Ruyter (458 tons) (17) De Ruyter (348 tons) (3) DeSoto. C14). coisckovers’ Demirhisar (14) Denbighshire (11, 17, 18) Derrynane (8) .. Deslock (5, 6,14) ...... Desoto (8,4) .sccrcceees Devon (11) Devonshire (14) Dicto (12, 19) Dieciocho de Marzo (18 de Marzo) (23) Diloma (18, 22, 23,24) Dinarié (13,14,21) ... Docilitas (1, 8,14, 16) Dr. Heinrich Wiegand

Dogu (20) Dollard (17,18) Dolomite 4 (4, 10, 15)... Dominion Monarch(18) Don Isidro (23) Donald McKay (22 Donau (17) Donbas (12).......... 4 Dora Oldendorff (12)... Dorington Court (24) Dornoch (18) Doros (14) Doryssa (6)...... Dosinia (10) Drabant

(18, 14, 19, 20, 23) Draco (13) Drake (24) ... Drava (JJ) ... Drin (7) : Duala (2,7)... ae Dundalk (11,16,17,18) Dunkerque (6,9, 11) ...


E. Sang (7, 10) Earl of Zetland (24) ... Eastern Star (14, 16)... Edo Maru (15) Efterpi (9, 20) Egemen (24) Egon (20) Ehime Maru (1, 20) ... 18 de Marzo (23) Eihuku Maru (5866 tons) (3)

Eihuku Maru

(3590 tons) (17, 22) Eika (11, 15) Eiyo Maru (22) Eizan Maru (16) Eizyu Maru (3) El Fath (10, 16) El Hind (2, 8, 4,22) ...

NOTE:—The numbers following the vessels’ names indicate the fortnightly Supplements (issued to Subscribers of un-posted books) in which particulars will be found.

No. in Supp.

vs. 87798 . 87781

87754 87792


87756 87780 87782

87771 87757 87762

. 87755

87769 87783 87774

87795 87788 87776 87751

87765 87791 87787 87759 87760 87797

. 87796


. 87773

87775 87790 87779

. 87784

87752 87763

87778 87777

nS Ton .. 87770 . 87766

87753 87772 87764

87919 87955 87935 87940 87921


87947 87904 87953


87944 87932 87951 87942 87909 87930 87906


No. in No. in No. in No. in No. in Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name, Supp. Elbhof (15).......:.0000+ 87938 | Francis R. Hart Hatterlock (6,11,13,23) 88365 | Inspiration (24)......... 88528 | Kayo Maru (18,14) ... 88798 Eleni Stathatos (12, 18,20) 88066 | Heian Maru (14) ...... 88379 | Ionian ($,11,15) ...... 88504 | Kazuura Maru (11,22) 88792 (7,8, 22) 87916 | Franco Martelli (23)... 88083 | Heie Maru No.6 (16) 88390 | [ridio Mantovani (14) 88513 | Kehi Maru (17) ......... 88815 Elias G. Kulukundis Franz E. Schiitte (22) 88081 | Heiei Maru (2,3) ...... 88358 | Iris (23) 88526 | Keiko Maru (7,22) ... 88778 (1,8, 17,20) 87902 ) Fredrick S.Fales (20) 88076 | Helene Kulukundis Irma (15) 88516 | Keizan Maru (J) ...... 88791 Elizabeth Lysaght PIPACZIS LC Oy LO) mresctceess 88057 (5, 18,22) 88351 | Irmtraut Cords (22,23) 88525 | Kenkoku Maru (4,8,14) 88771 (1, 12) 87901 | Frossoula (14,19,20,21) 88069 | Helfrid (21) ............ 88408 | Isin Maru (14) ......... 88512 | Kenmar (14,16) ...... 88801 Elizabeth Massey (24) 87957 | Fryken (11,18) ......... 88055 | Helga Moller (/,7,9,11) 88355 | Isle of Alderney (0)... 88511 | Kennebec (14) ......... 88799 Elle (2, 7518), ....s0eseses 87905 |FulhamIV (16)......... 88064 | Hellenic City TSCA 2 )ionsseccavesvevtecness 88505 | Kenordoc (24) ....... 88837 Ellen M (6,7,9,14) ... 87913 | Fulham V (22) ......... 88082 (20, 21,23) 88404 | Isuzu Maru (24)......... 88529 | Kensyo Maru (4, 14)... 88768 Elsie (6,7, 21, 22) 87914 Hellenic Trader(19, 23) 88402 | Italia (24) .............4. 88530 | Kentish Coast Elven (7,9)......+++ . 87918 EROIISON (2) chdecsssscosees 88359 | Ittersum (7, 16)......... 88501 (5,18, 14, 20,21) 88756 Emily Sauber (18)....... 87945 G HenningOldendorff(24) 88416 | Itukusima Maru (19)... 88518 | Kenton (10)..........0000+ 88789 Enderta (1) .ccccccccese 87903 Henry Boge (4) ......... 88361 | Iwato Maru (22) ...... 88524 | Ken-Yo Maru (22)...... 88833 ENNA (4). ccseccserserere 87911 | Galdames (14) ......... 88224 | Hercogs Jekabs (23)... 88415 | Izan Maru (3) ......... 88503 | Kenyo Maru (7,22) ... 88777 Equator (16, 18,24) ... 87941 | Gallia (21) ....cceeseeeees 88280 | Hermes (19) .......2.00s 88400 Kenzan Maru Erica Reed (15)......... 87937 | Galway (6,16,23,24) 88213 | Hermod (22) ........0 88411 (4705 tons) (11) 88790 iraCO (CLI S 2h) sseccsccorss 87933 | Ganto (S) .....eccrccosces 88204 | Herstein (14,19) ...... 88381 Kenzan Maru Erie Isle (5,19) ......++. 87912 | Gard (7,12, 22) ......... 88215 | Hie Maru (7,19) ...... 88367 J (940 tons) (4,17) 88767 Erminia (15) ............ 87936 | Gassan Maru (2) ...... 88201 | Hisayosi Maru (16) ... 88391 Kerkena (3, 4,9, 18)... 88764 Erminia Mazzella Gayarre (82, 23)......... 88231 | Hitati Maru (18) ...... BSS00) Made: (76) iciesessescounnes 88662 | Kerry (5,16, 23,24) ... 88772 (8, 18, 17, 23) 87920 | Gemlock (5,7,9, 21)... 88212 | Hoegh Scout (16,19)... 88388 | Jaguar (12, 13,14,15) 88658 | Keydon (17, 20)......... 88813 Erna Gaulke (15) ...... 87939 | Genkai Maru (20)...... 88227 | Héegh Silvercloud (19) 88403 | Jamaica (15) ............ 88663 | Keyholt (17, 20).......++ 88812 Errol (£3) cescosssceseees 87954 | Genzan Maru (4, 6,14) 88209 | Hiegh Silvercrest James J. Maguire (24) 88666 | Keymont (17,20) ...... 88811 Escaut (8, 22).....ceere 87908 | Georg L-M. Russ (9) ... 88219 (9,14, 16,18) 88356 | Japara (13,20) ......... 88660 | Kimisima Maru (1, 14) 88751 Esso Campana (9,17) 87925 | George M. Livanos Hokki Maru (2, 8)...... 88357 | Java (21, 24) ...... PS EORO LU ONE C29 )\ cacsccsasgesceea 88794 Esso Copenhagen (20) 87948 (8, 9,19, 20,24) 88202 | Hékoku Maru (17) ... 88393 | Jean Lafitte (4) ......... 88655 | Kinryu Maru (8) ...... 88781 Esso Delivery Georgios Potamianos Hokuan Maru (1, 14)... 88354 } Jintsu Maru (3)......... 88653 | Kis (19) ........cssseeeeee 88821 No. 10 (3) 87907 (24) 88232 | Hokuryu Maru (14) ... 88378 | Johan (24) ......... ... 88671 | Kitahuku Maru (17,21) 88810 Esso Formosa (9,20,23) 87924 | Germania (22) ......... 88222 | Hokuzyu Maru JOhENN) (12) La cesses ces eces 88659 | Kizan Maru (2) ......... 88757 Esso New Orleans (21) 87949 | Gertrud (10, 15,16) ... 88221 (1, 8,14) 88353 | Johann Schulte (24) ... 88675 | Klaus Schoke (8, 14)... 88782 Esso Panama (19)...... 87946 | Giang Bee (#1) ......... 88229 | Homberg (14) ......... 88382 | John A. Brown (/) ... 88651 | Klipfontein (19) ...... 88825 Esso Salta (9,21) ...... 87923 | Giorgio Fassio (18,19) 88226 | Hoperange (14,18) ... 88384 | John Holt (3, 10,19)... 88654 | Knoll (20, 21)..........+. 88826 Esso Tracto (9) ......... 87922 | Giotto (4) sscrcreccsscese 88207 | Hortensia Bertin John J. Boland (23) ... 88674 | Koan Maru (6) ......... 88773 Wasodan (19)... i..5.06 BVO2S Gisela (5). Secescocces cose 88211 (17,18) 88395 | Jonge Willem (17)...... 88665 | Kobac (5,6,11) .......0. 88770 Essolene (9,12) ......... 87926 | Giuseppe Messina (5) 88208 | Houtman (11, 14) ...... 88369 | Joseph Swan (8) ...... 88656 | Koei Maru (4, 4,7)...... 88769 Espiguette (9) ........- 87927 | Giuseppina (9) ......... 88220 | Hozan Maru (22) ...... 88413 | Josewyn (15) .........66- BEGGL otras (82) sincscsstees 88830 Esutoru Maru (14) ... 87934 | Giyu Maru (8, 1/) ...... 88218 | Huascaran (14,24) ... 88383 | Juhan (20) .o..eceeeeeeee 88669 | Kogyo Maru (17,18,22) 88814 WeeHOls (2 6)gee-ccden sce cess 87943 | Gladys Moller Hukko Maru (9)........- 88368 | Juliette (22,23) ...... 88673 | Kohala (7) .....cccsesceee 88774 Burofeld (24)............ 87956 (3,7, 9,10, 11, 20,22) 88203 | Hukoku Maru (/2)...... 88370 | Juncal (18, 19, 22)...... 88667 | Kokai Maru PUVAIGN (2512)! -ceccse eens 87917 | Glamorgan Coast (24) 88233 | Hukuei Maru (14)...... SEg85 7} umn (27) secs. css ceceons 88664 (3800 tons) (21) 88828 Everagra (22) ......... 87952 | Glen Spray (16, 18,19) 88225 | Hukuei Maru No. 2 MPILOL ECGs) onseecacncns 88657 | Kokai Maru Everest (21) ... 87950 | Glenroy (5, 13, 14)...... 88210 (14,16) 88386 | Jiirgen Fritzen (21) ... 88672 (580 tons) (22) 88832 Evertsen (//) 87931 | Glory (14) ............... 88223 | Hukusei Maru (/)...... 88352 | Jutta (28) ¢..c.seeveceens 88668 | Kokkinaki (23) ......... 88836 Ezilda Croce (6,13) ... 87915 | Golly (6,18) ............ 88214 | Hukusima Maru(17,19) 88396 Kokko Maru (8)......... 88785 Goodleigh (9,10) ...... 88206 | Hukuyo Maru (6,7) ... 88366 Kokuyo Maru (18) ... 88817 Governor Wright (16) 88216 | Hulda Mersk (17) ... 88394 OmOK (72); <.ccasvessen 88796 F Goyo Maru (8) ......... 88217 | Husimi Maru K Konan Maru : Grayburn (10, 22) ...... 88205 (10936 tons) (12,18) 88373 (5227 tons) (2,9) 88758 F. A. Verdon (16) ...... 88071 | Guernsey Queen (24)... 88228 | Husimi Maru K. G. Meldahl (8, 20)... 88765 | Konan Maru B.S. Loop (6).....00+00+- 88058 (4936 tons) (14) 88377 | Kaimoku (7) .........00 88776 (1333 tons) (12) 88795 Fana (24) ceseeeecseeeee 88084 Huybrecht (22) ......... 88410 | Kainalu (7)............... 88775 | Koningen Emma Faunus (21,24) .......+. 88079 H Huzan Maru (16) ...... 88389 | Kaipaki (24) ..........-- 88809 (18, 21,24) 88816 Fausto (4, 23,24) ...... 88056 Huzikawa Maru (14)... 88380 | Kaisyo Maru (1,14) ... 88752 |Kookaburra (22) 88806 Fauzon (15) ...... veo 89063 | Hagar (17). .cisersatseess 88397 | Huzisan Maru AANUNTIAI(D) se ccsase ts saens 88787 |KorriganIV (3) .. 88763 Fede (7,22) . ... 88061 | Hagane Maru (J/)...... 88372 (5,6, 13,14) 88363 | Kaizyo Maru (22)...... 88835 | Korshamn (19) ......... 88822 Federlock (3)............ 88054 | Hai Dah (12) ..........0. 88374 Heelsurt i (9) "ae sacasaccesnan 88788 | Kosei Maru (3) ......... 88761 Felania (7,8,9) ......... 88060 | Hai Tung (72)............ 88375 Kamakura Maru Kosin Maru Ferncourt (7,8,14) ... 88059 | Hai Yun (22) ............ 88414 (17,19, 21) 88808 (6530 tons) (8,14) 88762 Fidelitas (20)............ 88077 | Hakkai Maru (13,22) 88376 I Kamikaze Maru No. 2 Kosin Maru Fina (11,15) .........+. 88065 | Hakozaki Maru (22)... 88412 (19) 88824 (5485 tons) (1) 88754 Flamingo (14) ......... 88070 | Hakutetsu Maru No. 11 [buri Maru (3) ......... 88502 | Kanko Maru (7,22) ... 88779 | Kotor (16, 18, 21) ...... 88804 Flevo (14) ....seeeeseees 88068 (19) 88401 | Ida Bakke (5, 72) ...... 88506 | Karibisches Meer Kotu Maru (14)......... 88803 Fook Sing (16) .......-. 88072 | Haleyon (24) ...00.2.... SEA Ta MlanCL ibe wherces rece see 88521 (22, 23,24) 88831 |Kowa Maru (18) ...... 88797 Fortunata onag | allamd (24) .........ee 88418 | Tlenao (18) ........000. 88517 | Karitane (20)..........+. 88800 |Kozyun Maru (1, 23)... 88755 (4786 tons) (8,22) 88062 | Hallfried (21) ......... 88407 | Illinoian (20)..........4 88520 | Karl-Erik (21) ......... 88829 |Kremlin (9) ........000 88786 Portunata Cees Hammonia (4,10) ...... 88362 | Ilona (6,16) .........0.. 88508) | Karpo! (78) ..<:.se.0s.0es 88819 |Kuretake Maru (8) ... 88783 (2715 tons) (24) 88085 | Hannington Court (22) 88398 | Imperatore (14)......... 88514 | Karri (8, 11,15)......... 88759 |Kurosio Maru (20,21) 88827 Fortunstella cad Hannover (20) ......... 88406 | Imperial (18,19,24) ...88510 | Kars (20, 24) .........05- SSS02 Niwa (27) va scccvwcsceces 88793 1 (17, 19,22, 23,24) 88073 | Hans Broge (20) ...... 88405 | Impoco (9,20) ......... 88509 | Kasima Maru (19)...... 88820 |Kuznetz Lesov (4)...... 88766 Foss Beck (3, 10, 23,24) 88053 | Hans Leonhardt (4,8) 88360 | Indian Prince (14) ... 88515 | Kasiwa Maru (16)...... 88807 |Kyle Fisher (19,23,24) 88823 WORE (275 20) ives sassncs 88074 | Hareldawins (17) ...... 88392 | Indigirka (3)............ 88507 | Kassos (24)............... 88838 |Kylebank (16, 17, 19) 88805 Fram (20, 23,24) ...... 88078 | Harm Fritzen (21) ... 88409 | Indragiri (23)............ 88527 | Kaste (18, 19, 20,22)... 88818 |Kyleglen (8,11,13) ... 88784 Franche Comté (19) ... 88075 | Harpefell (11, 15, 20)... 88371 | Inge Mersk (21,24) ... 88522 | Kasyu Maru (1,8) ... 88753 |Kyokuyo Maru (8,9)... 88780 Francine (#1) ......... 88080 | Haskerland (15,17, 18) 88387 | Inharrime (19) ......... 88519 | Katura Maru (@2)...... 88834 |Kyosei Maru (8) ...... 88760

NOTE:—The numbers following the vessels’ names indicate the fortnightly Supplements (issued to Subscribers of un-posted books) in which particulars will be found.


iF No. in No. in No. in No. in No. in Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name. Supp. | Margit (9) ......csccecoss 89086 | Mr. Linthorst Homan Ogmore Castle Polcevera (15, 22)...... 89585 L. P.St. Clair (14,21) 88934 | Maria (4919 tons) (21) 89125 (20, 22) 89112 (15, 16,17) 89467 | Poldhu (18, 19, 22)...... 89576 La Carriere (7, 22)...... 88902 | Maria (1390 tons) (12) 89095 | Mugnone (11,16,18,22) 89093 | Oi Maru (20) ............ 89477 | Polycastle (17, 22) ... 89588 Te MATEO (2) sccccssssces 88901 | Maria Stathatos (9)... 89089 | Munlock (11, 13,18)... 89092 | Oinas (19, 20)............ 89474 | Pomona (3, 8)............ 89553 Lakatoi (3,6)...s.00000 88908 | Marie José (3, 9,17)... 89058 | Muron (8,9, 22)..s..00+6 89060 | Oity (4) veseccsccessseeees 89456 | Port Lyautey (15)...... 89569 Lake Hallwil (6,15,20) 88918 | Marietje Béhmer (19) 89072 | Myogi Maru (17) ...... 89111 | Okuni Maru (23) ...... 89484 | Portadoe (24)..........6. 89599 Lake Neuchatel(11,21) 88929 | Marios (21)...........+++ 89135 | Myohé Maru (20) ...... 89119 | Ole Jacob (16, 21)...... 89471 | Princess Arlene (4) ... 89556 Damone (4) ss .isssscecse 88911 | Mariposa (14,15) ...... 89104 | Myoken Maru (6)...... 89076 | Oleum (21,23) ......... 89479 | Princess Victoria (21) 89596 Lamy (138) ..s00s.-sseee0 88933 | Maristella Myoko Maru (21) ...... 89128 | Olga>(13).........s..s0s00 89466 | Principessa di Languedoe (9, 14)...... 88920 (17, 18, 19, 22,24) 89110 Olivia, (21)! scsd.cccsssee 89480 Piemonte (20) 89591 EBOS (0d \asyacnsacenasceste 88936 | Marit Mersk (6,10,14) 89075 Olopana) (73) Scccesecsece es 89459 | Prins Bernhard (J0) ... 89557 Lasta (5, 6,15, 24)...... 88914 | Maritima (13,14,15,23) 89100 N Omala (S$; 4,19) -..cccr0e 89454 | Prins Willem IT (72) ... 89575 Laura Mersk (24) 88948 | Markay (19) ..........0. 89117 Omlandia (17) ......... 89463 | Prinses Beatrix (21)... 89594 Lavoro (7,20) ..... 3 B8919: i Mars (20); <2..cccccssu. te 89122 | Nankai Maru No.1 (19) 89340 | Ondina (22) ... . 89482 | Prinses Maria-Pia (8) 89567 Le Havre (18, 24) . 88927 |Martand (22).....:0.000. 89127 | Naphtha Onomea (9)......+++ . 89462 | Pugashev (17) ......... 89587 Lech (14,88) .2...csesss 88935 | Mary Livanos Shipper (1, 4)... 89301 | Onsyu Maru (26) ...... 89470 | Puyehue (14, 15,19, 21) 89581 Lena (1735 tons) (18) 88940 (5, 9,10, 20) 89071 | Narocz (18,19,20) ... 89336 | Opalia (3, 17)............ 89453 Lena (350 tons) (6) ... 88916 Marymar (4, 18) eseeee 89102 | Nea Hellas (23)........- 89349 Opsterland (15, tt 18) 89468 Leonard Pearce (5,24) 88905 | Marzocco (28, 10,13) 89056 | Nemours (14)............ 89328 | Orao (1,2,7,14) ...... 89451 Q TiGEtOMIO (ily Ot cceesenss 88903 | Master Elias INGEING (aii giaconcasasane 89311 | Oremar (16, 20) ......... 89469 Levante (22) .........00. 88946 Kulukundis (10,15) 89073 | Nestor (18)............06 89337 | Orizaba (18, 24)......... 89473 | Queen Elizabeth (8)... 89702 Lexa Mersk (16, es 88937 | Matane I. (17,19) ...... SPOOL IN Gti (3 )iscacs-apetes oes 89350 | Oscar Gorthon (22) ... 89483 | Quifienco (6,8, 11,21) 89701 Li Wo (J, 5,6) 88904 | Mathilda Thordén (11) 89053 | New Mathilde (23) ... 89346 | Oscilla (22) ............ 89481 Libra (5)..ccccceeee ..-- 88912 | Matteo Ricci (4) ...... 89066 | Ngakoa (3) ............ 89303 | Osorno (8, 14,18) ...... 89461 TRG (20) iecevesesorvueecece 88915 | Matthew Flinders Nicolai Ejov (8) ...... BOSO7; OSG CEs.) ccack ee bee acee 89485 R Lidvard (11,16)......... 88928 (10, 11, 16, 17) 89077 | Nicolaos D. L. (23) ... 89334 | Ostbornholm (20) oterte GULLS Liisa (20) .....sseseeeeee 88942 | Matue Maru (20) ...... 89121 | Nigerstroom (22) ...... 89330 | Oswaldo Aranha (4)... 89457 | Rabenhaupt (19) ...... 89835 Lika (11,14, 20,21) ... 88930 | Matuei Maru (22) ...... 89140 | Nightingale (23) ...... 89347 | Otina (2,16) ............ 89452 | Radmanso (2,3, 10,21) 89802 Liloa (9) srseceeeeeeeeeeees 88922 | Matukawa Maru (5,22) 89070 | Nike (21) ....-ssseeeeeee 89343 | Otto (19,21) ........000 89475 | Raila (24) .....s000.-00. 89842 Tami (21) vaecesee «+». 88945 | Matuyama Maru (21) 89132 | Nils Sture (19) - 89339 | Ottoland (20,21) ...... 89476 | Raloo (11) .........cee0ee 89816 Littoria (4)........ -- 88910 | Maud (21) ............0+ 89126 | Ninfea (7). . 89320 | Ove Toft (6, 15)..... . 89458 | Ransel (4) ....ccccceceeee 89808 Lochiel (21) 88944 | Maurienne am . 89082 | Nirvo (5,9,16,21,22 123) 89312 | Oyo Maru (12, 13) 89464 | Raune (17) ..........0008 89829 Lodestone (8, 12,22)... 88909 | Maxim Gorki 89142 | Nissan Maru (12,14,22) 89324 Red Jacket (24)......... 89843 Tsoide., (275518). ecose sus 88938 | Mazie (2, 3)...........0000 89057 | Nissen Maru No. 2 a3) 89308 Beat, (7) .csscseyy steneere 89812 WSGICON Che) a seraccracescss 88931 | Medway Coast (21) ... 89134 | Nissin Maru No. 2 (14) 89325 Pp Regensburg (4,13,19) 89807 Loong Hwa (2,5) ...... 88907 | Meiten Maru (8,22)... 89081 | Nisso Maru No.1 (6)... 89315 Reggio Emilia (4)...... 89809 Lorraine (9, 14)......... 88921 | Mellum (16) ............ 89109 | Nisso Muru No.2 (6)... 89316 | Pacific (6) .........s.006 89560 | Regin (21) .........0-+0.6 89839 Los Pozos (17,18,22) 88939 | Mesima Maru (14) ... 89105 | Nissyo Maru Pacifico (10, 16)......... 89570 | Reiher (8) .... . 89814 Liévstad (11,12) ......00 88926 | Meteor (4) .........eeeeee 89065 (10526 tons) (7,22) 89317 | Pagasitikos (24) ...... 89601 | Reinholt (19) . . 89836 Lucellum (19, 21) 88925 | Michalis (21) ............ 89124 | Nissyo Maru Pahang (138, 20)......... SO577 |Reno. (4). ....sse.sececeare 89810 Lucia Boers (22) 88947 | Miltrap (21) ............ 89133 (6500 tons) (23) 89348 | Pan Atlantic (14)...... 89580 | Rezo (28)....2:cc.ccececeee 89820 Luciano (2, 3,19, 23)... 88906 | Mindanao (8,16) ...... 89064 | Nitiai Maru (8,24) ... 89306 | Pan Carolina Richmond Castle Lucrino (6,13,17,21,23) 88917 | Mindemoya (I/)......... 89091 | Nitiei Maru (27) ...... 89335 (6,11, 17,22) 89561 (19, 24) 89817 Lulea (9, 10, 11) ...+.+006 88924 | Minerva (16) ..........+. 89108 | Nitiho Maru (14) ...... 89326 | Pan-Delaware (7)...... BO56S:| Riga (12). )o.5... ce 89825 Lumane (18,23) ...... 88941 | Ming Sang (16,20) ... 89107 | Nitiran Maru (22)...... 89345 | Pan-Georgia (19) ...... 89589 | Rimutaka ThasOs(b) eee cree 88913 | Minos (19) ......s-ceeeeee 89118 | Nitiren Maru (3) ...... 89304 | Pan-Maryland (4,7,8) 89555 (5, 13, 14, 17, 22) 89811 Lutine (9, 23 ..-- 88923 | Minryo Maru (13,23) 89099 | Nitiryu Maru (8,14)... 89305 | Pan-Massachusetts Rio Grande

88943 | Miramar (8, 13)

Lyminge (20 “! e% i Miriam (4, 15, 18, 2:

89061 | Nitiyo Maru (14,15,17) 89329

(13, 14) 89578 (6062 tons) (18, 22) 89831 89103 | Nitiyu Maru (7,22) ... 89318

Pan-New York (1,6)... 89551 | Rio Grande

Mitumine Maru (14)... 89106 | Nittai Maru (14, 20)... 89332 | Pan-Virginia (5696 tons) (22,24) 89841 Mizuho Maru (1,3) ... 89051 | Nittoku Maru (4, 10)... 89313 (7, 15,17, 21) 89564 | Rissyun Maru (18,19) 89833 Mobilfuel (19) ......... 89116 | Njord (14) ....csscccceses 89327 | Panama (14,21) ...... 89584 | Rita (S$, 21)......0.csce-0s 89803 M Mobilube (22) ......... 89138 | Nomadisch (22)......... 89344 | Pananis (2)..........0+00- 89552 | Robert Bornhofen

Moghreb (12, 14,15)... 89096 | Norah Moller (12,18,20) 89323 | Panaro (4) .....ss.se000 89554 (22,23) 89840 Maddalena G. (6,11,19) 89079 | Mohawk (6) ............ 89074 | Norco (6) 89314 | Panevezys (14) 89583 | Robert H. Colley (3,8) 89806 Maebasi Maru (9,16,17) 89087 | Mohlenhof (13) 89097 | Nord-Est 89319 | Paranagua (20,24) ... 89592 | Robur VIII (8, 20)...... 89804 Magallanes (9,11,21) 89084 | Mokambo (16, 22)...... 89085 | Nordbornholm (16,19) 89333 | Pass of Ballater Rockleaze (15) ......... 89827 Magdalene Vinnen Mokihana (/2) ......... 89094 | Norderau (14) ......... 89331 (10, 11, 14,21) 89572 | Rod-el-Farag (8,4) ... 89805 (22, 23) 89139 | Moldova (81) ............ 89129 | Nordmeer (21, 23)...... 89342 | Patria (11,15) ......... 89574 | Rodina (20)........s0.006 89837 Magrix (8) ..ccccsccccsese 89062 | Monserrate (10,18) ... 89090 | Normandy Coast Pauline Friederich(23) 89597 | Roland L.-M. Russ (14) 89826 Mahimahi (7).........00. 89080 | Montanes (3) ............ 89063 (4,7,12) 89310 | Pegasus (21,23) ...... 89593 | Ronin (21) .........0ce0ee 89838 Malabar (7,18,21) ... 89055 | Monte Banderas (22) 89136 | Norness (19, 21, 23, "24) 89341 |Pendrecht (21, 23,24) 89595 ey (11, 1d, 15) ... 89821 Malantic (4,14) ...... 89069 | Monte Bustelo (24) ... 89146 | North Coast (3) .-.. 89302 | Penelopi (15) ... 89586 | Rosedene (18)............ 89832 Manchester Progress Monte Castelo (23) ... 89143 | Notos (18) ...... --- 89338 | Penestin (19) ... 89590 | Rothermere (15,19) ... 89818 (7,14, 20) 89059 | Monte Faro (24) ...... 89145 | Nuria (7).....ccccccsceeees 89321 | Penobscot (5)..........4. 89559 | Roussillon (9, 10, 14)... 89815 Manto (20).......+esseeee 89123 | Monte Iciar (22, 24) ... 89137 | Nyco (3,7) .....cecsseeees 89309 | Perun (23) ............... 89598 | Rowallan Castle (21)... 89823 Manzyu Maru (6) ...... 89078 | Montevideo (23) ...... 89141 | Nydalen (//) ............ 89322 | Peterjo (24). ............ 89600 | Rowanfield (6,10,12 19) 89801

Mar Bianco Moraleda (20) ......... 89120 Petrolite (18).........+++ 89571 | Royal Daffodil (4, 8,12,16,17) 89068 | Mormacmar (18) ...... 89115 Photinia (8,9,15,23) 89565 (16, 20,21) 89828 Marburg (9,14,17,24) 89088 |Mormacrey (18) ...... 89114 0 Phryne (13, 14) ......... 89579 | Rungholt (17) ......... 89830 Marcel (13) .....-c-..s6 89098 | Mormacrio (18) ......... 89113 Piet Hein (//) 89573 | Ryunan Maru (18,22) 89822 Marco Polo (4) 89067 | Mormaesul (14)......... 89101 |O. A. Knudsen (3, 4,7) 89455 | Pinguin (14) ............ 89582 | Ryusyo Maru (7) ...... 89813 Marconi (24) ... ... 89147 | Morska Wola (21)...... 89130 |Oakbranch (7) ......... 89460 |Platin (6) .... ... 89562 | Ryuto Maru (14) ...... 89824 Maremola (8)... . 89083 | Moscardin (21) ......... 89131 |Octane (18)......... Bae GOA Ca | AUMCO) i asascannanae .-. 89558 | Ryuzan Maru (11,20) 89819 Margareta (24) 89144 | Mosfruit (1, 2, 6,13)... 89052 | Odenwald (/2) 89465 | Pohjanmaa (9) 89568 | Ryuzin Maru (19) ...... 89834

NOTE:—The numbers following the vessels’ names indicate the fortnightly Supplements (issued to Subscribers to un-posted books) in which particulars will be found.


Ss No. in No. in No. in No. in Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name. Supp. Name. Silvio Scaroni (24) ... 90098 | Syohei Maru (22) ...... BOOBS: TIN y (88) iisecreccsseues oe 90279 | Venezuela (17, #1)...... 90505 8. T. Kiddoo (9) Sin-i-Maru (23) ......... 90094 | Syoka Maru (14) ...... 90037 | Tirso (4) ...c...ccsseccsees 90213 | Vera Cruz (20) «00... 90515 S. Thome (7,8) .. Sinei Maru No.3 (14). 90029 | Syoryu Maru Tiryo Maru (13,23) ... 90239 | Vest (23)..........cs000e 90520 Saba (23,24) ... Singo Maru (23) ...... 90093 (14, 21,23) 90040 | Titibu Maru (6)......... 90225 | Vestal (20) ........cc0e00 90516 Sado Maru (22) Singu Maru (14) ...... 90031 |Syoten Maru (14,15) 90030 | Tjitjalengka (5,19,22) 90214 | Vestra (21,22) ......... 90518 Sagitta (5,6,9,22,23) 89984 | Sinko Maru Syoyo Maru (83) ...... 90095 | Toa Maru (14) ......... 90248 | Vesuvio (4)........scccees 90503 Sagittaire (J/) ......... 90007 (2560 tons) (17,20) 90054 | Syozan Maru (17)...... 90053 | Toei Maru (18) ......... 90258 | Viator (2,14,21) ...... 90501 Sahel (#1,88) ...:..... 90080 | Sinko Maru Syunko Maru Togo Maru (19) ......... 90260 | Vicko Ferié (22, 23) ... 90519 St. Clair Theriault (72) 90017 (940 tons) (11) 90012 (6781 tons) (2,8) 89958 | Tohuku Maru (18, 14) 90243 | Vido (19,20) .........00. 90514 St. Cuthbert (15, 18)... 90045 | Sinryu Maru (14) ...... 90023 | Syunko Maru Tokai Maru (23) ...... 90285 | Villarrica (14, 21)...... 90509 St. Elwyn (11, #1)...... 89983 | Sinsei Maru No.6 (8) 89995 (4027 tons) (20) 90069 | Tokati Maru (19) ...... 90265 | Virgo (20, 23,24) ...... 90517 Saint Gobain (19,20) 90062 | Sinsyu Maru (14)...... 90024 | Syunsei Maru (20) ... 90073 | TOk6 Maru (16)......... 90255 | Vironia (J/) .........006 90506 St.-Cergue (19, 20)...... 90060 | Sinto Maru No.1 (20) 90074 | Syuntai Maru (20) ... 90072 | Torinia (23) ............ 90286 | Vitorlock (8, 10,12) ... 90504 Saint-Yves (#1)......... 90077 | Sint Maru No.2 (17) 90049 | Syunten Maru (17) ... 90052 | Tormes (8) ............... 90228 | Viva (3,15) .......c000 90502 Saintonge (19,22,23) 90066 | Sintohoku Maru (14)... 90032 orrens (£1, 2£).2...:c0-9OBTS | VOWL (14)! | ssicsescascheve 90510 Sakae Maru (f)......... Sinyu Maru (18) ...... 90018 Tosan Maru (14) ...... 90247 | Voluntas (12, 16, 22)... 90507 Sakhalin (11).........00+ Siranger: (23) ......0..084 90097 Trabzon (22) .........0.. 90283 Sakito Maru (17) Sirol (SALL